
"Xiaoxian, come here!" Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian and Ouyang Nana, Wang Bing stretched out his hand to beckon to them, and shouted with a smile.

Zeng Xiaoxian and Ouyang Nana walked over.

Wang Bing was at the main table tonight, and besides a few important characters and old actors in the play, he didn't know the others.At this time, Wang Bing took the initiative to introduce.

It turned out that some of them were investment fund managers, some were company bosses, and one was a bank vice president.

After Wang Bing finished his introduction to both parties, Zeng Xiaoxian took the initiative to reach out and shake hands with a few people, exchanged some greetings, and then sat down and chatted with a few veteran actors beside him...  

Although the energy of these few people is not small, they are obviously not the people Wang Bing wants to introduce to Zeng Xiaoxian, and of course they are not the protagonists of today, so there is no need for him to appear too enthusiastic.

At this time, Wang Bing's phone rang, and after a few conversations, Wang Bing went out. After a while, a bald middle-aged man came in side by side with Wang Bing. The two chatted very well. It's hot, obviously the relationship is not shallow.

When the two arrived at the main table, Wang Bing smiled and said to the middle-aged man: "Old Luo, this is the Zeng Xiaoxian I told you about, he is a very talented young man!" At the same time, he introduced to Zeng Xiaoxian: "Xiaoxian, this is my old classmate Luo Zheng, who is currently serving as the deputy director of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television."

When the other people at the table heard the words, their faces immediately became flattering. Among them, they were either actors or made investments related to this industry, and the deputy director of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television was the big boss of this industry. People don't want to fawn.

"Director Luo, nice to meet you. 1.5" Zeng Xiaoxian stretched out his hand politely with a faint smile on his face.

Luo Zheng looks more easy-going, wearing a khaki jacket, which can be said to be very ordinary, but after all, he has been in the top position for a long time, and he naturally exudes a calm temperament. When ordinary people see it, they will be somewhat nervous or cramped .

He scanned the table with the corner of his eye just now, and found that when most people heard the name of his deputy director of radio and television, there was a hint of flattery in their eyes, but the young man in front of him just hung up. She smiled faintly, but her eyes remained calm.

He likes this kind of young man who is polite but neither humble nor overbearing in his bones. .

291. How can the investors give money desperately? (The third update, please subscribe!!)

"Nice to meet you, too!" Luo Zheng stretched out his hand to shake Zeng Xiaoxian's, then said, "Old Wang is my old classmate, I heard that he hit it off with you, so don't call me that." Director Luo, I'm too out of touch, just call me Brother Luo."

When the investors at the table heard this, they looked at Zeng Xiaoxian differently. They knew the weight of being called a brother by the deputy director of Radio, Film and Television. It can be said that this sentence is not worth much in the entertainment circle Less than [-] million!

Zeng Xiaoxian didn't expect Director Luo to be so fond of him, so he quickly smiled and said, "Then I'll ask Brother Luo." At the same time, he cast a grateful look at Wang Bing.

After all, he is going to make a big splash in this industry in the future, so it is still necessary for 16 to get to know some people from the radio and television system, and now Wang Bing has recommended all the resources of his old classmates to him for himself, Zeng Xiaoxian is of course in his heart. Very touching.

After introducing Zeng Xiaoxian, Wang Bing introduced others one by one, but this time Luo Zheng didn't even bother to shake hands, and just nodded symbolically as a greeting.Although some people were a little bit unwilling, there was nothing they could do.

After the introduction, everyone sat down as guest and host. Naturally, Luo Zheng sat at the main seat, and Wang Bing and Zeng Xiaoxian were divided into two sides.

During the banquet, Zeng Xiaoxian tried his best to persuade him to drink, and after a few rounds, he and Luo Zheng became acquainted, and Luo Zheng became more and more interested in Zeng Xiaoxian.

He has worked in the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television for more than [-] years. Although he does not belong to the entertainment circle, he deals with the entertainment circle every day after all.He has also heard of some new performers who have emerged in this circle.But only this Zeng Xiaoxian, it was the first time he heard about it, and he was a little curious.

"Brother Zeng, you should be a new performer, right?" Luo Zheng asked with a chuckle after drinking a glass of wine respected by Zeng Xiaoxian.

"That's right. Although I have acted twice before, both of them are still unaired. Strictly speaking, I am really just a newcomer." Zeng Xiaoxian replied with a smile.

At this time, Wang Bing next to him took the conversation and said with a smile: "Old Qi, don't look at Xiaoxian, he is a newcomer, but his acting skills are not inferior to those of some old actors! Moreover, Xiaoxian is not only good at acting , his talent is even more outstanding, and the few songs he sang in his debut are all classics, although the dramas he participated in filming have not yet been released, but once they are released, the response will definitely be very hot."

Luo Zheng was a little surprised when he heard this. He knew Wang Bing very well, but he had never seen him praise someone so much, let alone a newcomer.

It seems that this Zeng Xiaoxian may not be in the pond!

Luo Zhengda gave Zeng Xiaoxian a meaningful look, and asked, "Brother Zeng, what are the two films you filmed before? Can you tell me that when we audited by Radio and Television, we did not violate the principles? It can be more convenient for you.”

Everyone else was stunned when they heard it, but a deputy director of radio and television actually offered to offer a little more convenience to a newcomer?

This is an active friendship gesture!

All the people present here are exquisite people, of course they can understand the meaning behind this sentence, and the evaluation of Zeng Xiaoxian in their hearts has been raised to a higher level unconsciously.

Especially those investors who were invited by Wang Bing to attend the banquet looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with fiery eyes, as if they were looking at their first love.

Luo Zheng said this not only for Zeng Xiaoxian, but also for them. It is definitely hopeless to make friends with the director, but it seems that it is not difficult to make friends with Zeng Xiaoxian.

Thinking of this, several people began to think about when they would ask Zeng Xiaoxian out for tea alone.

Seeing Luo Zheng showing face like this, Zeng Xiaoxian was overjoyed, and quickly picked up the wine glass and said: "Then thank you Brother Luo for your kindness, and I will do it first as a respect!" After finishing the wine in the glass, he said that he had participated in Acted in two dramas, "Run, Brother" and "Also Ask".

Luo Zheng nodded, indicating that he had written it down.


After all, Luo Zheng is a public servant, and he is busy with official business. He came over to show his face, have a few drinks, chat with Zeng Xiaoxian and Wang Bing, and then got up to leave.

But as soon as Luo Zheng left, Zeng Xiaoxian became the absolute guest of honor at this table.I saw a few investors gurgling and filling their wine glasses to the brim.

"Hehe, Mr. Zeng, my name is so-and-so, nice to meet you, I'll do it first as a respect!"

"Me too, I did it, you can do whatever you want!"


After drinking two glasses of wine, they scrambled to take out a business card from their bag and handed it to Zeng Xiaoxian.

One of the vice presidents of the bank, who was as fat as a pig, said with a flattering smile: "Hehe, Mr. Zeng, our bank has just established an entertainment investment fund, and I am the person in charge. If Mr. Zeng has any needs for money, You may wish to contact me, and I will take care of it for you!"

"I am the investment fund manager of Hongshan Entertainment. I also want to express the same meaning. If Mr. Zeng needs money, please don't be polite. Just open your mouth. Don't dare to say more, but I can still make a decision for an investment within one billion."

292. I'm Smoking (Fourth Change, Please Subscribe!!)

In this regard, Zeng Xiaoxian just nodded symbolically, and said with a smile: "Thank you for your kindness, but there is no shortage of funds now, and I will contact you when I need it in the future."

Hearing this, the eyes of several investors darkened, and Zeng Xiaoxian politely rejected what he said.

One of the bankers, Fufu Zhang, said unrelentingly: "As long as Mr. Zeng cooperates with our bank, the first fund can be provided in the form of an interest-free loan, and our bank does not charge any interest."

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