
Seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian actually negotiated this almost impossible deal, Huang Xiaohua was also very excited, and hurriedly went to the nearby wine cabinet to take out a bottle of Lafite.

"In order to celebrate everyone's cooperation, I suggest that we have a drink together!"


After several people drank the celebration wine, Chen Du stayed for a while, discussed some details of the contract with Zeng Xiaoxian, and then left. He decided to let the company's legal affairs figure out the contract as quickly as possible, and then sign the contract.

After Chen Du left, Huang Xiaohua smiled and said, "Xiaoxian, I really have you!"

He Xiaoxian shrugged, "Sister Xiaohua, do you also think Universal Music has lost money on this deal?"

Huang Xiaohua thought for a while, "It may not be a loss, but we did make a profit!"

Zeng Xiaoxian was amused by Huang Xiaohua's witty answer, and then said seriously: "We made money from this sale, but Universal Music also made money."

Hearing this, Huang Xiaohua looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with anticipation. He had the impression that Zeng Xiaoxian never spoke big words. Since he said that, it meant that he already had plans in mind.

"Xiaoxian, do you have any new ideas?"

393. The Hype of Universal Music (Please Subscribe!!)

Although Huang Xiaohua asked, Zeng Xiaoxian also absolutely trusted Huang Xiaohua, but after all, these were just calculations in Zeng Xiaoxian's mind, and he didn't have a specific plan yet. According to his usual style, of course, he would not say anything about such unspoken things.

Therefore, for Huang Xiaohua's question, Zeng Xiaoxian just smiled and did not respond positively.

Huang Xiaohua is also an exquisite person, knowing that Zeng Xiaoxian has not disclosed his thoughts so far, so he stopped talking, changed the subject and chatted with Zeng Xiaoxian for a while, and then the two broke up.


Chen Du's handling style can be described as vigorous and resolute. The next day, Universal Music's legal counsel came to Huang Xiaohua's residence and signed a cooperation contract with Huang Xiaohua.After that, [-] million U.S. dollars was transferred to Zeng Xiaoxian's personal account.

According to the previous contract signed with Huayi, part of Zeng Xiaoxian's income needs to be allocated to Huayi's name, and Zeng Xiaoxian transferred 16 million US dollars to Huayi's name [-].

At the same time, for this cooperation agreement, Zeng Xiaoxian and Huayi signed a supplementary agreement, [-]% of Zeng Xiaoxian's cooperation with Universal Music will belong to Huayi.

After all, Zeng Xiaoxian and Huayi have a black and white contract as the criterion, and both parties absolutely trust Huang Xiaohua, so neither party needs to be present for this agreement, just entrust Huang Xiaohua to arrange it.

However, when Huang Xiaohua faxed the copy of the contract to Huayi, Wang Dajun and Wang Dalei were still taken aback and called Zeng Xiaoxian to confirm.

"Xiaoxian, you're awesome!" Wang Dajun laughed heartily on the phone.

Although they all define Zeng Xiaoxian's future potential as unlimited, but after all, Zeng Xiaoxian's music career has just started, who can say what will happen in the future?So signing this contract, according to the current market price, is an absolute profit.

"Haha, boss, am I not worth the price?" Hearing this, Zeng Xiaoxian raised his eyebrows and joked.

"No way! In my eyes, Xiaoxian, you are a priceless treasure!" Wang Dajun was also in a very good mood.

The two chatted on the phone for a long time, and Zeng Xiaoxian also learned that the second stop of the concert tour is set in the Imperial Capital, and preparations are already being made in an orderly manner, and because the first Shanghai stop was very successful, the second stop Although the imperial capital hasn't been publicized yet, it's already in a mess.Many advertisers have volunteered for titles.

After all, the concert is short-lived, and it is very rare in the entire industry to ask for the sponsorship of a concert, and Zeng Xiaoxian's sponsorship is not inferior to those big-name musicians.

Now it seems that all the investment in the subsequent concerts has basically been shared by the major advertisers.

That is to say, there is basically no need for Huayi to invest in the subsequent concerts, whether it is in publicity or other aspects.So after this concert tour, Hua Yi's net income is expected to be no less than [-] million yuan, and of course Zeng Xiaoxian's personal income will not be less than [-] million yuan.As the resident guests of the concert, Naying and others will also get a lot of income.

Zeng Xiaoxian is not a money-grubbing person, knowing that his income will not be less than [-] million, he immediately asks for [-] million of his share to be given to Naying and others.After all, they have helped a lot in private training, singing and publicity. The most important thing is that they are people whom Zeng Xiaoxian respects very much. Among friends, Zeng Xiaoxian regards money and other external things very lightly.

Although Wang Dajun is a businessman, he is also a man of love. Seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian took the initiative to give [-] million to Na Ying and others, he immediately expressed that he would give [-] million of the profit as a bonus for them.

The two chatted for a while, Zeng Xiaoxian hung up the phone, and went to bed to rest.

But at the same time, the entire entertainment industry did not rest.

Chen Du is indeed a good businessman. Since he spent [-] million US dollars to win the cooperation contract with Zeng Xiaoxian, he must maximize the profit.This incident is full of hot spots, and it is an excellent subject for entertainment hype. Of course, Chen Du will not give up on this, and he spread the news that night.

At the same time, the major entertainment newspapers and magazines were boiling.

"What? Universal 600 Records actually spent [-] million US dollars to sign a music cooperation contract with Zeng Xiaoxian?"

"Who said it wasn't? Although it cost [-] million US dollars, what I bought was only Zeng Xiaoxian's music cooperation, not a buyout. This is very rare in the entire pop music circle!"

"Not only is it rare, but for a musician who has just debuted, this is completely unheard of, okay?"


When everyone was discussing, some senior entertainment reporters immediately took action. They knew that Huang Xiaohua was Zeng Xiaoxian's manager. If this contract was true, then Huang Xiaohua would definitely know.

So, in the middle of the night, Huang Xiaohua was woken up by the phone ringing again and again.

"Hey, Xiaohua, I want to ask you something..."

"Hehe, Xiaohua, sorry to bother you, I want to ask one thing..."


Huang Xiaohua, who has poor sleep quality, was driven mad by the phone calls again and again. He sent a Weibo message and turned off his phone. .

394. The robbery is the emperor's guide! (Please subscribe!!)


Huang Xiaohua just sent two words and turned off the phone directly, but the major entertainment media became even crazier.

"It turned out to be true!"

"A rookie singer actually won a contract that is more contracted than the king and queen? It shows how much attention Universal Music has to him!"

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