Xu Xiaodong's fighting is about attacking, without the slightest procrastination, he has already approached Liu Bin, followed by two straight punches.

Xu Xiaodong's fists are very heavy. After all, he has practiced free combat for many years, and the wind whistling when he punches out.

Xu Xiaodong's fans in the audience watched with enthusiasm.

"Teacher Xiaodong is so handsome!"

"Yes, Teacher Xiaodong, come on!"

"Fuck him!"

It was the first time that Liu Bin fought against a fighter. In the first lap, he did not fight hard, but avoided it.

But Xu Xiaodong's fighting is to fight fast against slow, and attack against defense. Liu Bin's avoidance just let Xu Xiaodong seize the opportunity, and he punched out a set of combined punches fiercely.Immediately, Liu Bin seemed a little passive.

"Hey, brother Liu played too conservatively!" Artai sat next to Zeng Xiaoxian, seeing Liu Bin fell into a passive state as soon as he came up, he couldn't help shaking his head.

Even if he didn't drink the medicinal wine, Xu Xiaodong's strength was about the same as Liu Bin's, but Xu Xiaodong had rich experience in actual combat, so if he didn't drink the medicinal wine, the probability of Liu Bin losing was more than [-]%.

After drinking the medicinal wine now, both Liu Bin's body's ability to resist blows and the power of his fists have greatly increased, so even though Liu Bin is temporarily in crisis, Zeng Xiaoxian is not worried.

"The competition has just begun, don't worry, take your time."

Hearing this, Ye Cunxin looked at Zeng Xiaoxian in surprise, her opinion was similar to that of Artest, although Liu Bin was good in strength but not rich in actual combat experience, he would be at a disadvantage against Xu Xiaodong who was very experienced in actual combat.

But she didn't expect Zeng Xiaoxian, who had bet [-] million, to be very calm, "Do you think Liu Bin still has a chance to win?"

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled slightly, "Don't you know if you look down?"

The spectators who originally supported Chinese martial arts here were a little downcast, and they were beaten and beaten at the beginning, and they would lose in all likelihood.

"Hey, is Chinese martial arts really inferior to fighting?"

"Don't be discouraged, you haven't lost yet!"

"I'm afraid it's almost the same if you don't lose. They are all suppressed and beaten!"

Some fans who supported Xu Xiaodong beside him were complacent.

"Haha, I've said it a long time ago, Chinese martial arts are not good, but fighting is good!"

"That's right! I want to learn to fight, Chinese martial arts are useless!"

On the stage.

As soon as Xu Xiaodong got the upper hand, he punched Liu Bin like a punch. Based on his many years of actual combat experience, the opponent will definitely lose if this tendency is formed, because it is difficult for him to dodge this wave of attacks. !

But when he hit him, he felt something was wrong. Although the opponent was defending, after a short period of panic at the beginning, he seemed to have completely calmed down now.Although Xu Xiaodong hit Ou'an so viciously, he didn't even touch the corner of the opponent's clothes.

Xu Xiaodong was a little anxious. He was the one who took the initiative to attack, and the attack was the most energy-consuming. If he couldn't take down the opponent within a certain period of time, he would be passively beaten, and he would be the loser at that time!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

Beside the ring, several of Xu Xiaodong's fighting friends also frowned slightly when they saw the scene in front of them.

"Why is this Liu Bin's defensive ability so strong!"

"It's very strong. If Xiaodong can't break through his defense in a short time, it will be very dangerous!"

While talking, Xu Xiaodong accelerated the speed of punching.


There was a gust of wind, and Liu Bin was also punched in the face because of a bad defense.

"it is good!"

The people who supported Xu Xiaodong couldn't help cheering.


Xu Xiaodong was also very encouraged, and was about to step forward to hit the opponent, and then a flurry of punches dispelled the opponent's combat power, a surprising thing happened. Although Xu Xiaodong punched heavily on the face, Liu Bin's movements did not slow down , A palm struck Xu Xiaodong's neck.

This palm was not light, and Xu Xiaodong backed away with a bang, announcing that Xu Xiaodong's offensive had officially collapsed.

Liu Bin's face was already blue, but his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

"Your attack didn't knock me down, now it's me!"

After Liu Bin finished speaking, he rushed towards Xu Xiaodong like a hungry tiger.With fists or palms in his hands, Xu Xiaodong was out of breath. At the same time, his feet were not idle, and he always used Hong Quan's classic footwork to occupy a favorable position.

Suddenly, Liu Bin's eyes turned cold, and he kicked out with a sweeping leg.At this time, Xu Xiaodong was dealing with Liu Bin's punch with all his strength, and didn't notice the attack on his leg at all.He fell to the ground with a bang!

And Liu Bin was even more powerful, and used a grappling technique to lock Xu Xiaodong tightly, and then his old punches rained down like raindrops! .

462. Xu Xiaodong Goes Bankrupt (4/8 Please Subscribe!!)

this moment.

The clamoring fans of Xu Xiaodong were stunned, and the audience who supported Chinese martial arts were also stunned.

Everything came too suddenly.

However, after a few seconds of stupefaction, the audience who supported Chinese martial arts became overwhelmed.

"Hahaha, I won! I won!"

"Long live Chinese martial arts! Long live Chinese martial arts!"

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