The number of spectators in the room rose like a rocket, and broke through the [-] mark in just a short while.And what's interesting is that most of them are female players with very low levels, and the information in the entire information column has been increasing rapidly, and it is too late for the naked eye to see clearly what is written.

Seeing this scene, Zeng Xiaoxian and the others were already stunned, and several members of the Supreme Glory team were even more shocked from ear to ear.

"Wo Cao, no wonder he is called the national male god, there are so many brain-dead fans!".

410. Tomb Raider Notes Broke (Please Subscribe!!)


a restaurant.

After playing games all morning, everyone was hungry now, so Zeng Xiaoxian chose a place to have a meal with everyone.

After a whole morning of working together, the four of them have become familiar with each other, and they can talk more freely. Bei Weiwei said to Miss with a happy face: "Miss, I didn't expect you to have such a good sense of manipulation! Just now there was a sniper game by the other party. The gunman was killed by you through the wall before he showed his face, I guess the other party must be very depressed!"

Speaking of this interesting episode, the rest of the players also burst out laughing. They fought against the Supreme Glory team all morning, but in the end the opponent didn't win a game, so they stopped playing because of depression.

The confidence of the few people increased greatly, and they competed with each other again, and found that apart from Zeng Xiaoxian, the other misses and Bei Weiwei had similar skills, while Chen Yixun was a little worse, but it wasn't too much to hold back.

When it was almost noon, a few people were ready to come out for dinner, but they saw a long~gun and a short gun at the entrance of the Sheraton Hotel.Apparently those entertainment reporters with dog noses got the news and rushed over.

After all, the Sheraton Hotel is the 427 store of Dajiu. At the request of Zeng Xiaoxian and the others, the staff directly led a few people out from the small gate, and a group of reporters blocking the gate immediately rushed to nothing.

The few people were eating delicious food and chatting casually. At this time, the eccentric Er Xi suddenly asked: "By the way, male god, your team is so powerful, shouldn't you also choose a domineering name?" ?”

Zeng Xiaoxian was taken aback when he heard the words, really, they haven't named their own team yet!

"Think about it, everyone, what's your name?"

"How about calling Wang Zhongwang Team?" Chen Yixun seemed to like eating ham sausage, so he came here as soon as he opened his mouth.

Miss shook her head, "It's too silly, besides, whether Shuanghui has given us a sponsorship fee, we can't advertise for them."

Xiaoling said again: "Shouldn't it be called the Great God Team?"

Bei chuckled slightly, "This one is even dirtier."

After waiting for a while, Zeng Xiaoxian suddenly remembered that in a martial arts novel by Mr. Jin in his previous life, there was a martial arts senior called Sword Demon Dugu Qiubai, and he said with a smile, "Why don't the team name be Dugu Qiubai?"

"Dugu seeking defeat?" Everyone smacked their lips.

"The name is cool, but what does Dugu mean? I think it's better to change Dugu and call it Lonely Seeking Defeat."

"Yes, that's a good name!"

"High-end atmosphere is upscale, low-key luxury has connotations!"


After a meal, Zeng Xiaoxian returned to the iPartment. He has nothing to do these few days, just chatting and playing with the girls at home, and spends most of his free time surfing the Internet.

On this day, after playing a game with miss and others, I had nothing to do, turned on my phone, and was about to scroll through Weibo, when I suddenly saw a lot of comments from netizens on Weibo.

"Male God, why did the serialization of your Tomb Raider Notes stop on"

"Yeah, male god, it's so hard to see that it stopped halfway, please update!"


The majority of netizens thought it was Zeng Xiaoxian who made the update, but in fact, Zeng Xiaoxian had already written all the notes on the tomb robbery, and all the manuscripts were handed over to Tianya editor Liu Yong (bged).

Liu Yong, Zeng Xiaoxian, has also been inspected, and he has done really well for such a long time, and he didn't let Zeng Xiaoxian worry about it.

But what happened this time?

Thinking of this, Zeng Xiaoxian directly dialed Liu Yong's cell phone number.

"Sorry, the user you dialed is off!"

"Sorry, the phone of the person you dialed is switched off!"

Zeng Xiaoxian called twice in a row, both of which indicated that Liu Yong's cell phone had been turned off.

Zeng Xiaoxian had a bad premonition in his heart, could it be that he misjudged the wrong person?

But after thinking about it, it's not like, if Liu Yong wants to keep his manuscript for himself, the sooner the better, why wait until now the entire Tomb Raider Notes has been serialized for more than half?

Zeng Xiaoxin felt that it was too early to draw conclusions. He turned on the computer and came to, but as soon as he clicked into the story section, there was an announcement hanging in the most conspicuous position.

"Mr. Liu Yong, the original moderator of the forum, is currently under the control of the Public Security Bureau because of beating people maliciously. The company has also made a decision to fire Liu Yong due to the bad circumstances. I hereby declare that everyone knows."


Seeing this announcement, Zeng Xiaoxian immediately understood that Liu Yong had already been arrested by the police.

Fortunately, Zeng Xiaoxian knew the exact address of Liu Yong's home, so he didn't care about other things at the moment, grabbed the car keys and walked out.

An hour later, Zeng Xiaoxian drove to an old residential area, Unit 304 [-].

I rang the doorbell, and after a while a woman came to open the door. She was dressed in general and had a medium appearance, but now her eyes were a little red and swollen, and it was obvious that she had been crying a lot.

"Excuse me, is this Liu Yong's house?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked.

Hearing this, the woman looked Zeng Xiaoxian up and down, and then said: "I am his lover, may I ask who you are?"

"Oh, I'm Zeng Xiaoxian."

"Ah, you are Mr. Zeng, please come in and talk."

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