Wang Ou recovered from his panic, and congratulated Zeng Xiaoxian repeatedly.

Since Ren Xianqi's song yesterday, something seemed to fill her heart.

And today, checking Weibo daily, she almost opened the headline of Zeng Xiaoxian's Weibo by a ghost.

"Yeah." Responding lightly, Zeng Xiaoxian knew what Wang Ou was going to say, and he was already immune to the news.


Zeng Xiaoxian's reaction made Wang Ou a little surprised. This is the headline of Weibo, and in the eyes of ordinary people, it is like the existence of Tianbang.However, Wang Ou has forgotten that Zeng Xiaoxian is comparable to ordinary people?

Just when Wang Ou thought that Zeng Xiaoxian was angry and wanted to apologize, the latter had disappeared at the end of the aisle, leaving her alone to regret secretly. .

14. Gossip, overnight stay at the door [Super nice running man entertainment article]

The five people in the recording studio were practicing the songs for the concert in full swing. The arrival of Zeng Xiaoxian made them stop their work and surround them.

"Xiaoxian really doesn't show his face. I didn't expect you to put us in the top ten of the most searched so easily. I really didn't expect you to have such abilities besides singing!"

Ren Xianqi patted Zeng Xiaoxian on the shoulder and said, he has never seen such a strong rookie in the entertainment industry for many years.

"That's right, Xiaoxian, if I were a woman, I would fall in love with you almost. The hot search dream I think about day and night, you helped me complete it in one night!"

Chen Yixun excitedly gave Zeng Xiaoxian a bear hug, and the latter almost ran away in fright.

"Be low-key, low-key, there's nothing my brother Xian can't do!" Zeng Xiaoxian was full of coquettishness, and directly attributed Zhao Qiang's unintentional move to himself.

After some shabbiness, everyone quickly entered the best state and practiced their songs.

With the sweetness of the headline hot search, everyone is full of motivation and determined to make this concert the top of Asia!

New Entertainment is a company founded by Su Mang. Although she works very hard, New Entertainment is only famous in the industry.

In order to make her company a hit, she went to Zhuowei to buy materials, in order to make her company go further.

Zeng Xiaoxian is the protagonist she wants to break the news, and this headline trending search also gave her an opportunity.

A few days later, when Zeng Xiaoxian's headlines were still hot, New Entertainment suddenly broke the news: Zeng Xiaoxian stayed at the home of a certain actress.

There are also various detailed pictures below, and even Ouyang Nana's face can be clearly seen.

Once the news was released, there was another wave of gossip on Weibo, and Zeng Xiaoxian once again became the protagonist of the incident.

As a matter of course, Zeng Xiaoxian's Weibo comments increased several times, and Zeng Xiaoxian became a figure in the forefront for a while.

"Night stay door? Isn't this woman the heroine of Northern Love, Ouyang Nana? The two of them can't really be together, right~?"

"Why not? Don't you know that many celebrities nowadays are in love because of drama? It's normal for the two of them to be together!"

"But it's rumored that Xiaoxian has a girlfriend, how can he like her, Ouyang Nana?"

"Don't you know cheating is popular now? Isn't it normal for Zeng Xiaoxian to cheat?"

There are more and more people commenting, and what they say deviates from the truth even more outrageously, but New Entertainment not only did not come out to clarify the truth, but also intentionally or unintentionally guided netizens to think in a more extreme direction.

Entertainment rising star Zeng Xiaoxian cheated?Falling in love with Ouyang Nana because of drama?

Another piece of entertainment news broke out on New Entertainment Weibo, causing Zeng Xiaoxian's fans to go into an uproar.

"Should New Entertainment still have a bad face? My Xiaoxian just made headlines for a hot search. Is there any need to slander him so much?"

"New entertainment? I haven't heard of it before. Do you want to take advantage of my Xiaoxian's popularity? This is too shameless!"

Weibo comments are full of strange things, some have doubts, some believe, and even spread rumors everywhere.

Seeing the increasing attention, New Entertainment Su Mang felt very happy.

Apart from being happy, I am also glad that I bought the news from Zhuo Wei at the beginning.

With this sweetness, the cooperation between Sophie and Zhuo Wei has gone a step further, and the goal is still Zeng Xiaoxian.

As the source of all this, Zeng Xiaoxian continued to practice his songs in the recording studio calmly.

The clean is clear by itself, Zeng Xiaoxian believes that it is better to let it develop than to describe it more and more darkly, and this wave of scandal can also make more people pay attention to the next concert.

Zeng Xiaoxian's calmness does not mean that other people can act as if nothing happened, especially Wang Ou.

"Brother Xian, why don't you explain why you are so slandered on the Internet, those people are going too far!"

During the break, Wang Ou pulled Zeng Xiaoxian aside.

"It's okay, let them talk about it, it just happens to increase the attention of the concert."

Before that, Ren Xianqi and the others had persuaded Zeng Xiaoxian, so he was already able to answer the questions fluently.

"But if this matter is not well controlled, you may lose your reputation if you are not careful!"

Wang Ou is more anxious than anyone else, it can be said that he is thinking about Zeng Xiaoxian wholeheartedly.

Wang Ou's eagerness warmed Zeng Xiaoxian's heart, he rubbed her little head and laughed.

"Do you think Brother Xian will be defeated so easily by some people? These people are just a group of clowns, Brother Xian, I can overwhelm them under my Five Fingers Mountain with a flip of my hand."


Wang Ou wanted to continue persuading, but Zeng Xiaoxian hugged him directly.

"Don't worry, don't say it's a new thing, even if it's ten new things, I can easily obliterate it!"

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