Several male members of the men's running team happily came to the men's room, and pulled out Wang Baoqiang, who had not pulled up his pants, without any explanation. Li Cheng, the black cow, bent down and carried him on his shoulders before running out.

This really frightened Wang Baoqiang, and howled like a pig on Li Cheng's shoulder!

"Ah, ah, help, I haven't pulled up my pants yet!"

When they came to the beach, the director Lu Hao stared like a bull's eyes, "Baoqiang, what's the matter with you, why did you lose the chain at a critical moment?"

Wang Baoqiang: "Director, you know, I can't swim, look at who is blue here, it must be very deep, what will I do if I fall?"

"There are life jackets and lifeboats to follow, what are you afraid of?"

"But I'm still afraid!"

"Okay, come on, find a rope and tie Baoqiang to it!"

With a big wave of Lu Hao's hand, Wang Baoqiang peed in fright, tears streaming down his face, "Director, why don't I go!".

179. What You Are Afraid of (First Update, Please Subscribe!!)

Putting on the life jackets, everyone began to lift the paper boat into the water. Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes moved, "Come on, let's lift Baoqiang and Zheng Kai's King Zheng into the water first."

Deng Chao also booed, "That's right, let's see how the King Zheng was killed!"

"Tch, didn't you see that there is a No. 1 behind us? Our boat is here to take the first place, okay?" Wang Baoqiang and Zheng Kai looked disdainful. They are confident in their design, but wait for the two to sit in , Dumbfounded, the strings of this boat are too high, sitting in the boat with oars can't reach the water at all!

"Hey, what's going on?"

"The director changed the oars to longer oars!"

Director Lu Hao: "The length of the oars of your three teams is uniformly this long, and they cannot be changed!"


The other 16 and the other two teams burst out laughing.

Li Cheng: "Bao Qiang, you guys are serious, you know you will be the first to die, so why are you no 1?"

Baby: "Hahaha, Baoqiang and Zheng Kai are so pitiful, but they deserve it!"

Zeng Xiaoxian touched his nose and said, "You should understand that the most important thing about a boat is not only its buoyancy, but also its power!"

Wang Baoqiang and Zheng Kai were taken aback for a moment, Nima really is!They have been thinking about how to make the ship full of buoyancy just now, but they have never considered the issue of power.

Wang Baoqiang looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with grief and indignation: "Xiaoxian, why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Hey, how could I be worthy of your 'death no1'?"

Wang Baoqiang and Zheng Kai wanted to cry but had no tears, "Xiaoxian, you are so black-bellied!"

The remaining paper boats of Deng Chao's team and Zeng Xiaoxian's team were successfully launched and floated on the water.

"Wow, it's all floating on the water, so happy!" The baby clapped his little hands, his pretty face flushed with excitement.

The three members of Deng Chao's team boarded the boat first, and seeing that their own team's boat was still floating steadily on the water, they began to chatter again, "Xiaoxian, do you see that our boat is still floating on the water with three people on it? Because our boat is a boat with bones!"

The baby pouted, "What's the big deal, our boat is still a boat with wheels!"

"I think it's against the law for you to install two windmills on the ship's side, okay?"

"I repeat, this is the wheel!"

"Okay, pinwheel wheels."


"Baby, this guy likes to play tricks, let's ignore him!" Zeng Xiaoxian pulled the baby's tender little hand and got on the boat.

Li Cheng was also not optimistic about Zeng Xiaoxian's boat, and said in a twitch: "Baoqiang's team is the last one. We are two teams. In order to carry forward the fine tradition of women first, we decided to let you three seconds!"

"You are willing to give up for three seconds, if you want to give up, just give up for three minutes!"

"Are you kidding me? Our total time is only seven minutes. Let you play a fart in three minutes!"

The "Xian Baobao" was launched, and Zeng Xiaoxian and the baby each grabbed a handle, shook it lightly, and the boat rushed out.

Li Cheng, who was spitting stars, was stunned for a moment, "Did I read it right just now?"

Lin Gengxing looked dumbfounded, "That's right, they are so fast!"

Deng Chao was furious, "Why are you two in a daze, hurry up!" The two of them came to their senses, grabbed the oars and rowed fiercely.

Wang Baoqiang looked at the two fast boats in front of him on the water, and looked at his own broken thing that only knew how to spin around in place, with a helpless expression on his face: "It's the same boat, why is there such a big gap?"

Zheng Kai stretched his entire arm out of the side of the boat, and the oars could barely reach the water surface. Seeing Wang Baoqiang sigh, he patted him on the shoulder, "Baoqiang, don't be discouraged, we can fail, but we can't give up!"

Wang Baoqiang's spirit lifted, and he suddenly remembered that the TV series "Soldier Assault" he starred in advocated not to abandon and not to give up!My heart was filled with energy!

"Zheng Kai, you are so right. If we don't give up or give up, we must row this boat to the end!" Then he stretched his arms and tried to reach the oars into the water.

"Eh? Eh? Plop!"

Zheng Kai turned his head, "Where's Baoqiang?" At this moment, he heard the director Lu Hao yell anxiously, "Ah! Baoqiang 603 has fallen into the water, save him!"

Zheng Kai was speechless, he was really afraid of something, Baoqiang was most afraid of water, and he was the first to fall into the water!He stretched out the paddle and shouted, "Bao Qiang, grab the paddle!"

Although Wang Baoqiang is wearing a life jacket, he can't swim after all. He has an instinctive sense of fear for the deep water. When he falls into the water, he throws his hands wildly. Such a tug, and the next moment, a tragedy happened. Because Zheng Kai was standing on the side of the boat and was pulled by Wang Baoqiang, the whole hull seriously lost its balance and capsized directly.


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