This really deserves to be a good friend, it's completely an assist from God!

At this time, his mobile phone rang again, and it was Wang Ou's call.

"Why did this little girl remember to call me?" Zeng Xiaoxian pressed the answer button in doubt.

The phone was connected, and Wang Ou's voice became a little nervous and rang on the other end, "Well, Brother Zeng, calling you so early didn't disturb your rest, right?"

"No, I'm already in bed, what's the matter?" Zeng Xiaoxian said casually.

Wang Ou's voice wavered for a while, as if he had made up his mind, and said, "Brother Zeng, I have something like you to say, and it's about a girlfriend of mine."

Wang Ou told the truth about Zhong Lingdang's unintentional leak.

"Brother Zeng, did Lingdang's actions affect your plan, but she really didn't mean it, can you forgive her?" Seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian stopped talking on the phone after listening to it, Wang Ou immediately felt uneasy , asked in a weak tone.

"Haha!" After being silent for a while, Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly laughed, "Why should I forgive her?"

Hearing what Zeng Xiaoxian said, Wang Ou's heart was in his throat, and he thought it was over.But then I heard Zeng Xiaoxian continue: "Not only does she not need to forgive, on the contrary, she should be rewarded! This is giving me a divine assist!"

Wang Ou was stunned and didn't react for a long time.

Zhong Lingdang standing next to her saw Wang Ou's pale face and thought that Zeng Xiaoxian had lost his temper, so she burst into tears. She snatched the phone from Wang Ou's hand and burst into tears, "Boy God, I... woo... I really didn't mean it, so just forgive me once?"

"Why are you crying? It's too late for me to thank you!" Zeng Xiaoxian felt confused, why did he start crying out of nowhere?


Zhong Lingdang, who was holding the phone in his hand, was also confused, what does this mean?

However, she has a carefree character. Now that she knew that the male god was not angry with her, she immediately laughed through tears, rolled her eyes, and said with a grin: "Male god, you just said that you want to thank me? Then you let me and Like Wang Ou, can I hang out with you?"

After speaking, I was worried that Zeng Xiaoxian would refuse.Hastily added: "I also study music, the university and Wang Ou are in the same class, my grades are not worse than hers at 440!"

In order to achieve her goal, this girl pulled her best friend over in front of Wang Ou, and the angry Wang Ou rolled her eyes at her angrily.

"Uh... alright." Zeng Xiaoxian readily agreed, anyway, he still needs to employ people in the music field in the future, so it doesn't matter to find another one.

After hanging up the phone, Ouyang Nana came in from the outside, "Xiaoxian, breakfast is ready, come and eat?"

Ouyang Nana's craftsmanship has improved significantly after these days of diligent study and hard work, and the few simple breakfasts he made look good, which whetted Zeng Xiaoxian's appetite.

While eating, Ouyang Nana suddenly asked: "Xiaoxian, didn't you say that you are going to hold a concert tour? Why did the news posted on the portal say that Sister Na held it?"

"Huh?" Zeng Xiaoxian was confused.

Seeing this, Ouyang Nana opened a portal website with her mobile phone, and the big headline on it said: Na Ying is suspected of having a concert soon, and she is currently practicing songs secretly with the singing assistants in Shang Hai! ! !

"Damn it, it's another divine assist!"

After reading the headline, Zeng Xiaoxian finally understood why one of his Weibo posts caused such a huge response in one night, because they sent him divine assists from all directions!There are ghosts in replenishment! .

306. Accepting an Interview (2/10 Please Subscribe!!)

in the afternoon.

After Zeng Xiaoxian had lunch, Ouyang Nana helped him match a casual suit, and then drove to the place Huang Xiaohua agreed on.

Ouyang Nana's aesthetics are very good. She chose an Armani light blue casual suit, the latest model released this year, and a set of leather shoes close to [-] yuan, all of which she paid for herself.

To be honest, Zeng Xiaoxian was quite moved by this. After all, Ouyang Nana had just debuted and was unable to achieve financial freedom, and spending [-] yuan in one breath to buy clothes for Zeng Xiaoxian would definitely have a certain impact on her own living standards.

Zeng Xiaoxian looked very distressed and wanted to give her money, but she didn't want it, and Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't help it.In fact, he also knew what Ouyang Nana was worried about. She was worried that she would be regarded as a parasite attached to Zeng Xiaoxian. In this way, if they were together in the future, someone might gossip behind her back, saying that she, Ouyang Nana, and Zeng Xiaoxian were not only for people. , but also for other people's money.

She wanted to be with Zeng Xiaoxian in an upright manner.

Zeng Xiaoxian knew that this was a stubborn girl, so he didn't dwell on this issue too much, he was shocked and made up his mind that he could only help her more behind the scenes in the future.

The car stopped in front of a villa, Huang Xiaohua was welcoming him at the door, and his eyes lit up when he saw Zeng Xiaoxian all dressed up.

"Hey, Xiaoxian, this outfit is not bad, it fits your temperament very well!"

"Haha, thank you sister Xiaohua for your compliment." Zeng Xiaoxian laughed, and then asked, "Have they all come?"

"Here we are, waiting for you inside."." After speaking, he led Zeng Xiaoxian in.

The villa is very big, and the decoration inside is also very elegant and generous. Zeng Xiaoxian guessed that it should be Huayi's assets in Shanghai. Apart from operating their own main business, these big companies have also invested in many of them during the period of skyrocketing housing prices in the past few years. High-end real estate.

And the best place to invest in high-end real estate is of course the largest city in China, the imperial capital, Heshanghai.

In the spacious hall, there were three waves of personnel, and each wave was equipped with long guns and short cannons. Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian coming in, everyone looked at them one after another, and everyone was surprised.

Without him, Zeng Xiaoxian is handsome and sunny in person, and he is also a full-fledged clothes hanger, which is matched with this latest Armani casual wear.While being handsome, it looks more elegant and extraordinary.

"Is this Mr. Zeng? You are so young and handsome. There must be many beauties chasing after you in private, right?" One of the young women in a red dress was the most attentive, and she came forward to shake hands with Zeng Xiaoxian, smiling with almond eyes. Yingying fixed her eyes on Zeng Xiaoxian.

This person is about thirty years old, with a ruddy complexion, delicate skin, and looks can be considered a beauty, but it is not as good as Ouyang Nana and others. Besides, this person looks like a young woman who has already given birth. To be honest, Zeng Xiaoxian has no interest in this kind of person.

After exchanging pleasantries with her, the other two waves of reporters also shook hands with Zeng Xiaoxian, and then began the formal interview process.

These three media belong to "Pretend to Be a Man", "Entertainment Weekly", and "Entertainment Vane", and are well-known in the entertainment industry.Otherwise, Huang Xiaohua would not have invited them.

"Mr. Zeng, I heard that you became known to everyone because of a cappella in the square, and it was for a girl. Can you tell us about it?" The reporter of "Entertainment Vane" asked first.

Hearing this, Zeng Xiaoxian chuckled and jokingly said: "It seems that your company has indeed done a lot of homework."

It made everyone smile.

After enlivening the atmosphere, Zeng Xiaoxian said: "That's right, because I was chasing another girl, I accidentally made her unhappy. To make her happy, I sang a song I just wrote to her."

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