When Zhou Lei heard that it was Luo Zheng, he was stunned for a second, then he remembered that the voice was Director Luo or who?

At this moment Zhou Lei was scared out of his wits.

He actually hung up the director's phone just now?

And it hung up three times in a row?

And scolded the director?

This is so fucked up, completely fucked up!

Cold sweat dripped down Zhou Lei's forehead, "Director... Director, are you looking for me... for something?"

"Nonsense, of course I have something to do with you! Let me ask you, is there a variety show called "Running Brother" that you are reviewing?" Luo Zheng now has an extremely bad impression of Zhou Lei, and he has no intention of talking to him at all. Say nothing.

But when Zhou Lei heard it, his heart turned cold again. The "Run, Brother" that he suppressed privately attracted Deputy Director Luo to personally intervene?

What does this mean?

It shows that Deputy Director Luo knows people in the film, and may even have an unusual relationship!

"Yes, yes, this variety show is very good. I'm planning to pass it tomorrow. No, no, I'll pass it now. I'll call the film crew myself!" Ear scratch, I insist on using this shelf to dry wool. If I don't use this shelf, Deputy Director Luo won't call him at night, and he won't offend the director!Isn't this team gone?

When Luo Zheng hung up the phone, Zhou Lei immediately dialed Xiao Liu's number, "Hehe, Xiao Liu, brother didn't bother you to rest, it's like this, I called to apologize to you, by the way, let you know The "Run, Brother" submitted for review has officially passed the review, and you can come to sample the film and go through the relevant procedures at any time. …”


Zeng Xiaoxian and everyone were eating and chatting, when Yu Hangying's cell phone went off, and it was the man from before calling again, Yu Hangying suddenly became a little impatient, "Hey, what's the matter, do you want to let me go?" Did I have a good meal?"

The male voice on the phone shouted happily, "Sister Yu, good news, the section chief named Zhou Lei just called Xiaoliu, saying that the film we submitted for review has passed!"

"Really?" Yu Hangying became happy when she heard it. She gave Zeng Xiaoxian a meaningful look. The efficiency was too high. It took less than an hour to make the phone call, but she passed it?

The voice on the other end of the phone was also very happy, "It's really Sister Yu, your energy is really extraordinary!"

"Of course, it doesn't matter who your sister Yu is!" Yu Hangying boasted.

"That's that, that's that!" Gong 3.3 Wei said a few words on the phone, then suddenly stammered, "Sister Yu...Actually, there's one more thing."

"What's the matter, tell me, don't hesitate."

"Hey, then I said it. I heard from Xiaoliu that Director Zhou cried on the phone that day, and he kept apologizing to her, and scolded himself as inhuman, even worse than a beast. He also said that he begged you to be with Director Luo. Say something kind to him in front of him."

"Huh?! Are you crying? Director Luo? What Director Luo?" Yu Hangying was dumbfounded, but then she remembered something and looked at Zeng Xiaoxian incredulously, "Xiaoxian...you...that friend of yours is Director Luo?"

The eyes of the others also met and looked at him like a monster.

Zeng Xiaoxian felt a little embarrassed when everyone looked at him like an alien, and nodded, "Well, he seems to be the deputy director of Radio and Television."

445. Is it still hot now? (1/8 begging for subscription!!)

Back to the hotel.

Everyone went back to their rooms to rest. Zeng Xiaoxian took a shower and lay down on the bed for a while, unable to fall asleep.

Xiong Dailin was next door, so he couldn't sleep.

Simply wearing big pants and a T-shirt, Zeng Xiaoxian tiptoed to the next door.

The rooms of the baby and Xiong Dailin are next to each other, if you don't tap lightly, the baby can probably hear the movement.

When I came to the door, I looked around furiously. It was almost eleven o'clock in the evening. At this time, everyone basically went to bed and slept.The whole corridor was silent.

Knock, knock, knock on the door.

After a while, Xiong Dailin's voice came from the room, "Who is it?"

"Me." Zeng Xiaoxian said in a low voice.

"What are you doing here so late?"

Zeng Xiaoxian almost twisted his nose, why am I here, do you even need to ask, I must be here... I love you!

"Well, I can't sleep, I'm leaving tomorrow, and I want to come and chat with you." It's enough for everyone to know this kind of thing, and it's boring to say it, and it lacks interest.

With a soft sound, Xiong Dailin opened the door a crack, and the anti-wolf chain inside hadn't been taken yet.

Zeng Xiaoxian was speechless for a while, why is it like guarding against thieves?

"Is it really as simple as chatting?" Xiong Dailin blushed a little, and looked even more charming with the lights in the corridor.

Zeng Xiaoxian's heart is hot~ hot, but if there is no anti-wolf chain, he doesn't want to talk nonsense, just squeeze in and do three, five, and two.

But now with the anti-wolf chain, if Xiong Dailin doesn't let him in, he really has nothing to do.

Well, coax it.

Zeng Xiaoxian is a writer of novels, and running trains with his mouth full is his forte.

"Well, I really want to chat with you. Nothing else~`." Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes are extremely sincere.

Xiong Dailin hesitated for a moment, and took off the wolf chain, "Come in."

Zeng Xiaoxian went in cheerfully.

Xiong Dailin's room was very fragrant, it was a very elegant fragrance, it smelled so good, Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't help sniffing it twice.

"It feels a little hot." Now that he came in, Zeng Xiaoxian had already thrown away the promise just now, and took off his T-shirt without any hassle.

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