Zeng Xiaoxian said in a soft voice, the coldness in his eyes made one's body shudder.

If you want to rely on him to increase attention, he has no objection, but you have to have a bottom line, and this bottom line is not to hurt your loved ones and humiliate them!

As Zeng Xiaoxian said, a new entertainment is really not enough to watch, rather than killing him in the cradle, it is better to wait for him to fall from a high to a low when he is prosperous.

During this period, he can also gain attention for his concert, so why not do both.

Afterwards, it was just like inside, Zeng Xiaoxian kept his ears to the outside world and devoted himself to the concert.

Several of them are also familiar with the song, and they can gradually sing (Qian Zhaozhao) their own style.

Especially Chen Yixun, who is a newcomer, before this time, except for Zeng Xiaoxian, he didn't have much contact with the other big shots.

So let Ren Xianqi and the others have a wrong judgment on Chen Yixun, thinking that the latter is just relying on relationships.

But after more than ten days of getting along with each other and Chen Yixun's own efforts, Ren Xianqi and others were refreshed and a little surprised by him.

Chen Yixun's singing may be somewhat inferior to Ren Xianqi, Naying and others, but his unique singing method and solid singing skills have not widened the gap much.

There are even some places that can match them, this is what surprised them.

What made them admire even more was Zeng Xiaoxian's vicious vision, and he was able to pick a good seed like Chen Yixun in the vast crowd, which made them think highly of Zeng Xiaoxian. .

15. Spreading rumors, that's pregnant? [Super nice running man entertainment article]

"Sister Su, this is the advertiser who has come to you these days, which one is suitable for you to sign?"

Su Mang glanced at the advertising contracts on the desktop, and found that most of the above amounts were only tens of millions, which made her very dissatisfied.

If it was before, she might have signed the contract without hesitation, but with such a high degree of attention, he didn't want to waste such a good opportunity to make money.

"If you don't sign any of these contracts, you still want us to advertise with this little money? In your next life!"

Su Mang said arrogantly, but the assistant wanted to persuade her, but she turned her back.

"Don't let me sign these tens of millions of contracts in the future, and let these advertisers give me contracts of more than [-] million yuan if they are sincere!"

With Su Mang's tough attitude, the assistant had no choice but to take back what he wanted to say.

The Su Mang incident continued to heat up, but the attention still remained at tens of millions, which made Su Mang very dissatisfied.

After that, Su Mang contacted Zhuo Wei many times, hoping to buy more news about Zeng Xiaoxian from him.

However, every time she responds, she is all waiting. Even if Zhuo Wei really wants to make her money, this kind of gossip is not so easy to dig.

"Zhuo Wei, is there any news about Zeng Xiaoxian 113 now? I can pay for any amount!"

This is Su Mang's nth call, and she can't suppress her inner impulse after trying the sweetness.

"President Su, so far we haven't found the latest breaking news. If we find out, I will notify you as soon as possible."

Zhuo Wei was very troubled by Su Mang's inquiry. He wanted to make this money but he didn't gossip about it.

Su Mang's face darkened, and he was very dissatisfied with the result, so he hung up the phone and threw the phone aside.

At this moment, her mind brightened, since there is no gossip, why can't she create gossip.

Nowadays, many revelations in the entertainment industry are artificially created, and it is difficult to tell the truth from the fake.

Thinking of this, Su Mang acted decisively and called an assistant to tell her what to think.

Soon on the new entertainment Weibo, another revelation was made: In fact, Ouyang Nana is pregnant?Zeng Xiaoxian already plans to break up?

As soon as this news came out, Zeng Xiaoxian's female fans couldn't bear it anymore.

"Doesn't New Entertainment have any b points in mind? How dare you continue to spread rumors here to smear my Xiaoxian!"

"My Xiaoxian is definitely not that kind of person, let alone whether Xiaoxian is with Ou Yangna, just saying that she is pregnant is absolutely false!"

"Where is the new entertainment, sisters, let my mother smash his company!"

"Call me, and I'll go too!"

"Call me +1!"

"Call me +10086!"


Zeng Xiaoxian soon found out about the rumors spread on Weibo. Looking at the swollen belly that had been deliberately p-pictured, he raised his eyebrows.

I thought it was just some unknown small entertainment company's hype. As long as it is not too much, it will be a win-win situation, so I don't plan to pursue it.

But now that he has violated his bottom line, there is no need to continue to indulge.

"Hey, Mr. System triggers a hidden mission to attack Su Mang and make him bankrupt! Reward 3000 points!"

At this time, the news from the system made Zeng Xiaoxian more firm in his idea of ​​dealing with the new entertainment.

"Andy, help me check the news about New Entertainment's stock, and help me buy out its retail investors on a large scale!" Zeng Xiaoxian said in a deep voice after dialing Andy's phone.

Andy on the phone also knew what Xin Entertainment was doing, and was already ready to go.

"No problem! I will mobilize all resources, so don't worry!" As a Wall Street executive, she is the best at this aspect.

"No, I will pay for everything, and I want Xin Entertainment to be named Zeng from now on!"

Just kidding, it's not Zeng (bgcc) Xiaoxian's style to use women's money, not to mention he still has billions lying in the bank.

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