"Hey, you let go, it hurts me to scratch!"

"No, you tell us before we let go!"

Bei Weiwei pouted at the clothes in the basin, "You guys understand."

Hearing this, several people immediately divided up the clothes in Bei Weiwei's basin.

"We'll wash it for you later, you talk first!"

Er Xi's anxious little powder fist directly punched Bei Wei Wei's fierce mouth, "You damn Wei Wei, smelly Wei Wei, you want to kill us in a hurry!"

Seeing that several people have agreed to do their laundry for her, Bei Weiwei stopped teasing them, and told the story of meeting Zeng Xiaoxian today, and Zeng Xiaoxian asked her to play games together.

After listening to Bei Weiwei's narration, several roommates clasped their hands together, with envious and yearning expressions on their faces.

Xiao Ling: "Wei Wei, you are so happy!"

Sisi: "Yes, Weiwei, you actually teamed up with the male god to play games?"

Erxi had a resentful expression on his face, "Why, why can't I play games? No, I want to learn how to play games, so I will learn now! Wei Wei, teach me how to play Crossfire!"

As she said that, she ran over to turn on her computer. Seeing this, Xiaoling and Sisi glanced at each other, imitating the example, and ran over to turn on the computer one after another.

"Wei Wei, from now on you are our game coach, responsible for turning us into game masters!"

Bei Weiwei's head was covered with black lines by these guys who thought about it.

"I said you guys...you can't get better after just three or two days playing games, okay?"

At this time, Bei Weiwei's cell phone rang, and she took it out to see that it was Zeng Xiaoxian calling, and she immediately pointed at several people happily.

Several people hurried over, and when they saw the word "Male God" on the caller ID on the phone screen, they were surprised and excited!

"Wei Wei, pick it up!"



There was no other way, Bei Weiwei had no choice but to turn on the phone to the hands-free state.

"Hey, male god, can you call me?"

"Haha, don't call me a god, it sounds weird, you should call me Xiaoxian, or Brother Zeng." Zeng Xiaoxian said.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

Beiwei smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll call you Brother Zeng."

"Okay." Zeng Xiaoxian began to talk about the topic, "I called you this time to tell you that the other two have already been confirmed, and we will meet in the morning three days later, play games together, and get used to each other. Tacit understanding. Is there a class where you can't leave?"

Zeng Xiaoxian just remembered that three days later is not the weekend, and as Bei Weiwei's current student status, he may not be able to come by then, so he thinks it's better to call first to ask, if it doesn't work, change the time.

... .......

Bei Weiwei thought about it. Although there will be classes in the morning three days later, they are not important classes. Many students will choose to skip class. too much.

It's time to escape!

"It's okay, I don't have class that morning!" Beiwei lied.

"Oh, that's good, then we have agreed to meet at the entrance of the Bund Commercial Street at that time. If there is nothing else, I will hang up first, and you should go to bed early."

Erxi Xiaoling and the others heard that Zeng Xiaoxian was about to hang up, so they snatched the phone from Beiwei Weiwei's hand.

"Hey, hee hee, male god, I'm Wei Wei's roommate, my name is Zhao Erxi."

"My name is Xiaoling!"

"My name is Sisi!"

These three guys were like wolves and tigers, and they didn't care about the girl's reserve, so they came directly to declare themselves.


Zeng Xiaoxian was already ready to hang up the phone, but suddenly heard another woman's voice in the receiver, and there were more than one, and guessed in his heart that it should be some of Bei Weiwei's roommates.He smiled, "Hello, what's the matter?".

407. Four people meet (first update, please subscribe!!)

"That's it!" Zhao Erxi couldn't wait to say: "God, we are in the same class as Weiwei, and we didn't have class that morning, can we go with Weiwei?"

Zeng Xiaoxian felt happy, it turned out that this was the matter, they just chatted and played games when they met, nothing else, it doesn't matter if they came.

"Okay, then come together when the time comes, I'll treat you to dinner at noon."


three days later.

Chen Yixun caught the first flight and Zeng Xiaoxian went to pick it up.

"Haha, Xiaoxian, why did you remember to form a team to play games?"

Zeng Xiaoxian and Chen Yixun got into the car, started the car, and said while driving: "[-]" "I heard that our team was ridiculed by sticks abroad?"

Chen Yixun also knew about this, "Isn't it? Bangzi is really annoying sometimes. If he wins, he wins. He even laughs at others with no grace at all, and even fires a map gun!"

Zeng Xiaoxian said: "Then we will teach them a lesson this time in the league. Are there any more powerful cross-fire teams in China now?"

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