Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and shook hands with everyone.

After a while, the leader warehouse of Zeng's Comics Network also came over, driving two commercial vehicles.

Because Zeng's Book Company is nominally affiliated to Zeng's Comics Network, Liu Yong rushed to meet it.

"Everyone is here, you have worked hard today!"

First there was a fat young man. He was the current manager of Zeng's Comics Network. His name was Huang An, and he was very kind.

He smiled and waved his hands, "Old Liu, you're out of touch if you say that. We're all a family. Why don't we say it's hard work or hard work? We should come to join us!"

After chatting with Liu Yong, Huang An saw Zeng Xiaoxian not far away, and hurried over to say hello.

"Mr. Zeng, you are early enough!"

"It's not too late for you to come." Zeng Xiaoxian chatted with Huang An casually, and said, "Have all the leadership of the company arrived?"

Huang An nodded, "It's all here, our own brother company, can you join us?"

"Yeah." Zeng Xiaoxian nodded, and beckoned Liu Yong to come over, "I told Lao Huang from Zeng's Comic Network, and no one else said anything. If everyone is here, you can start."

Liu Yong looked back when he heard the words, "All the people I invited are here, so shall we start now?"

Just at this time, a nanny car slowly drove over, Zeng Xiaoxian got dizzy when he saw it, of course he knew his own nanny car.

Sure enough, the nanny car was parked not far away, and Hu Yifei, Andy and others all got down from it, and came to Zeng Xiaoxian with a smile.

"Well, our family has started a company again?"

"Is it okay for our sisters to have a meal?"

"I have a problem, will you go back?" Zeng Xiaoxian asked in pain.

"No!" All the girls said in unison.

Zeng Xiao Xian:"……"

Zhou Jun and other extreme publishers, and Huang An and other colleagues from Zeng's Comic Network saw a nanny car driving over.Many of them had seen the world, and when they saw this car, some people exclaimed.

"This car is not bad, it costs at least several million in China!"

"That's right, I've seen a group boss buy one, and the price is more than five million!"


While everyone was discussing, the door of the car opened, and a beautiful woman with beautiful branches came out of it like a magic trick.

Everyone's eyes almost popped out, why are there so many beauties?Is it a model?Not like!How can a model have such a temperament!

When they saw the women surrounding Zeng Xiaoxian, everyone seemed to understand something and looked at each other with wonderful eyes.

"Hehe, Mr. Zeng is really extraordinary!"

"Haha, the so-called blessing of Qiren is nothing more than that!"

Liu Yong was taken aback when he saw the girls, but then he seemed to understand. He turned his head and greeted people to set off firecrackers. After walking a few steps, two more luxury cars drove up, a low-key Bentley and a high-profile Lamborghini... ... Then Liu Huan and Wang Hao got out of the car.

Liu Huan stuck on a pair of big sunglasses, and laughed at Zeng Xiaoxian, "Xiaoxian, you are a bit mean, you didn't notify my brother of the opening of the company?"

When the princess saw the girls beside Zeng Xiaoxian, her expression changed, and then she gave him a blank look, "Xiaoxian, you have to take care of yourself!"

Zeng Xiaoxian didn't expect that Liu Huan and the concubine would also come, so he hurriedly greeted him, "Mr. Liu Huan, sister concubine, why are you here too?"

Liu Huan and Zeng Xiaoxian shook hands, "You boy, you didn't know to inform us of the opening of the company. Fortunately, Mr. Chen told us, otherwise the meal would not have happened."

Liu Huan made a joke, and Zeng Xiaoxian said cheerfully, "It's a small company that was supposed to make a living and even open for business, but you are busy, so you didn't notify."

Zeng Xiaoxian explained, 4.5 is still a little puzzled, it seems that he didn't tell Chen Du about the opening of his company, how did he know?

But after thinking about it, I was relieved. As the saying goes, there is no separation between entertainment and entertainment. Chen Du has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and he must have a lot of contacts in the entertainment industry. It's not surprising to hear from friends what's going on here.

At the same time, he secretly shook his head in his heart, it seemed that this opening ceremony could not be kept low-key.

At the stall where Zeng Xiaoxian and Princess Liu Huan were talking, the friends in the publishing industry were not calm anymore.

"This is... the big singer Liu Huan and the princess?".

418. They Are All Engaging in Sudden Attacks (3/5 Please Subscribe!!)

Most of the leaders of Zeng's Comic Network Company are young people, in their twenties to thirties, and some of them are fans of Liu Huan and Princess Wang.

Seeing a real person, they all ran over.

"Teacher Liu Huan, I'm your fan, can you sign it for me?"

"Mr. Wangfei, I really like your song, can you sign it for me?"

The two came to attend the opening ceremony when they saw each other, so they must be friends of Zeng Xiaoxian.It is very straightforward to satisfy the wishes of fans.

Friends in the publishing industry are all in their forties, and not a few years younger than Liu Huan. They are not as unrestrained as young people, and they came over to greet the two with smiles.

Although the location of Zeng's Book Company is not in a downtown area, it is not remote, and there are many companies nearby. Seeing the bustling opening of the companies here, many people who like to watch the excitement come out to stand in the distance to watch .

"Fuck, that person looks like Teacher Liu Huan!"

"Crap, like?"

"Like! Really like!"

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