Of course, Wang Bing didn't hide his secrets, as long as Zeng Xiaoxian asked him, he would know everything.Sometimes when the two chat vigorously, they even get into the same bed.Over time, the two became the most famous "old friends" of the crew.

But this also invisibly annoyed Ouyang Nana. She was looking forward to the stars and the moon before the filming of "Beijing Love Story". I thought that during this period of time, I could drink with Zeng Xiaoxian every day and enjoy the pleasant time between couples. Now it's good. , Zeng Xiaoxian knew that he was tired of being with the director all day long.

Sometimes Ouyang Nana even wondered if Zeng Xiaoxian liked men!

No, every time I saw Zeng Xiaoxian during the past few days except for acting, Ouyang Nana's mouth was so long that he was almost able to tie a sheep.

Of course, Zeng Xiaoxian was also aware of this, and while the crew was resting, he sneaked to a nearby flower shop, bought a bouquet of red roses and sent them to Ouyang Nana.

How can Ouyang Nana resist this?At that time, I was moved and cried, and the little resentment towards Zeng Xiaoxian in my heart immediately flew to the sky.

that's it.

Zeng Xiaoxian had a fulfilling life during this time.

Learn directing skills from Wang Bing, and talk about love with Ouyang Nana.

This afternoon, at four o'clock.

"Stuck!" After the last shot was shot, Wang Bing stood up from the recorder, and he said excitedly: "I want to tell everyone a good news, our "Background Love Story" is considered finished so far!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????????

"So fast?"

"No way, it's only been a month!"

"Director, did you make a mistake?"


Most of the crew were bewildered, and a TV series was filmed in a month?This is unique in the entire TV drama industry, right? Even those bad dramas that are blindly rushing are not so fast, right?What's more, director Wang Bing, who has always been known for his strictness?

For a moment, everyone looked at Wang Bing suspiciously.

The latter chuckled and said, "I think everyone is very confused, but I can't believe it. I, Wang Bing, have been filming TV dramas for decades. The shortest time before was ten months. The time, this time it took only one month? Not only is this the fastest filming of Wang Bing in my career, but it is also the shortest filming time of a medium-sized TV series in history. It can be said that we have broken the record this time! But everyone, don’t doubt it, the show has really come to an end so far!”


"However, here is one person I want to thank!" Wang Bing looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with a smile, and everyone looked over.

The reason why this TV series was completed in such a short time is inseparable from Zeng Xiaoxian. At the scene, no matter what problems the actors encountered about the characters, he could quickly help answer questions.After all, the script is his, and no one has a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the setting of each character, the arrangement of each scene, and the function of each event than him.

Therefore, when some new actors encounter such or such problems, Zeng Xiaoxian can always hit the point in a few words, saving the crew a lot of time. .

290. Friends Introduced by Wang Bing (Second Update, Please Subscribe!!)

"Brother Wang, it's too outlandish to say that. They're all from the same crew. Besides, I also participated in the investment of this movie. It's right to help a little bit!"

Seeing everyone's eyes looking over, Zeng Xiaoxian said with a chuckle.

"You boy!" Wang Bing scolded with a smile, not too much entangled in this issue, and instead said: "Since the finale has been completed today, according to the rules, our finale is inevitable. Tonight, I am in Jinlong University. There are a few tables in the restaurant, and everyone from the film crew is required, come over? Xiaoxian, you are fine tonight, come over when the time comes, brother, I will introduce a friend to you."

"That's a good relationship. I don't know what the origin of the friend introduced by Wang Gejie "[-]" is?" Zeng Xiao asked cheerfully.

Wang Bing has worked in the TV drama industry for decades, and he is also a leading figure in this industry with a wide network of contacts.He actually pointed out that he wanted to introduce a friend to Zeng Xiaoxian, which meant that this person must not be an ordinary person, and Zeng Xiaoxian was also somewhat curious.

However, Wang Bing was obviously not prepared to reveal the mystery right now, he showed a mysterious smile to Zeng Xiaoxian and said, "You will know when you come here at night."


At 7 o'clock in the evening, Golden Dragon Restaurant.

Zeng Xiaoxian and Ouyang Nana walked in.

Wang Bing also suffered a lot of blood this time. He directly booked the first floor of the Golden Dragon Restaurant and set up more than a dozen tables. With family members, the number of people doubled.

At this time, most of the people had already come, men and women, old and young, it was a lively scene, everyone saw Zeng Xiaoxian coming in, the man was extremely handsome, and the woman was flawless, they couldn't help but focus their eyes on this side.

"Wow, isn't that handsome guy the hero of your movie? He's so handsome!"

"Of course, not only is he handsome, but his acting skills are beyond words!"

"Where's the woman next to him? Is it his girlfriend?"

"Probably not right now, she is the number one female in this show."

"Oh oh oh, you and his crew should have his phone number, please tell me?"

"Damn it, you're my girlfriend!"

"Oh, you misunderstood. I asked for it for my best friend."

"Ha ha!"


At this moment, many of the staff members who brought their girlfriends regretted it. As soon as the male god Zeng appeared, his male ticket became a little transparent in a second.

But they were not stupid, they gritted their teeth, no matter how begged or threatened by their girlfriends, they would not disclose any information about Zeng Xiaoxian anyway.

"His phone number? No idea!"

"Social account? Hehe, Phuket Island!"

"Eh... his name, Phuket Island!"

"Hmph, why don't you know the name? Do you want to break up?" The girlfriends got angry and took out the ultimate killer move to deal with the boyfriend.

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