Seeing the Land Rover speeding away, one of them quickly took out the walkie-talkie and dialed out, "Hey, Dongguai Dongguai, I'm two, I'm two, now that black Land Rover is driving towards you, the license plate number : Beijing 2b945, please monitor closely, don't sweep the snake away, this is a big fish!"

"Dongguai received!"

After hanging up the phone, a young man next to him asked, "Yangtou, what are the origins of the two Indians in the car? Do you want our National Security Bureau to set up such a big net?"

Yang Tou's eyes became serious, "Have you heard of Ah San's state religion, Brahmin?"

"Brahmin? I've heard of it." The young man nodded.

Yang Tou said: "According to the information we got, the person sitting in the Land Rover may be one of the Brahmin's guardians, the third dark Shura!"

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Another person said: "Dark Shura, this name sounds quite intrusive!"

"It's quite infiltrating. Dark Shura has a nickname in Brahmanism, called Killing God! Everyone has hundreds of lives in their hands!"

"What?" Everyone was shocked, "Why hasn't such a person been brought to justice?"

Yang Tou said: "Although Ah San's country is known as the largest democratic country in the world, in fact there are many religions in the country, and Brahmins are the largest religion that supports the current government. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is Ah San's state religion. It is said that they sometimes They will also send Dharma protectors in the church to cooperate with the government in genocide, and the euphemism in the church is: experience the true self!"


Everyone's eyes were full of anger and also mixed with a trace of fear. At this moment, someone knocked on the hotel door.

The rhythm of knocking on the door is very strange. Anyone who has learned the Morse code will know that there is an unspeakable fit between this rhythm and the Morse code.

"My own!" Yang Tou winked, signaling the young man to open the door.

Door open.

An old man in a Chinese tunic suit in his fifties was standing outside the door, and behind him was a young woman with short hair in a windbreaker.

Seeing the old man, Yang was startled, and then greeted him in surprise, "Director, why is your old man here?"

The old man is Xia Rutie, the current director of the National Security Bureau!

Xia Rutie waved his hand, signaling Yang Tou to keep quiet, and walked into the room with the woman behind him. After closing the door, Yang Tou looked at the woman suspiciously, "Director, who is this?"

"Oh, let me introduce you." Xia Rutie smiled and said, "I borrowed this person from the Shanghai public security system to support you. She originally served in the country's only women's special force. She once communicated with Brahmins in the southwest. Hand over, the name is Ye Cunxin!"

The woman behind Xia Rutie is none other than Ye Cunxin! .

493. Wing Chun Successor Yan Huai Li (Please Subscribe!!)

"The only female special force in the country?" Yang Tou's eyes narrowed when he heard this, "Could it be the legendary Fire Phoenix?"

Hearing this, other people in the room also cast their admiring eyes on Ye Cunxin.

Huo Fenghuang is the only women's special force in China. This unit is very mysterious. Ordinary people have never heard of it, but the people present here are all members of the national security system, so they are naturally familiar with the name Huo Fenghuang.

It is said that the team composed of these young women has completed several s-level missions.

The National Violence Agency has a clear characterization of some tasks. According to the difficulty, one is abcde...s, among which s is the highest level.

"Hehe, I did serve in the "May [-]" service in Huofenghuang, and I hope I can help everyone when I come here this time." Ye Cunxin smiled slightly.

Hearing this, Yang Tou was overjoyed, and quickly said: "That's really great, welcome!"

Immediately, he asked everyone to bring the photos he took just now, and showed them to Ye Cunxin, who frowned after carefully identifying them, "It really is the third dark Shura!"

"You actually recognized him?" Yang Tou asked in surprise.

You must know that these photos were all taken by remote cameras, because the latter was sitting in the car, and the frontal face was not photographed at all. Then distinguish the people in the photo, this vision makes Yang Tou feel inferior.

Ye Cunxin nodded, "This third dark Shura, our Fire Phoenix once fought against him. That time it was at the southwest border, and he led a team to harass our border. Our Fire Phoenix sent a team to encircle and wipe out it. In the end, his team He was all wiped out by us, only he was wounded and escaped, but this person is also very good, two of our team members died at his hands, so I have a sworn feud with him, this time since If you enter our country, you must make him pay in blood!"

Ye Cunxin clenched her fists tightly, showing how much she hated this person in her heart.

After a while, he looked at another person in the photo and said, "Who is this person?"

Yang Tou said: "This man's name is Abani. According to our information, he is a screenwriter in Bollywood, India on the surface, but he is actually a Brahman and an agent!"

"What capacity did he come in?" Ye Cunxin was very professional.

Yang Tou said: "He is the representative appointed by Bollywood to discuss film and television cooperation with Huayi. He just attended the premiere of "Ip Man" at the theater!"

Hearing this, Ye Cunxin was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Xia Rutie, "Old Xia, can I ask you for a favor?"

Xia Rutie, who was sitting on a chair drinking tea, heard the words, "Say it."

Ye Cunxin said: "The lead actor of this "Ip Man" is named Zeng Xiaoxian. I know him. I have always suspected that he might be a martial arts master. I want Mr. Xia to confirm it for me!"

Ye Cunxin only said half of what he said, and he didn't say anything about Zeng Xiaoxian's possible involvement in a murder case. As a public official, he should have no reservations about the organization, but for some reason, when Zeng Xiaoxian's safety was involved, she But he couldn't help but want to hide it for him.

Thinking of this, Ye Cunxin felt a little distressed, she seemed to have some inexplicable concern for this man.

"He is the protagonist of Ip Man, do you suspect that he is a master of Wing Chun?" Xia Rutie immediately understood Ye Cunxin's meaning when he rolled his eyes.

Seeing the latter nodding, he laughed, "This is easy to handle. It seems that Old Ghost Yan is holding a military meeting in the capital. I'll ask him to identify it."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, "Old Yan, could it be Mr. Yan Huai, the direct descendant of Yan Yongchun?"

"Who else could it be if it wasn't him?" Xia Rutie took out his mobile phone and dialed a number after finishing speaking.

"Hey, old ghost Yan, are you in the capital? Yes, come out and get together, I invite you to watch a movie, it's new!"

The other party had a loud voice, and he yelled on the other end of the phone, "Old Xia, you son of a bitch, I am so old that I won't go to the movies with you, you can find a little girl to watch it !"

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