- my heart is forever, my heart is forever


After reading all the lyrics, Liu Huan couldn't help but slapped 16's desktop. He hasn't seen such beautiful lyrics for a long time.

Yes, it is beautiful!

It is really rare to write lyrics so poetically.

This song is clearly telling a poignant love story.

"Xiaoxian, you are so awesome!" Liu Huan praised sincerely.

"Haha, Mr. Liu Huan, as long as you like it." Zeng Xiaoxian said modestly, lowered his head and continued to compose the music.

Although Wang Fei and Chen Du could understand the meaning of the lyrics, they couldn't translate like Liu Huan did with a sense of rhythm.

The two of them naturally couldn't fully understand the perfect artistic conception of the lyrics.

"Mr. Liu Huan, can you read the lyrics you translated to us?" Wang Hao said impatiently.

Chen Du was also a little eager to know the Chinese version of the lyrics, and begged: "Old Liu, can you translate it?"

Now that Liu Huan watched the music composed by Zeng Xiaoxian, he was even more astonished. Under the urging of Chen Du and Wang Hao, he simply hummed the Chinese version of the song in a low voice.

Now, the princess and Chen Du were dumbfounded.

The princess is a woman, with more delicate emotions, and it is easier to fit in with the artistic conception of this song.

"Wow, a new world famous song is about to be born!"

Chen Du was also secretly glad in his heart, it seemed that signing Zeng Xiaoxian was not a loss, not only not a loss but also a big profit!Thinking of those members of the board of directors who opposed Quan Yue Zeng Xiaoxian, Chen Du secretly shook his head, those people's vision is too short-sighted!

In just [-] minutes, the song "My Heart Is Eternal" was finally finished and handed over to Liu Huan.

After receiving the manuscript paper, Liu Huan's hands trembled a little. This song will definitely be famous in the European and American pop music world through the ages!

"Xiaoxian, this song is too precious, how can I accept it?" Liu Huan suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Although Zeng Xiaoxian wrote this song as if it was just for fun, and it took no more than [-] minutes before and after, but Liu Huan knew that the weight of this song was definitely not light, and once it landed in Europe and America, it would definitely cause a whirlwind.

If without the song "My Heart Is Eternal", his success rate in testing the waters of Europe and America is not higher than [-]%, then with this song, the success rate will directly soar to [-]% or even [-]%. [-]/[-]!

"Mr. Liu Huan, you are too polite. It was originally given to you, so there is nothing embarrassing about accepting it. Besides, we will all be Universal Music Group in the future, and at the same time, we should help each other!" Zeng Xiaoxian waved his hand indifferently and said with a smile .

Hearing what Zeng Xiaoxian said, Wang Hao blinked her beautiful eyes, and then said with a smile: "Xiaoxian, since we are all colleagues, you can't just help Teacher Liu Huan!"

Everyone smiled for a while.

Of course Zeng Xiaoxian knew what the concubine meant. In fact, he also wanted to give the concubine a song. Anyway, it was the concubine's own song in the previous life.

"No problem, I'll give you a song some other day." Zeng Xiaoxian nodded readily in agreement.

Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian being so forthright, Chen Du was immediately filled with arrogance, "Xiaoxian, after all, you are also the singers under my Universal Music Group, and I, the boss, can't be busy with my own singers, right? In this way, you wrote to Lao Liu and the princess. The song was bought by the company, and the price of each song is one million dollars, what do you think?"

Now that the boss has spoken, it means being rich and not making money, Zeng Xiaoxian didn't insist anymore, nodded and said: "Then listen to the boss!"


A few people then chatted while eating, music theory, life events, fashion trends, and various topics.

After the last meal, it was past eleven o'clock, and after a few pleasantries, they went home 143.


Love apartment on 3602.

When Zeng Xiaoxian entered the door, he found that Lu Zhanbo, Lu Ziqiao, and Guan Gu Miqi were all there, and there was a laptop in front of each of them.The weird thing is that the computers of the three of them are all dressed up in an extremely weird way.

Lu Ziqiao's computer was covered by a thick sweater, Guan Gu's magical computer was surrounded by more than a dozen mirrors, and Lu Zhanbo was rubbing shower gel on the mouse.

Since Zeng's Comic Company started to get on the right track, Guan Gu Miracle and Lu Zhanbo were not so busy, and naturally they had more time for entertainment.But such a painful scene still made Zeng Xiaoxian very curious.

"What are you doing?"

Hearing this, several people noticed that Zeng Xiaoxian was back, Lu Zhanbo hurriedly said: "Mr. Zeng, we are playing a game, and this time we met a master!"

"Then you are..."

Lu Ziqiao looked at his computer, then at Zeng Xiaoxian, "Don't you understand, Mr. Zeng, we are cheating!"

Zeng Xiao Xian:"……".

399. Awesome Elementary School Student (Please Subscribe!!)

Zeng Xiaoxian glanced at the computer screen, they were playing CrossFire which was currently on fire.

He has played with a few people in Crossfire, and their level is generally very good.

"What kind of plane are you doing, and you still have to cheat when playing Crossfire?"

Guan Gu has a gloomy expression on his face, "We are also puzzled. Before playing Cross Fire, people abused people. I didn't expect to be abused this time, alas!"

Lu Zhanbo also explained: "My opponents seem to be a few elementary school students. At the beginning we abused them into dogs, but later they found helpers, and then the abused became us."

Lu Ziqiao nodded in agreement, "The helpers they recruited are very powerful, with good marksmanship and very coquettish moves, we simply cannot resist."

Zeng Xiaoxian became curious, and came to the computer of several people, looked at the screen, and saw that the other party was laughing at them through the communication channel of the game.

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