Elementary school student special soldier: "Haha, isn't it very powerful, why did you become a shrinking turtle?"

The most awesome primary school student: "Come out, fight, don't waste your time, cowardly! I have to go back to do my homework!"

Osama bin Laden was killed by me: "Three shrinking turtles, hahaha!"

Lu Weiwei: "Ahem, please be civilized, don't want ginseng roosters!"


"Lu Weiwei?"

Zeng Xiaoxian was taken aback when he saw the name, Luwei Weiwei is also a game expert, she played A Chinese Girl before, but she has never seen her play Cross Fire.

But after thinking about it, I was relieved. How can ordinary gamers only play one game?

"How about I come to play two too.‖?" Zeng Xiaoxian looked at the three of them and smiled.

He hasn't played games with Bei Weiwei for a long time.

Hearing this, Lu Ziqiao and the three were overjoyed.

"Haha, Teacher Zeng, I'm just waiting for your words!"

"Teacher Zeng, hurry up and get the computer, the other party is in a state of arrogance right now, I will definitely agree!"

When Zeng Xiaoxian went to get the computer, the three of Lu Ziqiao communicated with each other through the communication channel of the game.

Lu Ziqiao came up with a radical method first.

"Hey, little bastards, what kind of a man is a helper? Are you brave enough to do it yourself?"

I killed Osama bin Laden: "What are you talking about? It is our ability to hire helpers. If you have the ability, you should also hire a helper?"

Elementary school student special forces: "Hahaha, that's why they can't get help!"

Lu Ziqiao: "Don't be arrogant, who said I can't get help?"

The most awesome primary school student: "Please, what's the use of talking?"

Lu Ziqiao: "Okay, wait a minute, he'll be here soon!"

At this time, Zeng Xiaoxian had already come to the living room with his laptop in his arms, turned it on, and logged into the game.Changed the name of my game: Pupil Buster.

Seeing the nickname of this game, the three of Lu Ziqiao burst out laughing.

Guan Gu was miraculous: "Haha, Mr. Zeng, your name must make the elementary school opposite you faint!"

Lu Zhanbo: "It's time to get angry with them, Fairy's elementary school students are too arrogant!"

Lu Ziqiao: "Wo Cao, why didn't I think of such a domineering game nickname?"

Just now the two sides were three against three, after Bei Weiwei was invited to help on the opposite side, one of the elementary school students temporarily changed to the spectator mode, and now that Zeng Xiaoxian was on, there happened to be four people on both sides.

After modifying the parameters of the game room, several people entered the room one after another. When they saw Zeng Xiaoxian's game nickname, the opposite party immediately became angry.

Elementary school student special soldier: "Nimma, the name of the game is too crazy, isn't it?"

The most awesome primary school student: "Don't pretend to be aggressive, you will be struck by lightning!"

Bin Laden was killed by me: "Wait a minute, I will also change the game nickname!"

After a while, a new game nickname appeared on the opposite side: the nemesis of the primary school student's nemesis.


Zeng Xiaoxian and the others were amused, these elementary school students are quite funny.

Lu Ziqiao also got excited, "Who can change your name, I will change it too!"

After a while, Lu Ziqiao got a new nickname: Pupils who specialize in teasing.

On the opposite side there was another burst of wow (Nuo De Zhao) wow wow, everyone clamored to change their name, at this time Bei Weiwei spoke.

Lu Weiwei: "Ahem, let me tell you, do you still want to fight?"

Zeng Xiaoxian followed suit.

Elementary school student nemesis: "Everyone can try not to move their mouths if they can move their hands."

Bei Weiwei was amused by Zeng Xiaoxian's witty words, and came over with a grinning expression.


After some preparations, the duel between the iPartment brothers team led by Zeng Xiaoxian and the elementary school team led by Bei Weiwei officially began.

The terrain is desert gray, and Zeng Xiaoxian and others chose the role of terrorists. After getting the explosive package, they set off for point b. .

400. Lu Ziqiao Dies Again (Please Subscribe!!)

Zeng Xiaoxian had previously sparred with Miss, and that time the sniper battle made him feel very refreshed, so this time he chose the big sniper, and the others chose to charge.

Come to the middle gate.

Lu Ziqiao: "Mr. Zeng, where are we going?"

Zeng Xiaoxian: "Nonsense, of course you are going to install the explosives?"

Lu Ziqiao: "It's enough for one person to install the explosives, why don't you all go?"

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