Chen Du seemed unhurried. Since he came to the door in person, he had made a lot of determination, and he would not be stingy when making a move. He felt that his bid would definitely win Zeng Xiaoxian's heart.

"Our company is very optimistic about Mr. Zeng's potential, so we decided to pay a lot of money to reach a cooperation with Mr. Zeng. We are going to pay [-] million US dollars to buy out the copyright of all Mr. Zeng's current music works. Here is the contract. Mr. Zeng may wish to take a look."

Chen Du took out a contract from his briefcase, put it on the table, and pushed it in front of Zeng Xiaoxian.

Hearing the value of [-] million US dollars, Zeng Xiaoxian was slightly shocked in his heart.But then he smiled, "Xiaoxian appreciates Mr. Chen's kindness, but I don't want to sell the music copyright for the time being."

(bgbe) Hearing this, Chen Du was stunned. He is a very shrewd businessman, and it was because of Zeng Xiaoxian's future potential that he paid such a sky-high price of [-] million US dollars.

Thirty million dollars to buy out the copyrights of several songs, as far as he knows, is already the highest buyout price in the industry so far.

Even a big name like Naying can't reach this price.

"Mr. Zeng, do you think the price is low?" Chen Du adjusted his expression and said.

Huang Xiaohua didn't expect that Zeng Xiaoxian would reject it so straightforwardly. After all, this is a buyout fee of [-] million, which is equivalent to nearly [-] million US dollars per song.

It is not too much to say that such a copyright buyout fee is sky-high.

With a faint smile on Zeng Xiaoxian's face, he took a sip of tea and said, "No, Mr. Chen's price is very high, but I don't want to sell all my music copyrights."

"What does Mr. Zeng mean?"

"It's like this. I wonder if Mr. Chen has heard of copyright and doing such a thing?"

Chen Du has been in the music industry for so many years. Of course he has heard of copyright cooperation.

"Mr. Zeng wants to take the road of copyright cooperation?" Chen Du looked at Zeng Xiaoxian seriously, but then laughed with relief. Although Zeng Xiaoxian is strictly speaking a newcomer in the music industry, he dedicated a few songs for everyone as soon as he debuted. It can be called a classic song, which is enough to illustrate his talent.

And this time the concert tour at Shanghai Station has achieved unprecedented success, although many people in the industry still tend to believe that the success of this concert is not only Zeng Xiaoxian's senior strength, but also Huayi's full support.

Just imagine, how could it be possible for an ordinary rookie singer to invite such a big name in pop music as Dong Naying to hold a concert?What's more, there are Ren Xianqi and others.

Many people speculate that the success of this concert is largely due to the popularity brought by Naying and others.But he didn't think so, he had a feeling that this young man was not going to be in the pool any time soon.

"Okay, since Mr. Zeng wants to adopt the model of copyright cooperation, we can also talk about it."

(A lot of friends got married on May [-] these days, and they went back to their hometown, so the update is a little less, and it will return to normal on May [-]th, sorry everyone.).

392. The Contract Is Finalized (Please Subscribe!!)

Chen Du smiled, "What is Mr. Zeng's intended price?"

"That's all." Zeng Xiaoxian knocked on the table, "As long as the word buyout in this contract is changed to copyright cooperation, nothing else needs to be changed."


Chen Du's face finally turned a little ugly. Originally, he bought out Zeng Xiaoxian's songs for [-] million US dollars, which was already a sky-high price. Now that he adopts the method of copyright cooperation, the price offered by the other party is still [-] million?

"This... Mr. Zeng opened his mouth a little bit?"

Chen Du's heart was already a little angry at this time, and his tone of speech was also a little blunt.

Huang Xiaohua next to him also opened his mouth in shock, Zeng Xiaoxian's price was indeed a bit higher.Even a heavyweight company like Universal Music would find it unbearable at this price.

But she was Zeng Xiaoxian's manager after all, and she had full trust in Zeng Xiaoxian, so although she felt a little incredible in her heart, she didn't say anything, and stood by and watched quietly.

"It doesn't matter if Mr. Chen thinks my asking price is too high. You can come to negotiate after a while." Facing Chen Du's dark face, Zeng Xiaoxian was not angry at all, and said lightly: "But at that time, Mr. Chen may be asking for more money." There are a lot of competitors."

Of course Zeng Xiaoxian is full of confidence in himself. After all, he has the entire library of classic music on earth, and his future potential is many levels higher than all those pop music big names in the world.

And at this moment, he already has a rough plan in his mind. In the near future, he will definitely try to enter the European and American music scene, because he has learned that money is a lot of European and American classic songs on the earth, and there is no such thing in this world. .

So no matter which record company cooperates with him now, when he enters the European and American pop music scene in the future, the long-term company he cooperates with will become a globally important record company.

At present, Chen Du's record company is called "Universal Records", but the actual foreign market has not been successfully developed so far.

And these benefits will come naturally after cooperating with Zeng Xiaoxian.

Therefore, only Zeng Xiaoxian knew that the price he offered was not expensive at all, and even said that it might be a bit cheap.

So if Universal Records is unwilling to cooperate now, he is not in a hurry. Some famous record companies will come to him in the future, but the price at that time may be another level.

"Hehe, Mr. Zeng has great confidence in himself, and our company has the same confidence in Mr. Zeng, but the price is really..."

Chen Du smiled wryly, but did not continue.

"If Mr. Chen has difficulties, our cooperation method can be more flexible." Zeng Xiaoxian continued.

Hearing that Chen Du seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, he quickly cast an expectant look, "What does Mr. Zeng mean by flexible cooperation?"

He really values ​​Zeng Xiaoxian very much, and of course he still hopes to cooperate if possible.

"That's how it is. I can use my music to invest in Mr. Chen's Universal Music Company. The [-] million US dollars will be considered as [-]% of the shares. As for the profits from the records, we will share them [-]-[-]."

After listening to Zeng Xiaoxian's new plan, Chen Du fell into deep thought. This plan eased the cash pressure on his company, but the copyright cooperation would cost [-] million US dollars, and he still felt a little heartbroken.

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But he is also an old fritter in the mall, thought for a while and said: "It's not that Mr. Zeng said that he can't agree, but I hope to add an additional clause at the end of the contract."

"What terms?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked curiously.

"In the future, if Mr. Zeng's new songs are not lower than the market price, we Universal Music will have the priority to represent them."

Regarding Chen Du's opinion, Zeng Xiaoxian didn't make much sense, after all, this clause is basically a very common clause in copyright contracts on Earth.

"Okay, I promise."

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