"Uh... the company I work for happens to be on vacation today!"

"Oh, what a coincidence! We all got together!" Zeng Xiaoxian looked disbelieving.

At this time, Andy came up, smiled and stretched out his hand, "Hello, I'm Zeng Xiaoxian's friend, Andy.".

240. The Subtle Hu Yifei (Seventh Update, Please Subscribe!!)

Seeing Andy taking the initiative to kiss and say hello, Chen Meijia immediately pushed Hu Yifei out, and said with a smile on her face, "I would like to introduce to you, this is Mr. Zeng's real girlfriend, Hu Yifei!" My sister seems to have a lot of rivals in love this time. If I knew this, it would be better if the fat and water don’t flow to outsiders. Let the sisters in our love apartment taste the sweetness of Teacher Zeng first!

But Andy is an executive of a big company after all, so she won't get angry easily, she smiled lightly, and shook hands with Hu Yifei.

Of course Zeng Xiaoxian didn't want to see any estrangement between the girls, after all, they might live under the same roof in the future.

He stepped forward and said softly, "Yifei, how are you doing these days?"

Although Yifei is a well-known Leo gold saint in the love apartment, since she was conquered by Zeng Xiaoxian, she already has a fatal weakness. Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian caring about her, she immediately has the urge to shed tears.

Miaomu gave Zeng Xiaoxian a blank look, and said in a somewhat resentful tone: "You have the nerve to say that you have been away for such a long time, and you only made a few phone calls back!"

Zeng Xiaoxian blushed. To be honest, Hu Yifei was neglected by the crew during this time, and he apologized: "I'm sorry, Yifei, I was too busy on the crew to call you. .”

However, Hu Yifei obviously didn't believe his words, and looked at Tang Youyou and Xiong Dailin indifferently, "I think you are not busy filming, but you are busy picking up girls?"

Tang Youyou trembled in her heart, why did Sister Yifei look at me?Does she know about my relationship with Xiaoxian?No, no one should have told him?

In fact, Tang Youyou doesn't know that women's sixth sense is very accurate, especially between men and women who are still in love, as long as there is something strange, they can be very keen to find clues.

Like Tang Youyou came back this time, the whole person was obviously different from the inside to the outside, and from time to time, that light look looked at Zeng Xiaoxian, which was full of love. If she didn't have that kind of relationship with Zeng Xiaoxian, she Hu Yifei was won't believe it.

But for some reason, seeing Zeng Xiaoxian's pink corps entering the love apartment today, Hu Yifei's original uneasy mood was relieved, and the whole person became more at ease and at ease.

Although she was with Zeng Xiaoxian before, she knew that such an excellent person as Zeng Xiaoxian would not be liked by girls, and would not even lack women around him, not to mention the women outside, even the sisters in the love apartment. He has no idea, but because of Hu Yifei's face, he can suppress his emotions.

And Hu Yifei has always had a feeling in her heart that Zeng Xiaoxian should already have a woman outside Mina, but out of self-esteem she always comforts herself, it is all her own illusion, in fact Zeng Xiaoxian should be the only woman.

However, today, when a woman outside Zeng Xiaoxian's family walked into the love apartment, Hu Yifei's feelings were very strange. She didn't have the expected anger, and she didn't feel like breaking up with Zeng Xiaoxian, just a little resentment, which is also human nature After all, no woman is dizzy from the bottom of her heart to share her man with others. If she does this, it is more or less out of some kind of accommodating and helpless.

"Hello, are you all here? It just so happens that I have prepared a grand swimming pool paty for you all, shall we go together? ¨々?"

At some point, Lu Ziqiao appeared behind everyone, and with him came a fat young man, very easy-going, with a mustache, and greeted everyone warmly: "Hi everyone, I am from Paty Company, and I am very honored to be able to serve you~"

Lu Zhanbo and Guan Gu were a little dumbfounded. It's only been an hour since Lu Ziqiao went to prepare the paty, and everything has been settled?

"Zi Qiao, you are not fooling us, are you?"

Lu Ziqiao smiled contemptuously, "You don't understand this, the current paty can be very fast, as long as you have a shaman!"

"Shaman? Don't say you can summon!"

Guan Gu Miracle is a fan of comics, and at this time he has clearly entered the second dimension.

At this time, Zeng Xiaoxian also saw Lu Ziqiao, and he quickly thought of waving here. It is obviously not the time to talk about such a heavy topic with Hu Yifei. It is better to come to a party to let everyone relax, have fun, and get to know his mentor. Maybe Hu Yifei is now with Hu Yifei. Andy was at odds, but after a paty, everything changed?

". Zi Qiao, is your paty ready?"

"Of course!" Lu Ziqiao was full of confidence, and praised himself: "Not only did it work, but I took the initiative to set up a swimming pool party. Think about it, when the pool is full of handsome men and women, everyone will be wearing bikinis and holding them in their hands. It’s a great scene to talk about life over a cocktail!”

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you. Everyone must be mobilized, you know?" Zeng Xiaoxian directly became the shopkeeper.

Lu Ziqiao is a smart person, so no one knows Zeng Xiaoxian's intentions. For the sake of the remaining [-] yuan, of course he will sell [-] cents of his strength to help Zeng Xiaoxian achieve good things.

"Prestige beauties, tonight our love apartment (Zhao Qianzhao) held a grand swimming pool party, can you come here for the honor?"

Lu Ziqiao went to Andy and Qu Xiaoxiao first, because they both looked old and rich. Although he didn't dare to touch Zeng Xiaoxian's women, he couldn't guarantee that he would be able to introduce one or two rich and beautiful women to him in the future. ?As long as Lu Ziqiao embraces the big golden legs of a rich woman, he will enjoy delicious food and drink spicy food for the rest of his life, and he will no longer have to work hard to sell his miraculous power pills.

Compared with Andy, Qu Xiaoxiao often went to places like bars, patty, etc. He hadn't heard of swimming pool patty at that time, so he nodded happily: "Okay, Andy and I will come back by then. of!"

"Why are you representing me?" Andy is a very conservative person, and originally wanted to refuse, but Qu Xiaoxiao directly helped her sign up. .

241. Fertility and water don't flow to outsiders' fields (first update, please subscribe!!)

Qu Xiaoxiao blinked, and waited for Lu Ziqiao to walk over before putting her mouth in front of Andy's ear and said, "Andy, haven't you noticed that the girls in this place can be roughly divided into three waves, and the first wave is the love apartment. The three people who live there are the other two who just got off the plane, and the last wave is you and me. Everyone else is participating in the party organized by Zeng Xiaoxian. If you don’t participate, then both of us will be killed contemptuous."

Andy thought about it, and it seemed that what Qu Xiaoxiao said had some truth, so he nodded and said, "Then you can help me choose a more conservative swimsuit later."

"Farewell!" Qu Xiaoxiao promised.

Lu Ziqiao walked past Andy, and then came to Tang Youyou and Xiong Dailin, "You two beauties, you must come to the swimsuit party tonight. I believe you will become the stars of the party tonight."

Tang Youyou stared at her phoenix eyes, "Nephew, who told you to call me a beauty, but my aunt!"

Xiong Dailin almost laughed out loud, "Yuyou, what's the situation, you..."

Lu Ziqiao felt very embarrassed, and said with embarrassment: "Actually, she is only one year older than me. It was an accident of my grandpa and grandma!"

"You...see that I don't know how to serve~!"

As Tang Youyou said, she was about to go up and pull her ears, scaring Lu Ziqiao so much that she ran away, yelling as she ran, "Little aunt, you must come, otherwise I will tell grandpa and grandma that you are a mistress."

Tang Youyou chased Lu Ziqiao all the way to Hu Yifei. When she saw Hu Yifei looking at her, she was terrified and wanted to go back immediately.


Hu Yifei stopped her.

"Ah, Miss Yifei, how are you?"

After Tang Youyou finished speaking, she wanted to get out of the way immediately, but Hu Yifei grabbed her arm, and Chen Meijia and Lin Wanyu also surrounded her.

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