Chen Yixun thought for a while and said, "There are now a dozen or so teams in China, and I have acquaintances in them. I heard that they are all gearing up for a head-on blow to Bangzi this time!"

Zeng Xiaoxian drove Chen Yixun directly to the commercial street near the Bund. It was still early, and the two came to Yonghe Soymilk for breakfast, chatting while eating.

After a while, Chen Yixun asked: "Xiaoxian, there should be four people in our team, besides us, who else do I know?"

"You all know each other." Zeng Xiaoxian said as he stuffed half a deep-fried dough stick into his mouth.

Chen Yixun regained his energy when he heard this, "Who is there, tell me quickly?"

He also plans to reach the international finals in this league, so he also attaches great importance to the other two teammates.

"One of them is Beiweiwei. We played a game together once, do you remember? It's near Fuda."

Chen Yixun's eyes lit up, "Is that the female student? She has a very strong operational ability and is a good team member! What else?"

"Although you haven't seen the other one, she is very famous in the game industry. You must have heard of it, miss."

"Huh? Miss? You even invited miss?" Chen Yixun almost choked on the fried dough sticks, took a sip of soy milk and washed it down before continuing: "I heard from my acquaintance that there are several famous teams in China I invited miss, but she rejected them all, I thought she was going to be a game anchor with peace of mind, and didn't want to participate in this kind of league, but I didn't expect to be invited by you!"

The two chatted for a while, the sun came out, Beiwei took Erxi, Xiaoling, and Sisi to the appointed place, and saw Zeng Xiaoxian waving to them from afar.

Several people ran over excitedly.

"Brother Zeng, you guys are so early!" Bei Weiwei thought they had come early enough, but Zeng Xiaoxian came earlier.

Zeng Xiaoxian said with a smile: "I got up early to pick up the plane from Art Info, and then came directly over."

Erxi and the other three were also flushed with excitement.

"Male god, I am Erxi!"

"I'm Xiaoling!"

"I'm Sisi, we are both Wei Wei's roommates and good best friends!"

"Hehe, no wonder they are roommates, they are all beauties!" Zeng Xiaoxian boasted, and then introduced them with a smile.

Chen Yixun was also very happy to see the four beauties appearing in front of his eyes, "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

After they got to know each other, Zeng Xiaoxian asked, "Have you had breakfast?"

Bei nodded slightly, "I ate it, I ate it in the school cafeteria..."

Zeng Xiaoxian immediately chatted with a few people, and after a while, Miss also came over.

She drove a red Beetle and parked in a nearby parking lot, got out of the car, and saw Zeng Xiaoxian and the others at a glance, but when she saw that there were four beauties, her cute face immediately became a little unhappy.

She deliberately spent more than an hour dressing herself up in the morning, and picked out her favorite dress. She originally wanted to surprise Zeng Xiaoxian, but she didn't expect to see Bei Weiwei and the others next to her when she got out of the car, what a guy , one is more beautiful than the other!

To be honest, Zeng Xiaoxian was really amazed by the miss. With loose hair, long snow-white neck, and a skirt that is neither long nor short, she looks not only youthful, but also has a kind of dusty look. beauty.

The miss came in front of everyone, seeing Zeng Xiaoxian looking at her in a daze, she felt relieved, she thought that this girl is beautiful, she must be fascinated by this girl, hehe.

I feel a little proud.

"Hey, big star, why don't you introduce me? Who are these beauties?"

2.3 "Ah." Zeng Xiaoxian finally came to his senses, "Let me introduce, this is Beiwei Weiwei, one of our team members, these three are Erxi, Xiaoling, Sisi, they are all Weiwei's roommates , came to play with me."

Bei Weiwei is an experienced game player, so she naturally knows about Miss, but this is the first time she sees the deity, with a happy and excited look on her face.

"You must be a miss. I didn't expect to be able to form a team with you. It's an honor!"

Miss is not a difficult person to talk to. Seeing that Bei Weiwei is so enthusiastic, she feels embarrassed to give others a cold face. She shook hands with Bei Wei Wei, "Hehe, I'm miss, I'm very happy to meet you too!".

408. News Leaked (Second Update, Please Subscribe!!)

Afterwards, Zeng Xiaoxian introduced Chen Yixun again, and they got to know each other. After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Zeng Xiaoxian said: "Today, we want to meet each other because we want to improve the understanding between each other. Then let's find a place to have a chat. How many rounds?"

"Good!" Several people agreed.

Chen Yixun said: "Where should we call? How about finding an Internet cafe?"

"The Internet cafe is not very good, is it?" Miss pouted at Zeng Xiaoxian, "He is a big star with many fans, and when the fans recognize him, I'm afraid we will be blocked in the Internet cafe."

Zeng Xiaoxian was a little sweaty, why did this miss sound a little sour?However, her concerns were indeed justified. Whether it was herself, miss, or Chen Yixun, they were all public figures, and it was inevitable that they would not be recognized by others.

Thinking of this, Zeng Xiaoxian said: "I think so, many high-end hotels provide computers, let's find a hotel."

After everyone agreed, Zeng Xiaoxian took out his mobile phone and searched. The nearest high-end hotel named Sheraton had booked a presidential suite, and they drove there.

After all, it is a high-end hotel, and the facilities are very good. After Zeng Xiaoxian told the hotel about his request, the hotel brought four laptops in a short while, and they were all high-end gaming laptops, which were perfect for playing Crossfire.

Turn on the machine.

Miss said: "I know some famous domestic teams, how about we play a few rounds with them?"

"it is good."

Miss's WeChat has the contact information of these team members, and after a while, he found a team called "Supreme Glory", which can enter the top fifteen in the domestic comprehensive ranking.

When the other party learned that Miss was going to have a team duel with them, he immediately agreed.

The other party moved very quickly. After Zeng Xiaoxian and the others opened the game, the other party had already built the room, and gave a very ostentatious name: Miss is here! , and also opened the infinite spectator mode.

Crossfire in this world is not exactly the same as on Earth. The biggest difference is in the spectator mode. Compared with Earth, Crossfire in this world attaches great importance to the spectator mode, and has developed a lot of tricks.

This infinite spectator mode is one of them. Once this mode is turned on, the game room can accommodate up to hundreds of thousands of people to manage accounts together, and it will not affect the player's game in the slightest.Moreover, the game will automatically put the room with this spectator mode on top, so that more players can see it.

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