"It's really a bit similar, but it should be just that they look alike. A star as big as Mr. Liu Huan will come to participate in the opening ceremony of the small company?"

"Do you see that the one next to you is Teacher Wangfei?"

"Here it is again!"

"It does!"

"Hey, that's not right, how could it be such a coincidence? Two people, one looks like Liu Huan and the other looks like a princess?"

"Is it really Liu Huan and the princess?"

There was a company executive in the crowd. He looked at several luxury cars parked not far away, "It's not like, it's Mr. Liu Huan and Mrs. Wangfei! Look at the Bentley and Lamborghini behind, I just saw it with my own eyes. Now that the two of them got out of those two cars, can the average person afford that kind of car?"

"Damn it, is it really Liu Huan and the princess?"

"Oh, I'm so lucky, I finally met a real person this time, and I can brag later!"

Many people took out their mobile phones and pointed at the two of them for a while.

But now it is working hours, and they have a feeling of looking up to the big stars. At first sight, they are really afraid to go forward. It would be nice to take a few photos to pretend to be aggressive.

After taking the photos, everyone uploaded the photos to Weibo, Space.

"I saw the princess today, haha, there are photos to prove it!"

"Catch one big star, no, two! Haha!"


In the Internet age, news spreads very quickly. As soon as this wave of photos was posted on the Internet, it immediately attracted a large number of fans to watch.After a while, the major entertainment reporters also got the news.

"Where is the location on the photo? A high price is offered! Do you know?"

"Does anyone know the exact location where Liu Huan and the princess are? Beg!"

Many people knew the location of Zeng's Book Company. After a short while, the reporters knew the location, and then, with long guns and short guns, they pulled a cart to kill Zeng's Book Company.

Liu Yong is now a little undecided. Just now Zeng Xiaoxian said that no one else was invited, but Liu Huan and the princess came uninvited. Will there be any important people coming later?Just as he was thinking, several luxury cars stopped not far away.

The car door opened, and Liu Bing got out first, followed by a few people from the cars behind. They were the investors I met at the wrap-up dinner of "Northern Love Story".

"Oh, Brother Liu, why are you here?" Zeng Xiaoxian greeted him out.

Liu Bing's face was full of red, "Can I not come when my brother's company opens? But Xiaoxian, you are not authentic, why don't you notify me of such a big event?"

Zeng Xiaoxian quickly explained, "Brother Liu, this is not a big deal at all. I originally wanted to mess with it casually, but I didn't expect you all to be well-informed and come here on your own after getting the news. I really didn't think carefully about this matter."

Liu Bing laughed when he heard the words, "Just kidding, I like to be lively. I didn't hear that there is excitement here, so I brought them here too."

Liu Bing pointed behind him.

Several people also stepped forward to greet Zeng Xiaoxian.

Zeng Xiaoxian's head is getting bigger now, no one invited, so many people came all at once.

Now in the end is to set off firecrackers or not to set off firecrackers ah?Let's play 523, what if someone comes later?Don't let it go, it's getting late.

While hesitating, Liu Huanyou came over, "Xiaoxian, wait a minute, Mr. Chen called me just now, and he is holding a shareholders' meeting in the company. After the meeting, Mr. Chen and the shareholders will come over together. "

Before Zeng Xiaoxian could speak, the phone in his pocket rang again, it was Huang Xiaohua calling, "Xiaoxian, don't rush to start, Mr. Wang has rushed over from Beijing and will be there soon, I will go with him later. "

"Sister Xiaohua, why didn't you say it earlier." Zeng Xiaoxian was a little confused.

"It's not too late to say now." Huang Xiaohua chuckled on the other end of the phone.

"Okay, you all like to engage in surprise attacks, I'll wait, can't I wait?"

Just after hanging up the phone, a bus stopped, and Wang Ouzhong Lingdang came with a dozen students from Jinling Conservatory of Music.

"God, we've caught a carload of strong men for you, and we'll hand over any physical work to them!"

Zeng Xiao Xian:"……".

419. The Reporters Are Here, Too (4/5 Please Subscribe!!)

Knowing that the two big men were coming, Zeng Xiaoxian notified Liu Yongxian and so on. The latter was immediately dumbfounded when he heard the thunderous names of Wang Dajun and Chen Du.

"Xiaoxian, I... Did I hear correctly?"

Although Liu Yong has never been in the entertainment industry, he often hears the names of Wang Dajun and Degree. Although these two are bigwigs in the entertainment industry, they are also successful business tycoons.

He never imagined that such a small company, Zeng's Book Company, would attract so many heavyweights for its opening, and these people came uninvited.

Thinking of this, Liu Yong's gaze towards Zeng Xiaoxian began to be full of awe. He has always regarded Zeng Xiaoxian very highly, but now it seems that he still underestimated it!

"You heard me right, they will be here soon." Zeng Xiaoxian patted Liu Yong on the shoulder, signaling him to work elsewhere first.

After about half an hour, a long convoy slowly came along the road, all of them were luxury cars, there were more than [-] cars in total.

Stop the car.

The doors of the two side-by-side luxury cars in front opened, and Wang Dajun and Chen Du walked out from inside with smiles on their faces.

The two were old acquaintances, and they started joking with each other as soon as they met.

"Haha, Old Chen, are you here too?"

"I must come. Your President Wang has rushed over from the imperial capital. I am in Shanghai. Why don't you come?"

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