The conductor of the Wanda Cinema was also dumbfounded. He is also an old employee. He has worked in this theater for almost five years, and this is the first time he has seen such a scene.

"Hey, this movie is going to explode, so many people came to see it?"

Yang Yi usually has nothing to do after completing the deployment. At this time, he was sitting in the manager's office drinking tea and eating melon seeds, when suddenly the phone on the desk rang urgently.

"Hello, what's the matter?" Yang Yi answered the phone and asked.

On the opposite side was the voice of the conductor, a little anxious, "Manager, Ip Man's tickets are sold out!"

"It's sold out as soon as it's sold out. Do you still need to report this matter to me?"

The conductor was anxious, "No, manager, although the tickets are sold out, there are still a lot of fans, and there are still many coming here!"

Yang Yi became anxious when he heard this, "How many people are there?"

"There are still one or two thousand!"

Yang Yi thought for a while and said, "Don't worry, I'll arrange it!"

After hanging up the phone, Yang Yi opened the theater's internal film scheduling plan, looked at it, and called the theater's film scheduling department, "Hello, Xiao Zhang, let's put the two films "Wonderful Man of the Lost Ark" and "Chrysanthemum ~ Flower Remnant" together." All the filmings were canceled, and all the vacated ones were given to "Ip Man"!"


Here at the premiere, the two hosts were very experienced. They kept telling everyone about vinyl issues, and they would have fun from time to time to enliven the atmosphere. Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye, and the two hosts stood up.

"Now the time is close to the start of the movie. According to the tacit agreement reached by our China Cinema Alliance, we usually start selling tickets half an hour before the movie starts. We also contacted the China Film Industry Alliance beforehand, and they promised to share real-time box office information. Summarized on our big screen." The host pointed to a huge electronic display on the field and said: "Then, let us now take a look at the box office data of "Ip Man" in the opening half hour."

As the host's voice fell, the big screen began to light up, and a long line of numbers on it was changing rapidly, and finally froze.

And at the moment when the numbers were frozen, everyone's eyes widened.

"My God, how much is this?"

"It can't be that I'm dazzled, how can I see that it's ninety-three million!"

"Dude, your eyesight is fine, I think it's the same number!"

On the stage, the two hosts and director Ye Weixing didn't expect it, and they were stunned when they saw the row of numbers above.

"Wow, it's close to breaking [-] million in just half an hour. It looks like Xiaoxian expected, [-] is just a conservative estimate!"

Another male host was also very excited, "It seems that this "Ip Man" will write a strong stroke in the history of Chinese film!"

Ye Weixing also laughed heartily at this moment, and gave Zeng Xiaoxian a thumbs up.

And the number on the big screen is exactly: **! ! ! .

492. The Third Dark Shura (1/4 Subscribe!!)

Seeing the number on the big screen, Abani's black face in the audience darkened even more, he snorted coldly, stood up and walked out.

"Who is this person, so rude!"

"Yeah, the male god's premiere is still going on, so it's fine for him to leave, with a stinky face!"

"It looks like Ah San!"

"Wo Cao, what's going on, how did Ah San get in here? Put the stick down!"


Zeng Xiaoxin also noticed Abani's departure, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he didn't speak. At this time, the screening of "Ip Man-" was just beginning.

Outside the Shanghai Drama Theater.

After Abani came out, he didn't leave immediately, but lit a cigarette in the corridor in a disrespectful manner. As for the signboard that said no smoking, he automatically ignored it.

While smoking, his eyes wandered around the road in front of him.

At this time, a black Land Rover drove over and stopped on the side of the road. The headlight on the left flashed three times quickly.

Seeing this, Abani threw away his half-smoked cigarette, walked over, opened the car door, and sat in.

The skin color of the driver is also an Ah San, but this Ah San is much taller than Abani, and his whole body is like high bulging muscles shining with the texture of black metal, and his face looks even more ferocious, especially It's those eyes, the gaze makes people feel like they are in hell.

"Huh? What's wrong with your clothes?" The driver Ah San said in a cold tone.

What he saw was the tea stain on Abani's body.

"It's nothing, just a small episode." Abani waved his hand.

The man glanced at Abani and said, "Seeing your improvement, you seem to be very depressed. Could it be that you had a dispute with others?"

Abani was also a little afraid of the man in front of him. Seeing that he was spotted by the other party, he laughed and said, "As expected of the dark Shura of Brahmanism, the secret technique of yoga has reached the level of being able to see people's hearts!"

Hearing Abani's compliment, the man didn't buy it, and snorted coldly: "I am the third dark Shura, not the dark Shura, please don't confuse me!"

"Hey, aren't they all the same?"

"Huh?" The man's eyes were fixed, and Abani was so frightened that he fell silent immediately, "Please calm down, my lord, I won't dare to scream next time."

Seeing that Abani was sweating profusely from fright, the man looked away and said coldly: "I don't care who you fight with, but please remember that there is a mission for you to come to China this time, which is directly related to Whether Prime Minister Magic Flute's visit to the United States is successful or not, if it is messed up, the consequences will be hell!"

After speaking, the man slammed on the accelerator, and the Land Rover sped away.


At the same time, in a room of a big hotel not far away, several national security personnel in plain clothes were closely monitoring the black Land Rover with high-powered binoculars.

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