However, the old man Garp is still on the sidelines, lest the world will not be chaotic.

He pinched his nostril with a little finger and said, "Boy Mo Sen, based on what I know about the Warring States Period, he must have been thinking about some plot against you just now.

This guy from the Warring States Period has always been sleazy since he was a child. The old man has been tricked by him and counted money for him, but he still looks upright on the surface. I don’t know how many people have been deceived. You must not be fooled by him Cheated. "

During the Warring States period, these two old and young bastards sang and sang, one Buddha came out of his body, two Buddhas ascended to heaven, and three Buddhas' coffin boards were lifted!

He became angry with embarrassment, and directly resorted to his unique trick, the dragon roared: "Karp!! Mosen!! You two bastards, get out of here and go to your own office, don't be an eyesore to me!"

The entire Marin Fando was shaken three times by the sound.

Now, even those who didn't know about Mo Sen's return knew about it.

Everyone knows that there are only Garp and Mosen in the headquarters who can make Warring States use their unique skills.

"Cough...don't be so irritable, Marshal of the Warring States Period, he is still so angry at such an advanced age." Mo Sen quickly admitted that he still needs approval from the Warring States Period.

Seeing his appearance, Zhan Guo knew that he had something to do, so he said angrily: "Tell me if you have something to do, I don't guarantee that I will agree."

"Don't, don't."

There were soldiers packing up their things, and Mo Sen followed Zhan Guo to his desk: "This is a good thing for the navy. If you disagree, isn't this a blow to people's enthusiasm!"

Mo Sen quickly revealed his thoughts about Caesar Courant going to his battleship.

Zhan Guo sat back in his seat, stroked his braided beard with one hand, and was thinking about the feasibility of this matter.

In fact, it’s not a big problem, even the government of the Pirate World can create a King Shichibukai, not to mention that Caesar Courant is a scientific researcher with wrong naval science.

"Huh, this is a good thing for you... But you have to make sure that nothing will happen to Caesar Courant."

"I promise, don't you trust me?" Mo Sen hurriedly patted his chest.

It's you who don't worry!

As if he understood Zhan Guo's thoughts, Mo Sen continued: "Really, don't worry, I'm training now... Ah bah, I'm taking care of him. After training, he must be honest and dare not do anything out of line."

"If he is disobedient, I will kill him!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

There are actually a lot of things to do at work. Even if Mo Sen is not in charge, he still has a lot of miscellaneous tasks, so when he finished processing the report, it was already an hour and a half after he left the Warring States Office.

This is because there are a lot of tasks for Ai En to do, otherwise the various tasks accumulated in G7 over the years and the various issues that he will be stationed in the headquarters will probably take an afternoon.

Fortunately, after this is done, you can relax for a while.

Yes, Mawson directly applied for an unlimited leave to compensate for his busy four years.

Of course, after he sent Doflamingo and his party to prison.

Of course, there must be a beginning and an end in doing things.

Mo Sen returned to the battleship, and the ship took the triangular current directly to the deep sea prison.

Inside the prison.

Doflamingo looked at Mo Sen who appeared in front of him and hadn't spoken yet. Caesar in the prison beside him had already cried bitterly and ran to the prison door.

"General Mo Sen, Boss Mo Sen, Master Mo Sen, get this guy away quickly, or change me to another place, I really can't stand this bastard."

Caesar's eyes were red and swollen, and the surrounding area turned into panda black, as if painted with smoky makeup.

His short purple hair has completely turned into a chicken coop, as if he hasn't slept in several years.

"You just need to get this guy away and let me do anything, I'm willing to do anything."

Caesar Courant, who was just over three meters tall, was crying like a 6-year-old and 360-month-old child.

Cavendish was a little embarrassed. To be precise, the matter had little to do with him. It was all caused by the person in his body, but who made the two of them the same person.

Now it's like what's wrong with this ugly guy.

Mo Sen showed a smile. In the eyes of Caesar Courant, he was like an angel at this moment.

Then his heart quickly fell into the abyss.

"Oh, no!"

Caesar Courant squatted on the ground all of a sudden, lost focus of his eyes, and fell into a state of collapse.

He swears that he has never seen such a devil. This naval legend is simply a devil.


The change of Mosen's voice rekindled a glimmer of hope for Caesar Courant.

"It's not that there is no solution. Maybe no one told you that the place we stopped just now is the port of Marin Fando, and the next stop is the deep sea prison. You will be separated there. How are you happy?"

Caesar is like a bucket of ice water pouring over his head after finally warming up in winter.

"The devil... you are a devil!"

Caesar Courant's eyes were blank, and he murmured unconsciously.

Mawson no longer teased Caesar, he didn't want to turn the ship's free modifier and artificial engine into a fool.

For him, although Caesar's fruit ability is important, the most important thing is his brain.

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