This recording studio is one of the most famous recording studios in Shanghai. Countless young people who love music dream of working here, because it not only provides the most professional music practice, but also meets one or two from time to time. big name.

This is the case in the entertainment industry. Even if you have talent, if you work hard on your own, it will take a long time to hone it.But if you meet a big name who appreciates you, a little support may save you a lot of detours.

Wang Ou is one of them.

She just graduated from the Jinling Conservatory of Music this year. With her great love for music and her excellent performance in the interview, she finally stood out from the crowd of interviewers who had crossed the single-plank bridge, and got the opportunity to practice in this recording studio.

She also cherishes this opportunity very much. Although today is only her first time to go to work, she came to the recording studio two hours early. Wipe the contents inside again.

"Haha, my little ones, I will take care of you from now on, and I promise to make you clean and refreshed every day!"

Seeing the recording studio wiped clean by himself, (bgfj) Wang Ou felt a sense of accomplishment, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Are you the intern Wang Ou who just came to work today?"

Just at this moment, a male voice came from behind. Hearing this, Wang Ou quickly turned his head and said with a smile on his face, "Yes, yes, I am..."

But she was stunned before she finished speaking. Of course, it wasn't the senior who was talking to her at the door that made her stunned, but a young man standing behind the senior.

Isn't that silhouette like a knife-sharpened face, tall and sunny figure, the figure she has seen in dreams countless times?

Wang Ou liked music since he was a child, and his talent in this area is obvious to all. When he was in high school, he wrote a few songs and put them on the Internet, which aroused a good response. Therefore, he was reported to Jinling University Music, the holy place in the hearts of music students. College enrollment.

As a practitioner in the future music industry and a senior music fan, Wang Ou pays close attention to the music world, but what makes her a little disappointed is that the current pop music world seems to be dead, and there are few new songs that make people shine. This made her feel a little lost.

However, this loss was covered by Bansong on the Internet not long ago.

Although it was only sung in the noisy environment of the square, and there was only a pitiful half of it, it deeply moved Wang Ou.

The name of the song is "The Love of My Life".

After hearing this half of the song, Wang Ou frantically collected all the information related to this song, and gradually she knew that the person who sang this song was called Zeng Xiaoxian, and he was an unknown newcomer singer.

But then something happened that caught her eye. This new singer named Zeng Xiaoxian actually released two new songs in one day.

"Red Sun", "Broad Sea and Sky"!

And what makes him unbelievable is that these two songs are no worse than the love of his life, they are both classics among classics, and good songs among good songs.

If Wang Ou still had admiration and gratitude for Zeng Xiaoxian before, after hearing these two new songs, she was hopelessly infatuated with Zeng Xiaoxian, so that when several famous Cantonese singers besieged Zeng Xiaoxian later, she did not hesitate Going into battle, no matter what the quality is, he directly sprayed those Cantonese singers with blood.

" are Zeng Xiaoxian, the male god Zeng?" Wang Ou's voice trembled, but his eyes were full of excitement when he looked at Zeng Xiaoxian.

The brother named Wang Ou just saw that the newcomer lost his composure on the first day of internship, and couldn't help frowning, "You are Wang Ou, brother Zeng wants to record some new songs here, you go and prepare, Don't waste Brother Zeng's time."

But what annoyed him was that Wang Ou didn't hear what he said at all, and his two big watery eyes just stared at Zeng Xiaoxian.

"Hello!" The musician was about to scold him, but Zeng Xiaoxian grabbed him from behind, waved at him, stepped forward, and smiled at Wang Ou, "I'm Zeng Xiaoxian, nice to meet you."

Hearing this, Wang Ou could no longer hold back the tears of excitement, and wept with joy.

Zeng Xiaoxian took out a pack of tissues from his pocket, and gently handed it over, "Wipe it off, it won't be beautiful if your makeup is worn out."

Wang Ou was stunned again, she didn't expect the male god in her heart to be so approachable, and then remembered what the senior said just now, "Ah, male god, are you here to record a song, I will prepare now, soon! "

After speaking, he turned and ran away, but deliberately did not return the bag of tissue paper to Zeng Xiaoxian. .

285. Accidental Leakage of Information

Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian's painful face, Hu Yifei glanced around the window, and then rolled his big eyes.


Zeng Xiaoxian smiled awkwardly, "Looks like having too many women is really a fatal thing, if only you could give me an indestructible kidney!"

Thinking of this, Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly thought that he seems to have a very powerful system, maybe it has a way.

"Mr. System, are you there?"

"Here, what is the host's order?"

"I want to ask if there is any way to make people's kidneys stronger?"

"Well...of course there is!"

"Why don't you say it soon?" Zeng Xiaoxian said angrily, the system seemed to be trying to whet his appetite.

"Report to the host that there is a copy of Jade Heart Sutra in Xiyong Mall, which was taught by Empress Nvwa to the emperor. If you reach the highest level, you can control hundreds of girls at night!"

It is said that Zeng Xiaoxian is about to piss off, damn, this thing is so bull-nosed, it can actually control a hundred girls every night, isn't it okay to be a groom every night?

"Mr. System, I want to buy the Jade Heart Sutra!"

"Sorry, the host's system gold coins are insufficient and cannot be purchased."

"This..." Zeng Xiaoxian checked his system warehouse, and it was really the case. His personal account only had 1000 gold coins, while the Jade Heart Sutra needed 10000 system gold coins, which is a bit too much!

After thinking for a while, he said, "Mr. System, is there any way to earn 9000 gold coins in a short time?"

"Then you need to see if there are any temporary tasks in the system."

"Congratulations to the host, the system has detected a combination of temporary tasks, and the system will reward exactly 9000 system gold coins after completion."

"1* find a second-tier singer to partner with, hold 32 concerts across the country, and make him a superstar. 2* find a new actress, create a TV series tailored for her, and make her popular. The two tasks are combined The time limit for being together is half a year."

Zeng Xiaoxian thought about it in his mind, and suddenly two names flashed out - Chen Yixun and Ouyang Nana.

Chen Yixun was still a rising star in the Cantonese music scene at that time, because he raised different opinions, he had a very unpleasant fight with several veterans in the Cantonese music scene, and he had promised at the time that he would give him a song, so it was a good time to take advantage of this opportunity.

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