He laughed and said, "I understand everyone's desire to sign autographs, but time is tight now, so after the premiere, if you need it, I will spare half an hour to sign for everyone!"

Many of the movie fans are already adults. After hearing what Zeng Xiaoxian said, they also expressed their understanding. Not only did they not complain, but they also consciously maintained order.

Zeng Xiaoxian, Wang Dajun and others were also very pleased to see them, and after a few words of comfort, they walked into the theater.

Abani, who was following behind Zeng Xiaoxian and others with a dark face, felt a little bit in his heart when he saw this situation. This kind of popularity seems to be no less than those first-line movie stars in Bollywood, India.

But the shock is the shock, but if the box office of this movie can reach [-] million US dollars on the first day, he would not believe it if he was killed!

Thinking of this, he followed in with a proud face.


The Grand Theater is one of the cultural landmarks of the imperial capital, and the space inside is enough to accommodate about [-] people. For today's premiere, Huayi has already sent people to make some careful arrangements.

At this time, the big stage in the middle was decorated as an interview area, with a few sofas and other things placed on it, and a lot of decorations were made in other places, such as colorful lights, and the whole temperament looked festive and elegant.

In the interview area, a man and a woman saw that everyone was coming, so they stood up quickly.

"Yo, Mr. Wang is here?"

"This is our protagonist today, Mr. Zeng Xiaoxian, isn't he? I've been looking forward to it for a long time!"

A man and a woman are both professional hosts hired by Huayi from CCTV, and they are relatively popular characters in CCTV. Each of them hosts a program with a good ratings.

Today, I invited these two people to come over to host i. Obviously, on the one hand, the money was in place, and on the other hand, Wang Dajun's personal friendship also played a role that cannot be underestimated.

After all, for hosts at this level, money is no longer the most important thing in their eyes, but connections and fame are the most important.If Zeng Xiaoxian remembers correctly, the boy's name seems to be Xiao Sa, and the girl's name seems to be Li Hong.

"Hehe, hello, both of you, I'm sorry for the inconvenience today." Zeng Xiaoxian and Wang Dajun exchanged greetings with the two of them for a while, and everyone took their seats.

After all, the 810 interview area is limited, and everyone cannot sit here, so in the end, only Zeng Xiaoxian, Wang Dajun, Ye Weixing, Zheng Zidan, and a few important actors in the movie were arranged to sit on it, and everyone else was arranged to sit on the stage. The first row of the lower audience area.

Everyone sat down, the host looked at his watch, asked Zeng Xiaoxian, Wang Dajun and others for advice, "It's almost time, let the audience come in?"

"no problem!"

At the same time, movie fans who have been waiting impatiently outside are also eagerly looking at the inside.

"Oh, time flies so slowly!"

"Yeah, why don't you let us in!"

"I'm so anxious!"


Just as everyone was complaining, the main door was finally opened, and two security guards stood on both sides.

"The premiere is about to begin, now please enter in an orderly manner!"

"It's starting, it's finally starting!"

"Hey, everyone, don't squeeze, don't squeeze!"

"I'm going, how did I get kicked out of the team?"


491. Approaching [-] million in half an hour (first update, please subscribe!!)

Everything in the arena is ready, lighting, camera, all in place.The audience outside the arena also entered the arena. The two hosts saw that the time was almost up, and they snapped their fingers backstage. A piece of music immediately sounded on the scene. If you pay attention, you will know that this is the background music that Zeng Xiaoxian loved all his life. .

After creating an atmosphere on the scene, the host said: "I'm very glad to be able to witness this exciting moment with the crew of "Ip Man" tonight, because in about half an hour, our "Ip Man" will meet with you exactly Yes. We know that there are already a large number of movie fans queuing up in front of the major movie theaters outside, and for this movie, we not only have expectations for its content, but also have great expectations for the box office!"

Then the talk was picked up by the hostess, and she looked at Zeng Xiaoxian with a smile and said, "We know that during the pre-promotion of the movie, Xiaoxian once uttered bold words that the movie won't stop until the box office breaks two billion. Now the movie is about to It's started, Xiaoxian, I really want to know, are you nervous now?"

Hearing this, there was a burst of laughter on and off the stage. Although Zeng Xiaoxian said this sentence, most of you know it, but few people take it seriously, because two billion box office is not a small sum. At this stage, the highest record of a Chinese film, Good Medicine, is much higher than the figure.

Zeng Xiaoxian took the microphone, smiled lightly and said, "Of course I'm nervous. I heard that many movie fans asked for leave to watch this premiere. I'm worried that we didn't make enough preparations for the first day of the movie. !"

Zeng Xiaoxian swiped a treasure, which made everyone burst into laughter, and the host couldn't help but smile, "It's been a long time, Xiaoxian, what you're worried about is this, don't you worry about the box office at all?"

"Don't worry." Zeng Xiaoxian shook his head, "If my expectations are not bad, the box office of two billion is just a conservative figure."

The host and the audience were dumbfounded, two billion, still conservative?


at the same time.

All major theaters in China have also started to work.

Shang Hai, Wanda Cinemas.

Yang Yi is the manager of this theater, and at this time he is holding a walkie-talkie in his hand and giving orders in an orderly manner.

"Attention all departments, there is still half an hour before the opening of "Ip Man", and the ticket sales can begin!"

Following his order, movie fans poured in like a flood.

"Give me one!"

"Give me two!"

"Come on, give me ten!"

"Sorry, there is a maximum purchase limit of five tickets in this theater!"

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