411. Caught by Ye Cunxin's Pigtails (First Update, Please Subscribe!!)

After understanding, Zeng Xiaoxian knew that the woman's name was Zhang Yan, she was Liu Yong's wife, and now she was pregnant.

As for Liu Yong's arrest, the story is like this. Liu Yong practiced martial arts for a few days when he was young, and his personality is also upright. A few days ago, when he was off work, he saw some hooligans molesting the company's female colleagues at the company gate of Tianya.com. The little hooligan was beaten up.

Then he was taken away by the police station and placed under criminal detention without family visits.Zhang Yan was still quite confused at the time. Although beating people should not be done, Liu Yong was brave after all, and at that time he just gave the little hooligan a lesson. The wounds were all skin traumas. He shouldn't be detained anyway~ ?

But later, someone broke the news to her, saying that the young hooligan who was beaten was the son of the boss of the company, and Liu Yong was deliberately punished by someone, saying that he was going to spend a year or two in prison.

Hearing this, Zhang Yan was worried and frightened. She was pregnant, so she couldn't let the child lose sight of her father right after birth?Moreover, being in prison is a life-long stain. Even if Liu Yong comes out by then, I am afraid that if he wants to find a job, no unit will want him.

How will they live then!

Thinking of this, Zhang Yan often shed tears. He wanted to ask someone for help, but he was unaccompanied in this city, who could he ask for help?I heard Liu Yong said before that there was a capable friend who trusted him and gave him full responsibility for all the manuscripts at hand. This person was called Zeng Xiaoxian, but she did not have Zeng Xiaoxian's contact information.Unexpectedly, Zeng Xiaoxian came to the door on his own initiative.

Zhang Yan burst into tears with excitement, bent her knees to Zeng Xiaoxian and knelt down.

"Mr. Zeng, please save our family Liu Yong?"

Seeing this, Zeng Xiaoxian quickly helped Zhang Yan up, "Ms. Zhang, don't worry, I will definitely not ignore Liu Yong's affairs!"

Pulling Zhang Yan up, comforting her, throwing another [-] yuan to her for living, Zeng Xiaoxian walked out.When he got to the car, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

This number was written down the last time he went to the Public Security Bureau, and it was the number of Ye Cunxin, the captain of the Criminal Police Brigade.

Ye Cunxin was working in front of the computer when she suddenly heard her cell phone ringing. When she saw the number, it was a stranger. After thinking about it, she still picked it up.

"Hey, hehe, is it Miss Ye Cunxin, do you remember me?"

Ye Cunxin felt that the voice was familiar, but she didn't remember it for a while, "Who are you? What can I do for you?"

"I'm Zeng Xiaoxian!"

As soon as she heard the word Zeng Xiaoxian, Ye Cunxin remembered, isn't this the guy named Zeng Xiaoxian who made her miserable last time?

"Get out!" Ye Cunxin roared and hung up the phone.

But before she put down the phone, Zeng Xiaoxian called again.

"Don't be so violent, Miss Ye Cunxin, it was all a misunderstanding last time." Zeng Xiaoxian acted like a good boy when he got an advantage.

"Misunderstand your uncle!"

"I don't have a master." Now that Zeng Xiaoxian is asking for others, he can't be too tough, so he can only hit the snake with the stick and make jokes for her.

Sure enough, being teased by Zeng Xiaoxian a few times, Ye Cunxin's anger subsided a little, "Speak quickly, let me fart, this girl is very busy!"

Zeng Xiaoxian chuckled twice, "That's right, a friend of mine was wronged and is now in criminal detention. I would like to ask you for help."

Ye Cunxin is a policeman, and he also hates corruption and abuse of power very much. Hearing Zeng Xiaoxian say that his friend is under criminal detention, it means that the police system may be abusing their power and illegally detaining people.

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She can't ignore it.

"Tell me about the specific situation on your side."

Zeng Xiaoxian didn't expect Ye Cunxin to separate public affairs and private affairs so clearly, he secretly praised in his heart, and told what happened, emphasizing on Liu Yong's courageous actions and his wife Yiyou's pregnancy.

Sure enough, Ye Cunxin was furious after hearing this, and slapped the table with her palm, "These people are too lawless!"

... ...

Zeng Xiaoxian immediately fanned the flames beside him, "That's right, Cun Xin, you have to deal with them severely when the time comes!"

"Well, you..." Ye Cunxin was about to agree, when suddenly a thought flashed in his mind, no, there is still a gap between this guy and me, how can he be so cheap?

Thinking of this, her tone immediately sank, "Did you also call Cun Xin?"

"Hehe, doesn't that sound a bit closer?"

"Who wants to get close to you!" Ye Cunxin's tone was a bit hostile, and then she rolled her eyes and said, "I don't seem to know you well, why should you help me!"

"This..." Who is Zeng Xiaoxian?As soon as Ye Cunxin said this, Zeng Xiaoxian knew that this girl wanted to pick him up, but he didn't care, just pick it up, anyway, he wouldn't lose a piece of flesh.

"Tell me, Police Officer Ye Cunxin, what can I do to help you? I, Zeng Xiaoxian, will do my best to satisfy you!"

"That's about the same!" Ye Cunxin said secretly, "Last time in front of our bureau chief, you made me lose face, so if you want me to help you, you must apologize to me in front of our bureau chief!".

412. Ye Cunxin Helped (2/5 Please Subscribe!!)

Be careful, listen to me, Ye Cunxin is still the reporter, it seems that the last time this girl was treated a bit miserable.

After all, the police system is a violent organ of the state, and Zeng Xiaoxian doesn't want to offend too much unless it is absolutely necessary.Just like this time, if it wasn't the police who arrested Liu Yong, but the underworld or hooligans, Zeng Xiaoxian would definitely not use this kind of soft handling method to directly kill him and beat him up, but this time It is the police, if the goal can be achieved through the internal mechanism of the police, of course it is the best choice.

"Okay, tell me the time and place, and I'll go." Zeng Xiaoxian readily agreed.

It was almost noon at this time, and it was "[-]" when it was time for lunch. Director Yang Xiong came down after finishing his work, and clapped his hands when he saw that everyone was still immersed in work.

"Hey, it's time for lunch. Let's all go to the cafeteria to eat. Don't be inked. We'll deal with things in the afternoon!"

After Yang Xiong finished speaking, everyone looked up at their watches and saw that the time had indeed come, so they all started to go to the cafeteria. Only Ye Cunxin held his mobile phone in his hand and did not move.

"Cun Xin, let's go eat?" Yang Xiong said again.

"Director, don't go to dinner first, someone invites you at noon today."

"Anyone please?" Yang Xiong looked at Ye Cunxin suspiciously, "Cunxin, as the people's police, we can't ask for cards!"

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