The baby got a little anxious after being ridiculed by several people, and stomped his feet, "You guys! This is Xiaoxian's idea, it must be better than yours! Hmph!"

Deng Chao, Wang Baoqiang and others had such expressions on their faces.

"Oh, I see, what Xiaoxian thinks is definitely the best!"

"Yes, there is a saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder!"

"What's in Xi Shi's eyes?"

"Eye poo!"

"Wa hahaha!"

The baby was teased by several people, her pretty face flushed with embarrassment, and she pulled Zeng Xiaoxian's arm, "Xiaoxian, look at them!"

Deng Chao and the others worked even harder, "Haha, the baby has filed a complaint!"

Zeng Xiaoxian finished the wheels of the ship, and then finished the shaft connecting the two wheels, and smiled calmly, "As the saying goes, it's not tiring to work with a man and a woman!" Then he hugged the baby's slender waist, with a superior look on his face Looking at a few people with emotion, "Are you tired?".

178. Baoqiang was scared to pee (Second update, please subscribe!!)

Deng Chao and the others almost lost their noses. There is only one beautiful woman in the running men's team. She rushed to form a team with you and asked us if we were tired. You mean it!

Wang Baoqiang said: "Hey, now you are not tired from working with men and women, and you will be exhausted when you row the boat later!"

Li Cheng and the others also booed.

"That's right, look at the baby's slender arms and legs, he will lose his strength after a few strokes, and then it will all depend on you, Xiaoxian, ah!"

"Hey, when the time comes, I'll let you know why flowers are so popular!"

Zeng Xiaoxian didn't take it seriously at all, and raised the wheel in his hand, "It takes brains to do things, not brute force. When you get into the water later, you- just wait and cry!"

Seeing Deng Chao and the others being scolded by Zeng Xiaoxian, the baby vented her anger, and very cooperatively took out a white towel to help Zeng Xiaoxian wipe off his sweat, making Deng Chao and the others burst into envy and hatred.

Two hours later, the boats of the three teams had all been built.

Zheng Kai and Wang Baoqiang leaned against the strangely shaped boat behind them, and flaunted to the photographer's lens: "The boat behind us is very advanced. It is the latest scientific research achievement of our brother's shipyard. He also has a domineering Name—Spaceship!"


Even the photographer couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

Nima, this is a spaceship, and a space paper ship is almost the same!

Wang Baoqiang held up a three-corner flag made of cardboard, "See, because one of our two brothers is surnamed Wang and the other is surnamed Zheng, so this ship is called Zheng Wang!"

baby: "Killed? Isn't that a bad name?"

Zeng Xiaoxian: "They are all killed in battle, what are you doing!"

Wang Baoqiang looked confused, and looked at his small flag, Nima was really like that, didn't the pronunciation sound like "killed in battle"!

Zheng Kai was also taken seriously by Wang Baoqiang, "Baoqiang, next time you choose a name, think about it first!"

Deng Chao and the others just laughed and said, "I said this name sounds weird, so you have already been killed! Let's see ours! We are Xunba! Doesn't it sound very domineering!"


"Not ordinary vulgar!"

"To sum it up in one word, vulgar!"

Li Cheng: "We don't look at the advertisements to see the curative effect!"

Next it was baby and Zeng Xiaoxian's turn, and baby also made a small flag with a cute drawing on it, the head of a kitten and a kitten, half of which were badly drawn and half of which were well drawn.Of course, the rotten part is the baby and the good part is Zeng Xiaoxian's handwriting, and there are three words written under the small flag-Baby Xian.

The baby pointed the small flag at the camera, and took a big close-up, "Look at our small flag, isn't it cute? Our ship is called Xian Baobao, because my baby translates into Chinese means baby, and then take the small flag The last word of Xian becomes Baby Xian, I chose the name, does it sound good?"

The other members of the men's running team shivered unconsciously.

"Baby Xian? How does this name sound so goosebumps can't help but fall down!"

"I said baby, you guys are going on a honeymoon, Huanxian baby!"

"What I don't understand is why your robot cat has a yin and yang face?"

"You all go to hell!" Baby stared back at the few people who were making jokes.

The program team rented a large local truck, and transported the results of a morning's hard work to a small strait on Jeju Island. When they got there, Wang Baoqiang began to retreat again.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

"Director, I'm going to the bathroom."

"There's a lot of shit and urine on the lazy donkey, go!"

Everyone waited and waited on the beach, waited and waited, but Wang Baoqiang still didn't come out.

"What's wrong with Baoqiang, won't he fall into the toilet?" Zheng Kai, who was on the same team as Wang Baoqiang, was in a hurry. He was on the same team as Wang Baoqiang. Now that his teammates are gone, he will also suffer a tragedy.

Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile: "It probably won't fall into the toilet, it should have passed out from crying in the toilet!"

Deng Chao suddenly realized, "I just remembered, this guy said he can't swim, he must have peed in shock when he saw the bottomless sea water in front of him!"


Director Lu Hao was furious, this guy still claimed to be a Shaolin disciple, shouted with a loudspeaker: "Deng Chao, Xiaoxian, you guys go to the men's room, and bring Baoqiang to me!"

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