"Regarding this matter, the governor of the fallen angels, Asazel, conveyed the truth to the gods and the demons. The snatching of the King's Sword was a separate action by Kabil, and the other cadres were unaware of it. He planned to break down the checks and balances of the three parties, trying to Started the war again, and for such a crime, he has been sentenced to permafrost in Cocytus," Rias continued.

"That's why Kabile won't be able to see the light of day again. That's great. I don't want to see that kind of violent elements again. The troublesome war-crazed fallen angel." Houtou Kazuma said so, although Kabile was beaten by Longcheng Zizi was defeated, but his strength was far beyond what Rias and the others could fight against.

"Shortly after, representatives of the angels, demons, and Azazel seemed to be planning to hold a meeting. I heard that Azazel had something to say. Some people said that he might be talking about Kekabil. I apologize for the matter, but I think it should be the peace agreement that Longcheng said. I really didn't expect that a fallen angel like Asachel would hope for peace at all.

And we were also invited to participate in the meeting.Because we are the parties involved in this incident, we must report at the meeting. "

"Ah, so Azazel also invited me to be a witness to the tripartite talks and the signing of the peace agreement." Long Cheng said.

"Really!" Yicheng said in surprise.

"However, according to the strength of Long Chengjun (Master), he is indeed enough to be the witness of the meeting." Then everyone said.

"..."White Dragon" (VanishingDragon) is someone from the Fallen Angel side?" Then Houdou Issei said.

"That's right. Azazel is gathering the holders of the divine tool that possesses the "God Destroyer Tool". "White Dragon", Vali is also a top holder among those people. I heard that the "God Son Watcher" is being added. (Grigorl) Among the strong cadres, he is also ranked fourth or fifth, but Kabil is not his opponent at all. He is already in a state of complete ban. At this stage, he is stronger than your opponent Too much. By the way, he has already set his sights on you, and he didn't bother you before because I told him not to look for you during the holy sword incident." Long Cheng replied.

"Hey! Fourth, how strong is it? Isn't my future in jeopardy? I'm doomed." Hyoudou Issei said worriedly.

"Really, cheer me up. Have you forgotten your ambition? Isn't it the White Dragon Emperor? You can't even overcome this difficulty. Talk about realizing your dream!"

"My dream! That's right, I'm the man who wants to become the harem king, mere White Dragon Emperor. See if I don't beat him up, don't even think about becoming a stumbling block to my dream. Master, from now on you will train me to the death, I We must defeat Hakuryu." Hyoudou Issei said passionately.

In this regard, Long Cheng showed a smile of joy (yu) and comfort (yue).

153. Friends Chorus

“……对了,我要向爱莎o阿尔杰特道歉。既然主不在了,当然得不到救赎和爱。抱歉,爱莎o阿尔杰特。如果能让你消气,如果你想揍我, I have no complaints." Genovia shifted her gaze to Aisha, then bowed and apologized.

"...How come, I don't intend to do that. Xenovia, I am quite satisfied with my current life. Although I am a demon, I have met important people-many important people. As long as there are such encounters and the current life , I will be very happy." Aisha smiled like a virgin, and forgave Xenovia.

"...The only believers who know God is not there are me and you. Now I have no right to say anything to punish you, heretics and the like. From a respected holy swordsman to a heretic, I will never forget how they treat you. My attitude changed instantly." When Genovia said this, a shadow of loneliness seemed to flash in her eyes

"Then I will resign first. I have to transfer to this academy, and I still have a lot to learn." Genovia got up and was about to leave the department room.

"Please, may I ask! During the next holiday, a group of us will go out to play. Would Genovia want to come together?" Aisha asked with a bright smile.

Genovia widened her eyes in surprise, then smiled wryly and said, "Let's talk about it next time. I'm not interested this time. But—"


With a smile on her face, Genovia said to Aisha who was tilting her head: "Can you show me around the school another day?"

"Okay!" Aisha also replied with a smile.

"In the name of my holy sword Durandal—I hope to compete with the holy magic swordsman over there again."

"Okay. I won't lose this time."

Kiba also responded with a smile.Hearing what he said, Xenovia left the agency office.

Kiba radiated confidence, and another strong feeling.It seems that the holy sword incident has changed him a lot.

"Crack!" Rias clapped her hands vigorously.

"Okay, the members are here again, and the club activities will start again!"

"Yes!" Everyone replied energetically.Long Cheng and Orpheus also participated in the activity with a smile.


"I got a lot~? Seven Dragon Hall~?" In Kuo Town, in a karaoke box, Hyoudou Issei was singing the anime song of Akira Yama's famous hot-blooded animation "Seven Dragon Hall" with a microphone.

"Okay! Seven Dragon Hall!"

"Bastard! You might as well sing a duet with Aisha-chan, ghost!"

Matsuda and Motohama made noises from time to time to heat up the atmosphere.

Elsa seems to be having a good time too.

The kitten and Orpheus didn't care about singing at all, and only cared about meals like pizza and ice cream.

Kiryu wearing glasses is ordering songs.

Kiba was drinking coffee elegantly, and Tosca was drinking juice beside him.

As for Long Cheng, he is practicing his voice, and it will be his turn next.

Taking advantage of this holiday, everyone implemented a half-day crazy play plan according to the original plan.

Everyone gathered in front of the station.After Matsuda, who was thirty minutes late, came over, Longcheng, Yuan Bin and Tong Sheng beat him up first, and then rushed straight to the bowling alley!

After Motohama and Matsuda were beaten for four rounds by three non-human boys, everyone went to karaoke to sing.

Aisha, Kitty and Orpheus are dressed in gothic lolita today.This is Kiryu's masterpiece.It's amazing.

After being transformed by the "Master", Yicheng never left Aisha's eyes.Long Cheng was thinking about whether or not the Japanese cat had broken the law.

Everyone also asked about Shao, but he said with tears, "The president forbids us to associate with the opposite sex." He rejected it.Let us observe a second of silence for Shao.

After Yicheng finished singing, he stepped off the stage and took a sip of his drink to quench his thirst.

"By the way, the minister and Zhu Nai-senpai didn't come." Yicheng said so.

"Didn't they say they were going to go shopping? I'll invite them next time. Huh?" Long Cheng said.Then the phone in his pocket vibrated.

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