Chen Meijia said: "Yuyou, what do you mean? Why did you forget us roommates as soon as you came back?"

Lin Wanyu also said: "Yuyou, tell me honestly, did you do something to offend Yifei?"

Tang Youyou was stared at by her good roommates in the past, and she felt both uncomfortable and afraid. After all, when she was down and down, everyone treated her very well, and Hu Yifei even helped her out.

"Sister Yifei, I was wrong, I'm sorry." Tang Youyou took a deep breath, and finally decided to confess this matter to Hu Yifei.

Hu Yifei still looked at her so firmly.

Tang Youyou said in a low voice: "When I was on the set, something that shouldn't have happened with Mr. Zeng."

"Something that shouldn't have happened?" Chen Meijia and Lin Wanyu said in surprise in unison: "What shouldn't have happened?"

"I... I went to bed with Teacher Zeng."

"Ah, you actually committed a crime of lust!" Chen Meijia felt sour in her heart, but she bluffed to cover up the thoughts in her heart.

Lin Wanyu pushed her, "Meijia, when did you enter the Shaolin Temple or the Nunnery? Why did lust and caution come out?" After finishing speaking, Lin Wanyu also looked at Tang Youyou sourly, "Yuyou, I'm so sorry for doing this Yifei, I’m sorry for Meijia and me!”

Now even Hu Yifei was confused, "I'm sorry, I can understand, but I'm sorry, what's going on with you two? Could it be that you also..."

Chen Meijia and Lin Wanyu quickly shook their heads like rattles.

"Yifei, where are you going? I mean, Mijia and I are still single. Originally, it was me, Mijia and Yoyo. The three of us were bachelors, but now Yoyo has left the single, only (bgda) Mika and I are left alone, how lonely we are!" Lin Wanyu quickly explained.

Chen Meijia let out a long sigh of relief, and she also wondered that although she had a small heart in her heart, she never put it into practice.

Hearing this, Hu Yifei suddenly laughed, "It's easy for you two to get out of the singles so much. As long as Xiaoxian is willing, you can get out of the singles!"

Chen Meijia and Lin Wanyu thought that Hu Yifei was hurting them, and they were too scared to answer, and Tang Youyou also blushed.

Seeing this, Hu Yifei knew that several people misunderstood what she meant, and said: "Where are you going? Don't let the fat water flow into the fields of outsiders, let your sisters go, and everyone will take care of each other in the future."

The mouths of Chen Meijia, Lin Wanyu, and Tang Youyou were almost ready to stuff a duck egg.

Chen Meijia said, "Yifei, this is not good, is it?"

Lin Wanyu also said: "Yes, Yifei, this scale seems a bit big!"

"Oh, if you disagree, forget it." Hu Yifei shrugged.

"No, no, no, we didn't say we disagreed." Chen Meijia and Lin Wanyu were anxious, and quickly denied it with one voice.But after they finished speaking, both of them lowered their heads in embarrassment.

Hu Yifei was very calm, "Come on, don't be coy, it's not a shame to pursue what you love!" Then she looked at Tang Youyou again, "Yuyou, your friend named Xiaoxiong Why don't you introduce us sisters?"

Tang Youyou was overjoyed immediately, "Yifei, did you forgive me?"

"My dear sisters, as long as you are willing to confess to me, we will still be good sisters." Hu Yifei said generously: "Besides, as I said just now, anyway, I can't stand Xiaoxian alone, so it's better to be with myself. Let’s share it with my good sisters, so the fat and water won’t flow into the field of outsiders!”

When Tang Youyou heard this, she was so moved that she didn't want to. The only thing she didn't dare to face Hu Yifei was that she was afraid that the relationship between the two would be over because of Zeng Xiaoxian. Now Hu Yifei said that this matter would not affect them. How could she be unhappy about her sisterhood?

"Sister Yifei, then I'll call the little bear over now." After speaking, Tang Youyou left with firecrackers, and after a while, he pulled Xiong Dailin over.

"Let me introduce to you. These are my roommates, Yifei, Meijia, and Wanyu. This is my best friend Xiong Dailin."

"Hello!" Hu Yifei's aura was very strong, which made Xiong Dailin a little nervous, so she took the initiative to say hello to Hu Yifei. .

242. Get Together (Second Update, Please Subscribe!!)

Hu Yifei stretched out her hand and shook Xiong Dailin, "Hello, you have a great figure."

Hearing this, Xiong Dailin began to relax, "Thank you, you have a good figure. I used to hear Xiaoxian mention you often."

Hu Yifei's eyes lit up, "That bastard Xiaoxian really mentioned me to you?"

"Really, Xiaoxian also said that he felt a little guilty for not being able to accompany you well." Xiong Dailin still had some skills, and a few words made Hu Yifei happy.

At this time, Andy and Qu Xiaoxiao, who were standing not far away, saw that the two waves had merged into one, and Qu Xiaoxiao became anxious.

"Sister Andy, what should we do, the two waves of them are already going to partner, and then we will be alone and alone, why don't we call Guan Ju'er and the others from Ode to Joy community?"

Andy rolled his eyes at him, "Thank you for thinking it out, if we call them here, wouldn't it be that we openly want to challenge them? This will only make things more and more complicated, I'm afraid Xiaoxian is not willing to Did you see this happen?"

As she spoke, she looked at Zeng Xiaoxian in the distance.

16 Zeng Xiaoxian was chatting with Guan Gu Miracle and Lu Zhanbo at this time, but he glanced here from the corner of his eye. The reason why he brought these girlfriends to the iPartment was to let them meet and see Look at the limelight and fire, so that we can decide what measures to take in the future.Of course, if they can become friends, that's what he wants to see most.

Seeing that Xiong Dailin, Tang Youyou and Hu Yifei took the initiative to contact each other, and the two parties seemed to be getting along well now, the corners of Zeng Xiaoxian's mouth unconsciously curled up with a hint of satisfaction.

After all, Andy has been in the workplace for so many years. What kind of people haven't seen in these years?The so-called observation of words and expressions has been practiced perfectly.Seeing the smile on the corner of Zeng Xiaoxian's mouth, Andy already understood what he was thinking.

She said: "Xiaoxiao, let's also get in touch with Hu Yifei, after all, the relationship between them is the longest."

"Ah?" Qu Xiaoxiao was a little bit apologetic for Andy, "Andy, why is she a big wife? Look at you, among us women, you are as good as any of them in terms of appearance, and you are afraid that you are in terms of talent. You are stronger than any of them, and in terms of ability, you are also much stronger than them. If you want to rank us, I think only you are worthy of being the big house."

Andy stretched out his hand and patted Qu Xiaoxiao's little head lightly, "Don't think that I don't know what's going on in your little head, that I want to provoke me to fight with Zeng Xiaoxian and others, and then tie me up with you Together?"

"How can I?" Qu Xiaoxiao blushed and lowered her head when Andy punctured the thoughts in her heart.

As Andy said, among all Zeng Xiaoxian's girlfriends, only Qu Xiaoxiao has the least sense of existence. After all, it was Qu Xiaoxiao who caused Zeng Xiaoxian to cook raw rice with medicine. It can be said that her girlfriend is the least legitimate. Sexually, if one day everyone knows the truth and is likely to despise her, then she will be isolated by Zeng Xiaoxian's harem group.

In order to prevent this situation from happening, the best way is to let Zeng Xiaoxian's harem group have infighting and divide them into two camps. In this way, she, Qu Xiaoxiao, can firmly hug Andy's thigh. Zeng Xiaoxian is not allowed to expel Qu Xiaoxiao from the harem regiment, in this way, it will be safe for Qu Xiaoxiao to get a seat in the harem.

However, the reason why she did this was because she was forced to do so. Although Andy was quite disgusted with this point, he also knew Qu Xiaoxiao's difficulties, so naturally he would not argue with her, he pulled her little hand, and said, "Come with me. "

"Sister Yifei, I have admired you for a long time!"

Hu Yifei was chatting with Xiong Dailin, when suddenly a sweet female voice came, and Qu Xiaoxiao was wearing a short yellow skirt, running over like a butterfly, holding Hu Yifei's hand as soon as she came up, shaking Non-stop, a very familiar look.

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