"Then is that beautiful girl your girlfriend?" The reporter of "Entertainment Vane" continued to ask.

A gentle smile appeared on Zeng Xiaoxian's face, "That's right, she is my girlfriend now."

Next came the female reporter from "Pretending to Be a Man" magazine who asked a question. She first showed Zeng Xiaoxian a charming smile, and then asked: "Mr. Zeng is so handsome, is there a girl in private?" How about confessing to you?"

As expected of a woman, the question she asked was gossip.

"No, I confessed to others. Girls are thin-skinned after all." Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile.

"All?" The female reporter Xiangmao smelled like fish, and immediately the fire of gossip ignited.Quickly asked: "Then Mr. Zeng confessed his love to several girls, I think our readers and friends must want to know."

For some reason, Zeng Xiaoxian felt that this (Zhao Nuohao) female reporter looked at him full of lust, but it was interview time after all, so he couldn't shirk it.After thinking for a while, he said, "Well, three?"

"Can you name it?"

"It's hard to say, after all, it involves other people's privacy."

Afterwards, several reporters asked a few more questions, Zeng Xiaoxian dealt with them easily and answered them one by one.

Time passed quickly, and an hour passed in a blink of an eye, and it was the female reporter's turn to ask questions again.

"I heard that Mr. Zeng's Weibo followers have skyrocketed several times last night, and a Weibo he posted even topped the Weibo hot search list. Can Mr. Zeng talk about it?"

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled lightly and thought to himself, the topic is finally here! .

307. Undercurrent Raging (3/10 Subscribe!!)

"Actually, I am also a little confused about this question. You asked me to talk about it, but I don't know where to start." Zeng Xiaoxian began to practice Tai Chi.

The female reporter gave him a blank look, and then asked, "I think this is closely related to the picture Mr. Zeng sent, right?"

"not sure."

Female reporter: "Then is it convenient for Mr. Zeng to reveal who the other people in the photo are?"

"It's not inconvenient." Zeng Xiaoxian shrugged and said, "They are all my friends, Naying, Yufan, Haiquan, Ren Xianqi, Chen Yixun."

"Mr. Zeng is so cunning. Apart from being your friends, these people are also pop music stars, especially Na Ying and Ren Xianqi, who are very popular." With a little bit of coquettishness.

"Well, you're right, but in my opinion, their star status is really not important, what I value more is their 753 status as my friends." Zeng Xiaoxian replied calmly.

The female reporter couldn't break Zeng Xiaoxian's mouth for a while, so she had to replace another reporter. This reporter was also in his thirties and looked very easy-going, but he was very skillful in asking questions. When he saw the female reporter, he took a step-by-step approach The way I used it didn't work, so I immediately changed my thinking, and went straight to the core issue as soon as I came up.

"Your friends are all celebrities, and they must be very busy at ordinary times, but suddenly they are free to come to Shanghai to see you, Mr. Zeng. May I ask if you have any important events coming up, such as concerts or something?"

Hearing this, Zeng Xiaoxian didn't answer directly, but instead asked: "How did you come to this inference?"

"Because it was widely rumored on the Internet last night that Naying was going to hold a concert, and all of you are her invited singing assistants, but later someone from Naying came out to refute the rumors, so everyone is now guessing (bgcf) whether there will be a concert It's not Naying, but someone else, such as you, sir?"

"Haha!" Zeng Xiaoxian laughed when he heard the words, "You said just now that it was all speculation from netizens, so I don't think I need to respond more?"

"Are you indirectly denying it?"

"This is what you said."

"Then you admitted it indirectly?"

"You still said it."

The reporter almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, which is too tantalizing, neither admitting nor denying, what exactly do you mean?

The reporter didn't give up, and asked a few questions in a different way, but found that Zeng Xiaoxian answered every question fluently, except for the matter of whether to hold a concert, he was vague and never responded positively.

Although this kind of response made them feel confident that the concert might not be groundless, but the protagonist didn't admit anything personally, and as a regular entertainment magazine, it was impossible for them to include too much speculation.

Afterwards, everyone chatted about some trivial issues, and this joint interview is officially over.

The reporters put away their long guns and short guns, and the female reporter in red smiled and handed over her business card, "Mr. Zeng is really cunning, the teacher flashes on the core issues, which makes people very disappointed. Eh!"

Zeng Xiaoxian looked at the name on the business card, Feng Qingqing, the chief entertainment reporter of "Pretending Man" magazine.Then he said with a smile: "Ms. Feng naturally understands some things, so there is no need to say more."

Feng Qingqing gave him a wink, and then said: "Okay, okay, I understand, but I wonder if Mr. Zeng has time tonight, let's have a meal together?"

I have to say that her fierceness is indeed very predictable, but Zeng Xiaoxian didn't want to have too much contact with this kind of promiscuous woman, so he smiled apologetically and said: "I'm so sorry, I have an appointment tonight, why don't you change it to another day?"

Hearing this, Feng Qingqing couldn't hide the disappointment on her face, and then smiled and said: "Well, you can call the mobile phone number on my business card when you are free, and I will be waiting for you at any time!"

After seeing off the reporters, Huang Xiaohua turned back, brought Zeng Xiaoxian a cup of tea, and said, "How is the interview today going well?"

"Very well." Zeng Xiaoxian nodded.

Hearing this, Huang Xiaohua smiled and said, "Xiaoxian, what you wear today is very lethal to women. The reporter named Feng Qingqing just wanted me to ask about your situation."

Hearing this, Zeng Xiaoxian smiled wryly and said, "This woman smells too dusty, I think it's better to keep a distance."

"That's right, I also want to remind you, I'm afraid you will be seduced by others." Huang Xiaohua and Zeng Xiaoxian are very familiar now, so their speech is no longer so rigid, and occasionally they will make harmless jokes.

After chatting with Huang Xiaohua about the follow-up arrangement of the concert, Zeng Xiaoxian drove home.


At the same time, in the CEO's office of "New Entertainment", Su Mang was scrolling through Zeng Xiaoxian's Weibo with her mobile phone. There was a gleam of fire in her eyes flickering.

The stickiness of Zeng Xiaoxian's Weibo fans really surprised her. As long as the popularity of this kind of stickiness increases, Jiang Lai will definitely become a superstar, but this future superstar may be destroyed in her hands.

Thinking of this, a sense of pleasure of destruction rose in Su Mang's heart, and she subconsciously looked at the safe in the corner, where there was the "nuclear weapon" she had prepared for this future superstar.

308. Finalize the dance of "Little Apple" (4/10 please subscribe!!)

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