"Hey, Xiaoxian, why do you have time to call me at this time?"

"Hehe, Brother Luo, didn't you disturb your rest?" Zeng Xiaoxian felt apologetic, after all, it was past nine o'clock in the evening, and some people who went to bed early were probably going to bed.

"No, no, I'm still in the office, just getting ready to leave work. Is there something wrong?" Luo Zheng knew that Zeng Xiaoxian must be looking for him at this time, so he asked again.

"There is indeed something I want to ask Brother Luo for help." Zeng Xiaoxian didn't hide anything, and said directly: "That's right, I have a variety show here, and it has been reviewed by your radio and television station. Now it seems to be stuck, no I wonder if Brother Luo can help push it forward."

Hearing this, Luo Zheng frowned. As the deputy director of radio and television, there are too many people who come to him every day for work, and a considerable part of them are related to auditing.

Some people think that if they know Director Luo, they can do whatever they want. He doesn't like this kind of people very much, because doing such things is against his principle of being an official.

Luo Zheng didn't go around in circles, and said bluntly, "Xiao Xian, do you know why that variety show got stuck? If it's because of reasons other than the content of the program, I can ask, but if it's because of the content of the program itself Then I can't help you either!"

Hearing this, Zeng Xiaoxian knew that Luo Zheng had misunderstood, and couldn't help laughing: "Brother Luo, you misunderstood. The variety show I mentioned was not due to the content, but because of some small misunderstandings."

"Small misunderstanding?"

"That's right." Then, Zeng Xiaoxian told Luo Zheng the whole story of what he heard from Yu Hangying, "Brother Luo, that's how things are. It was about to pass according to the normal process, so the TV station has already It's scheduled to be aired soon, but now except for this episode, it may affect the broadcasting plan of the TV station, so I have the cheek to tell you."

After listening to Zeng Xiaoxian's words, Luo Zheng already knew that he had misunderstood Zeng Xiaoxian, and he was greatly relieved.In his mind, he has high expectations for Zeng Xiaoxian, and hopes that he can make great contributions to China's film and television music in the future. This is one of the reasons why he put down his airs and took the initiative to make friends with Zeng Xiaoxian.

If such a young man also embarks on the evil path of ignoring the rules through relationships, he will be very sad.But now it was time to prove that he was thinking too much.

"Haha, Xiaoxian, it seems that I misunderstood you for coming. Don't worry, I will personally take care of this matter. As long as there is no problem with the program itself, it will not affect the broadcast plan."

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"Hey, thank you Brother Luo." Zeng Xiaoxian thanked you.

After hanging up the phone, Zeng Xiaoxian said to Yu Hangying: "Sister Yu, there should be no big problem there. The other party said that as long as it's not a problem with the content of the program itself, it will be approved soon and will not affect the TV station's broadcast plan."

"Ah, that's great!" Yu Hangying finally breathed a sigh of relief, but then said with some doubts: "Xiaoxian, the name of this friend you know is Luo?"

Zeng Xiaoxian nodded.


Yu Hangying glanced at him, then frowned and thought for a while, in her impression, it seems that the only person surnamed Luo in Radio and Television is Deputy Director Luo?Could it be that Xiaoxian's friend refers to Deputy Director Luo?

After thinking about it, Yu Hangying couldn't help shaking her head. Deputy Director Luo Zheng didn't even have a chance to contact her, so how could Zeng Xiaoxian know him?Thinking about it, maybe I don't know enough about it. There are other people surnamed Luo in the radio and television.


Luo Zheng put down the phone, thought for a while, and dialed again. During the chat with Zeng Xiaoxian just now, he learned that the person who caught the running man was the section chief named Zhou Lei.

Although Zeng Xiaoxian spoke tactfully on the phone, who is he, Luo Zheng?Having been in the officialdom for decades, he immediately knew that this section chief named Zhou Lei was actually using his power to get what he wanted!Shake your prestige at every turn.

This kind of atmosphere was repeatedly ordered by the central government to put an end to it, and he personally hated it, but he didn't expect it to still exist under his nose.

This kind of thing is not a trivial matter, and it must be eliminated in time, and the section chief named Zhou Lei will also criticize and warn. .

444. The Section Chief Is Crying (8/8 Please Subscribe!!)

Zhou Lei has been working in Radio and Television for several years. In the first few years, he was still a bit motivated and wanted to make a breakthrough, but he didn't have his share in several promotions. Later, he gave up and couldn't get promoted anyway. , simply dawdle.

After all, radio and television is a key department. Now that the economic conditions are improving, everyone's entertainment needs are increasing. All kinds of funds are going to the cultural and entertainment sector, and more and more people are investing in film production.

Gradually, Zhou Lei felt that although he was a small section chief, there were more and more people who wanted to curry favor with him. As time passed, Zhou Lei got used to this state of being flattered and flattered by others, and he was proud of it. as well.

However, what made him angry was that just today, a clerk was sent by a variety show called "Running Man". The little girl was pretty, but let her let him go.

Zhou Lei has a habit, the "June [-]" people who come to him for work, only others wait for him, and he does not wait for others.

When he arrived at the o'clock, seeing that Xiao Liu hadn't arrived, he turned around and left without waiting for a second. Naturally, he had to make some decisions about the review of the program.

They don't even know how majestic Zhou Lei is!

Of course, he wasn't prepared to really not give it. After all, there was nothing wrong with the filming of their show, it was very positive and funny, and even if he wanted to, he couldn't find a reason.

Therefore, the notice he gave to Xiaoliu said that it will be reviewed later, that is, it will be put on hold for the time being.But he heard that this variety show has already been set on this line of satellite TV, and he is in a hurry to get it. After he presses it, it's no wonder the other side is not in a hurry!

But he just wanted to make them anxious!

Zhou Lei felt a sense of accomplishment when he thought that he could make a large group of people anxious with a little movement of his mouth, and hummed a little song unconsciously.

At this time, his cell phone rang. Zhou Lei didn't answer the unfamiliar number, so he pressed it.

However, this number seemed to be very persistent. He pressed it three times, and within [-] seconds, he called again.

Zhou Lei was annoyed, who the hell is so ungrateful, calling after being fucked so many times, isn't it just looking for scolding?

Since you want to scold me, I will scold you today, so that you can have a good time!

"Who the hell are you? You have already called me three times, why are you still calling? Why are you so thick-skinned!"

Luo just used his private number to call Zhou Lei, because after get off work, he can make calls on his mobile phone while walking, and he doesn't need to stay in the office all the time, but what he never expected was that he called Zhou Lei three times in a row. He was hung up by the other party all the time.

Luo Zheng was a little depressed, but thinking about his dead number, few people knew it, so Zhou Lei naturally didn't know it even more. Maybe people didn't answer it because they thought it was an unfamiliar number. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng called another one!

This one accepted it, but he scolded him as soon as he opened his mouth!

Luo Zheng was stunned for a second, a little annoyed, and said, "You are Xiao Zhou, right? Why are you swearing? Huh?"

Zhou Lei heard this person's voice familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.In any case, he would never have thought that Deputy Director Luo would call him, so Zhou Lei kept his tone just now.

"Who are you? Are you Xiao Zhou? Did you call Xiao Zhou? You think you are my leader!"

Luo Zheng didn't want to talk too much with him, so he went straight to the point, "I'm Luo Zheng, and I have something to talk to you about!"

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