A few days after the Kabeel attack—

The three of Long Cheng who came to the club room after school were shocked when they saw the foreign girl sitting on the sofa.

"Hey, Sekiryuutei. And the Holy Spearman."

The girl with green dyed hair——Jenovia was wearing the uniform of Kuou Academy, and she was generously staying in the department of the Supernatural Research Department.

"Why...why are you here!" Yicheng asked, pointing at her in surprise.

"Crack!" With a sound, black bat wings popped out from Xenovia's back!

"Ehhhhhhhh! That, those are the wings of the devil! What, what's going on here!"

Genovia snorted and replied: "Because I knew that God was no longer there, I gave up on myself and reincarnated as a demon. Rias Gremory gave me the "Knight" chess piece. Because it is Durandal who is powerful, not Me, so only one is enough. Then I also transferred to this school. From today, we are the same grade in the second year of high school, and I have also joined the supernatural research department. Please give me more advice, Longcheng classmate, Yicheng classmate?"

"...Don't make a cute voice with a serious expression."

"I'm imitating Irina, but it doesn't seem to be going very well." Genovia scratched her head and said.

Then her expression became serious, and she said to Long Cheng, "Mr. Long Cheng! I'm sorry, I said you were a blasphemer earlier."

"Well, don't worry about it. You didn't understand the situation at that time."

"Thank you for your understanding. However, I have something important to tell you."


"It's like this. A few weeks ago, the church suddenly released a strange mission. The goal of the mission was unknown, and the hint was related to God.

To be honest, people in the church were puzzled at the time, but when I saw you using the Holy Lance, I guessed that the person might be you.Afterwards, I handed over the report of the holy sword incident to Irina, maybe the church, no, someone from the heavens may come to contact you. "

"Hey, how can this be!" Hyoudou Issei said angrily.

"I'm sorry, but this is my duty." Genovia said guiltily.

"Well, don't worry about it. I originally planned to find a way to get in touch with the heavens in the near future. Although the purpose is different, Xenovia has indeed helped me. Don't feel guilty." Long Cheng said with a smile.

"Really? You just need to forgive my actions." After hearing Long Cheng's words, Xenovia's expression became relaxed.

"Speaking of which, you actually reincarnated as a demon! Minister, is it okay to use up the precious chess pieces like this?"

"Well, the user of Durandal has become a follower, which makes people feel very reliable. With her and Yuto, my swordsman's wings were born." Rias replied happily.

"That's right, I'm already a demon, and I can't turn back—no, is this really okay? Well, since God is gone, my life is tantamount to destruction. But it doesn't seem right to take refuge in the devil, after all It's the enemy... Even if the other party is the sister of the Demon King... No... Even Long Cheng-kun, who inherited the will of God, is with them, so I should be able to..."

Genovia murmured while holding her head in thought.Then I get a headache from praying like Elsa.

"By the way, where's Irina?" Hyoudou Issei asked.

"Irina returned to the headquarters with a total of five King's Swords including mine, Balpa's body, and Freed who was seriously injured. Probably because the unified King's Sword was destroyed, yes Recover it in the state of the "fragment" in the center. In short, the task of retrieving the sword of the king is successfully completed, as long as there is a fragment in the center, the holy sword can be recreated with alchemy."

Xenovia said to everyone.

152. Knight Genovia

"Can you return the King's Sword? Is it really okay for you to betray the church?" Yicheng asked worriedly.

"The sword still has to be returned, otherwise it will be troublesome. The sword of the king is different from Durandal, and you can find other users. I only need Durandal. I told the headquarters that I already know God I’m gone, and they didn’t say much. After knowing God’s absence, I’m already alien to them. The church hates dissidents and heretics very much, even if I’m a holy swordsman holding Durandal, they will abandon me. Just Like Aisha Algert at the time." She laughed at herself.

"Irina is lucky. Even though she left the front line due to injury, at least she was not at the scene. Knowing the truth, with her stronger belief than me, if she knows that God is no longer there. I really don't know how her heart will be affected. Such devastation."

The more devout believers, the more painful they will be after knowing the truth.That truth might completely negate my past way of life.God knows what would become of them in such a situation.

"It's just that she seems very sorry for me turning into a demon. I can't tell her the reason is because God is gone. It's really miserable when we say goodbye. I will probably be an enemy next time we meet." Genovia felt a little disappointed Said.

"Not necessarily." Long Cheng said, attracting everyone's attention.

"You also know that I have been in contact with Asachel, right? In fact, he told me at the time that he hoped to hold a tripartite meeting and sign a peace treaty. Tosca was brought by him from the heavens, so if the demon side does not If you disagree, it is estimated that peace among the three major forces is not far away."

"Really!" Everyone said in shock, after all, Long Cheng's explosive news really scared them.

To this, Long Cheng just nodded lightly.

Not long after that, Kitten and Orpheus also came to the department room.

Kiba came holding Tosca's hand.Tosca has been transferred to Kuoh Academy, and with the help of Rias' rights, she is in the same class as Kiba.

By the way, Tosca and Kiba are currently living together, and the two are inseparable all day long.

Since Tosca has only Kiba as an old friend, he is very dependent on him.Kiba also vowed to take care of Tosca all his life.

In this regard, Juwang College does not know how many girls are saddened by the loss of the Prince Charming in their hearts, while the boys are a little less hostile to him, um, just a little bit.

After confirming that all the members were present, Rias said, "This incident seems to have caused the church to contact the devil—that is, contact the devil. "Since the movements of the fallen angels are opaque and dishonest, although it is regrettable, I hope that both parties can contact each other. 』——That's what they said. They also apologized about Balpa's problem, and admitted that it was their fault for letting him escape in the past. But combined with what Long Chengjun said just now, I think the peace agreement is very possible .”

"But this school is really scary, there is another sister of the devil." Genovia sighed and said.

"The younger sister of the other demon king? Could it be... the president?" Hyoudou Issei was stunned for a moment, and then asked in surprise.After all, there are only two senior demons in this school.

"Ah, Yicheng, don't you know? Cangna Sidi's sister is your idol, Demon Lord Levitan. Full name: Seraphro Levitan. Haven't you seriously understood it? Don't tell me that you don't even know the full names of the four great devil kings." Long Cheng looked at Yi Cheng speechlessly and said.Although he knew that he was still young as a demon, but he didn't even know the most basic knowledge, so it was a bit unreasonable.

Yicheng scratched his head in embarrassment. He really didn't understand it too seriously. After all, as the protagonist of the original book, there are a lot of troubles. In the remaining free time, instead of studying, it is better to hang out with Aisha-chan or play two small games. Butter is important.

Oh, by the way, it is worth mentioning that the playground and gymnasium destroyed by Kabile, as well as the teaching building destroyed by Long Cheng, were all repaired by the people from the Demon King's side.

It can be fixed in one night, and the power of the demon is really admirable.In addition, in the original book, Yicheng’s small house was transformed into a super-large villa overnight. I always feel that demons are very suitable for construction and decoration.

But if you think about it carefully, they can all make a one-to-one replica of Kuou Academy in a different space, so this little thing is probably not a big deal.

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