However, he has been holding back all this time, hoping to find more value from Zeng Xiaoxian, but now, the value has come!

Suppressing the excitement in his heart, he pretended not to care and asked: "The artist Zeng Xiaoxian doesn't seem to be very valuable at the moment. Do you know the name of that female artist?"

"I checked, and the female artist's name is Ouyang Nana!"

"Ouyang Nana?"

Zhuo Wei thought for a while, and found that he had never heard the name of this female artist, "Made, you are worthless, you are not worth a lot of money, the male artist has just emerged, and the female artist has no name in the entertainment industry at all. , for the sake of our friendship, I will give you five hundred at most!"

"Come on, brother Zhuo, I still have something to say!" Li Long became anxious when he heard that, he drank northwest wind downstairs all night, how could he get a few hundred dollars?

As a new paparazzi, although he doesn't know Zeng Xiaoxian's potential and value, he knows the value of Liu Bing, a famous domestic director, and said with a smile: "Brother Zhuo, according to the news I got, these two will be in Liu Bing Director Bing will play an important role in the next new play!".

283. Gray Transactions (Second Update, Please Subscribe!!)

Hearing this, Zhuo Wei smiled slightly in his heart, thinking that this kid is not bad, maybe he will have a future in the future, he said: "Then you bring the things to me first, I have to see if it is valuable before deciding what price to offer .”

"Hey, I'm going over now."

An hour later, Li Long came over with the photo he had stolen. After some haggling, Zhuo Wei finally bought it at a price of [-] yuan.

After Li Long left, he immediately called Su Mang, editor-in-chief of "New Entertainment".

"Hello, Ms. Su Mang? I'm Zhuo Wei, that's right, there's one thing I don't know if you'll buy it or not, it's about the new and potential artist Zeng Xiaoxian!"

"May [-]"

Su Mang just called Zhuowei in the morning and expressed his willingness to cooperate in the future.She also has no choice but to start from scratch and make "New Entertainment" the largest entertainment weekly magazine in the country. However, in the past two years, other entertainment weekly magazines have taken advantage of the privacy of some stars dug out by the paparazzi, and their sales have increased greatly. It is very likely that they will catch up with her. The momentum of "New Entertainment".

This made her have to prepare.

But what she didn't expect was that after only two hours had passed, Zhuo Wei had a new revelation. After answering Zhuo Wei's call, she hurried out of the office.

Half an hour later, Su Mang appeared in Zhuo Wei's hotel room.

"Zhuowei, where's your material, let me take a look first?"

Zhuo Wei was not in a hurry at all, and shook half a glass of red wine in his hand, "Sister Su, don't worry, I want to ask about Zeng Xiaoxian, how much money can you pay for the new entertainment?"

"Well, although Zeng Xiaoxian is a newcomer in the entertainment industry and has great potential, newcomers are newcomers after all. Don't you all have a clearly marked price in your industry? The maximum price for a newcomer is no more than [-]. I came here with sincerity, and I will give you [-] yuan, what do you think?"

Su Mang can be said to be a well-known figure in the fashion and entertainment circles. Her two magazines, New Entertainment and New Fashion, are also the two magazines with the highest sales in the entertainment and fashion industries. She doesn't know much about the news in the entertainment circle. A rookie like Li Long can compare.

She knew that the newcomer Zeng Xiaoxian would have a bright future, so even if she paid [-] yuan to buy Zhuowei, she was sure that she would make a solid profit without losing money.

However, what she didn't know was that Zhuo Wei had been in the entertainment industry for so long, and he was even better than Su Mang, who was at the helm of "New Entertainment", in terms of scouting gossip.

He smiled amusedly, "Sister Su's price seems a bit low. If it's just this kind of sincerity, then please come back, Sister Su? You don't need to look at the photos."

Su Mang felt a little angry about Zhuo Wei's lack of face, but she couldn't express it at this juncture, so she suppressed the anger in her heart, "Then how much do you want?"

Zhuo Wei smiled and raised a finger, "One million!"

"One million? Why don't you go grab it?" Su Mang was a little angry, did Zhuo Wei really think he was the little white that everyone lied to?

She didn't say anything, she turned around and was about to leave, but at this moment, Zhuo Wei had something to say, "If Sister Su wants to leave, I won't stop her, but I bet you that if you walk out of this door today , before long, you will regret it!"

Su Mang's footsteps subconsciously stopped. If Zhuo Wei's one million yuan is worthless, it means that he thinks that Zeng Xiaoxian's popularity in the future is almost a certainty. The competitor of "Entertainment" won it, which will pose a big threat to the sales of "New Entertainment"... …

Thinking of this, she turned around, "Before we negotiate the price, I want to make a phone call."

She also has such a deep connection with Huayi, she needs to make sure what Huayi's decision for Zeng Xiaoxian is in the future.

When the phone was connected, Su Mang whispered a few words to the phone, and suddenly she exclaimed.

"What are you talking about? An international superstar in film, television and music? Oh, it's nothing, I'll just ask casually, then hang up if there's nothing wrong!"

After hanging up the phone, Su Mang looked at Zhuo Wei with a hint of admiration. No wonder this guy can do something in the paparazzi world. Sure enough, he was able to get the confidential information inside Huayi Company.

"Okay! One million is one million, I will pay the money!" Su Mang slapped the table domineeringly, "Can you take out the things now?"


Feiteng Building is a landmark building of Shanghai, which houses the most high-end studio in Shanghai, and this is where Zeng Xiaoxian and Huang Xiaohua made an appointment to shoot.

After breakfast on 5.1, when Zeng Xiaoxian came to Feiteng Building, Huang Xiaohua was already waiting here, and there were several young men behind her.

Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian coming, Huang Xiaohua greeted him, and said with a smile, "Xiaoxian, have you had breakfast yet?"

"Have you eaten? Has Miss Huang eaten?"

"I've eaten too. It's helpless to call you here so early today. The studios here are so popular. I managed to get one at this time through my relationship. The others are already packed." Huang Xiaohua smiled. He explained a sentence, then pointed to a few young people behind him and said, "They are all the most famous photographers here, and I found them for you today!".

284. Meet a Senior Fan Girl (Please Subscribe!!)

Behind Huang Xiaohua stood several young people, most of whom had long hair and looked like artists.Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian looking over like them, several people were quite excited, and they all smiled and nodded to Zeng Xiaoxian to say hello.

"Brother Xian, nice to meet you!"

"Brother Xian, come!"

Although Zeng Xiaoxian's overall popularity can't be compared with the first-line big names, he is already a well-deserved popular singer in the music field.Especially in the eyes of professional musicians, even more so.

Although Zeng Xiaoxian's works are not too many now, every song he releases is a classic among the classics. In private, he has been regarded as a role model by some young musicians who love originality.

And these few are one of Zeng Xiaoxian's admirers.

"Hello, everyone. I'm going to trouble everyone today." Zeng Xiaoxian greeted them with a smile, and then walked towards the recording studio.

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