Zeng Xiaoxian wore sunglasses and entered the arena with Hu Yifei and others. Such a big scene immediately attracted the attention of the audience in the arena.

"I'll go, there are so many beauties over there!"

"Yes, a lot!"

"Nimma, who is that guy wearing sunglasses in front of you? It's disgusting to walk with so many beauties!"

"Why do I look a bit like that Zeng Xiaoxian?"

The [-] million bet between Zeng Xiaoxian and Xu Xiaodong has been raging on the Internet these days, and even Zeng Xiaoxian's name has been remembered by many people. When the three words Zeng Xiaoxian are mentioned, people immediately think of them again.


"Zeng Xiaoxian? The one who bet with Teacher Xiaodong?"

"If it's not him, who else?"

"I didn't expect him to be so courageous that he even came to the scene!"

"Hehe, [-] million yuan, I guess he won't worry if he doesn't come and see it himself?"

"It's useless to watch, I think Teacher Xiaodong will definitely win!"


Liu Bin has already entered the arena, and is currently preparing for activities on the edge of the ring. Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian and his party coming, he hurried over.

"Sir, you are here!"

Zeng Xiaoxian nodded and said, "How do you feel?"

Liu Bin knew that he was talking about medicinal wine, and a look of light burst into his eyes immediately.

"The effect is very angry. I drank it for three days, and I became unconscious after only one sip each time. But when I got up the next day, I could obviously feel more energetic. I even felt a mysterious change in my kung fu. But I don’t know exactly where it has changed.”

Zeng Xiaoxian said: "As long as it has an effect, we will play hard when we are on stage."

Liu Bin nodded heavily, but then he felt a little uneasy and said, "Sir, did you really bet [-] million on me to win?"

Liu Bin also heard from Artest in the past few days that Zeng Xiaoxian and Xu Xiaodong signed a bet, the bet was an astonishing [-] million.

"Yeah." Zeng Xiaoxian hummed, "You don't need to be burdened, even if you lose, I won't blame you, just calm down."

"Don't worry sir, I will definitely do my best to win this game!"

On the other side of the arena, Xu Xiaodong also saw Zeng Xiaoxian and his party, and a person beside him said: "Xiaodong, did you see that, that is Zeng Xiaoxian who bet with you."

Xu Xiaodong nodded, "This dude is very popular with women, so there are so many beauties around?"

The man said: "For a star, the most indispensable thing is a woman. This is normal."

Xu Xiaodong took a sip of mineral water, and also thought of Zeng Xiaoxian, and walked over, "You are Mr. Zeng Xiaoxian, welcome to play."

Xu Xiaodong hypocritically stretched out his hand to shake Zeng Xiaoxian's hand, but Zeng Xiaoxian didn't even move his hand. He (bgci) doesn't bother to associate with such a person.

Xu Xiaodong was embarrassed, a hint of sternness flashed in his eyes, but he turned it away immediately, "I wonder how Mr. Zeng's bet is going?"

Zeng Xiaoxian sneered, "You don't have to worry on my side, but if you can't get the money when the time comes, it will be very troublesome!"

Xu Xiaodong made fun of himself, and walked back awkwardly.The audience below began to discuss.

"This person is so unreasonable. Teacher Xiaodong shook hands with him and he didn't even extend his hand!"

However, there were also people who were unhappy with Xu Xiaodong and applauded Zeng Xiaoxian's actions.

"Haha, the name Zeng Xiaoxian is interesting, I like it!"

"That's right, Xu Xiaodong is too crazy, he should be killed like this!"

At this time, a few people came in again from the outside. Although they were all dressed in plain clothes, they gave off a heroic feeling as soon as they entered the door.

The leader was a woman in a T-shirt. After looking around the field, she walked straight towards Zeng Xiaoxian.

Zeng Xiaoxian also saw someone coming, "Why are you here? Don't you have to go to work?"

The woman who takes the lead is the captain of the criminal police, Ye Cunxin.

"Why can't I come, you, a big star, are here!" Ye Cunxin looked at the girls next to Zeng Xiaoxian nonchalantly, and said lightly.

Behind Ye Cunxin were two young men with very sharp eyes, Zeng Xiaoxian could tell from the first glance that the skills of these two people were probably not much worse than Ye Cunxin.And they have one thing in common with Ye Cunxin, they have both killed people before!

Seeing Zeng Xiaoxian looking at the two, Ye Cunxin introduced: "These two are the backbone of our criminal police team, Xiao Zhang and Xiao Hu!"

Zeng Xiaoxian didn't talk too much with the two of them, and nodded slightly. At this moment, a beautiful woman stepped onto the ring, said a few witty words, and then got down to business.

"Welcome everyone to watch the duel between boxing and Chinese martial arts today! Now I announce that the competition has officially started, please invite players from both sides to play!"

The competition officially begins! .

461. Intense Battle! (3/8 for subscription!!)

The two walked up from both sides of the ring. Xu Xiaodong obviously wanted to hype it up and invited many tabloid reporters. When the two took the stage, the flashing lights kept crackling.

"Please enlighten me!" Liu Bin cupped his fists.

Xu Xiaodong smiled, "We don't pay attention to such nonsense in fighting, but we will have no eyesight in fists and feet later, if you get hurt, I hope you don't care about it."

Liu Bin sneered, "You too." After speaking, he pulled out a fist-hand gesture.

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