Long Cheng turned on his phone and saw that it was an email from Lias.After Long Cheng opened it, he immediately saved the swimsuit photos in it and then deleted the email, so Yi Cheng and the three of them couldn't see it.

"Okay, it's your turn next, Master." Saying that, Yicheng handed the microphone in his hand to Longcheng.

Long Cheng took the microphone and walked forward.

"Ahem, then I'll make a fool of myself." Long Cheng said something to the crowd, and then began to sing.


far く び か け ru empty

cross no under de dance

trembling sound






そうAbsolutely Negative けられない"

Hyoudou Issei went out to use the toilet halfway, and then Kiba also went out.

About ten minutes later, the two returned together, and Kiba's eyes were a little red, as if he had just shed tears.

"Yoshi, Kiba, let's have a passionate chorus!" This is the first sentence of the two of Ise when they walked in.

Then Yicheng picked up a microphone, and Kiba smiled and took the microphone that Longcheng stepped down and handed to him.

The passionate chorus of the two fully embodies the manly friendship between Issei and Kiba.

...Later, Kiryu spread the photos of Issei and Kiba singing together all over the school, adding another piece of evidence to the rumor that Issei and Kiba had an unspeakable secret.


It's summer now, and the end of term is not far away.

That night, Longcheng and Orpheus were woken up by a call from Lias.

When the two arrived, Hyoudou Issei was enjoying Aisha's knee pillow, while Rias and the others looked a little serious.

Then Hyoudou Issei told everyone about meeting Asachel at work.

"It is true that the tripartite summit meeting of demons, angels, and fallen angels is about to be held in this town, but the governor of the fallen angels suddenly invaded my territory and hindered our business...! Although he came for the peace of the three parties, but As the manager of Juwang Town, he didn't notify me and Cang Na, it's a bit too casual." Rias said angrily.

"Besides, I heard that Asachel has a strong interest in artifacts. Although the possibility of him making a move on you is very small, you must be careful."

Hyoudou Issei showed a scared expression.After all, a big boss was staring at him, and Yicheng had contacted him several times without any precautions, and said something about the people around him.

Kiba showed a look of wanting to capture Ise and said, "I will protect Ise-san."

"...No, that, you, I'm very happy when you say that... But how should I put it, a man said this to me with a serious expression, I don't know how to react..." Hyoudou Issei revealed With an awkward expression, he said.

154. The title king is dead

"Of course you have to say this seriously. You have helped me and are my most important partner. How can I call myself the "knight" of the Gremory family if my partner is in trouble but doesn't help me?" Kiba said seriously Said.

Well, what Kiba said is full of affection, if it is said to a girl, then that girl will definitely fall, but if the target is Ise... why is it gay in Gay.

However, Kiba continued to speak indifferently: "No problem. My artifact has reached the realm of "Forbidden Hands". With the addition of Ise-san's Sekiryuutei Gage Hand, I think I can definitely overcome any difficulties. Hehe... Not long ago, I was not the type to say such things. Being with you makes my heart warm up. But for some reason, I don't hate this feeling... I feel a warmth in my chest .”

"...You, you are disgusting... No, don't come close to me! Don't, don't touch me!" Ise said to Kiba with a disgusted expression.

"Why, why is this, Issei-san..." Kiba lowered his head and said disappointedly.

"It's just what to do... The other party is the governor of the fallen angels, and we can't find him." Rias said with some embarrassment.

"Well, you don't have to worry. As far as I know about Asachel, it's just his bad taste that he did that."

"I hope so." After hearing Long Cheng's words, everyone was obviously relieved.

"Indeed, as Long Cheng-jun said, Asachel has always been like this, Rias." A voice that did not belong to anyone at the scene suddenly appeared, and everyone looked in the direction of the voice—only one A smiling red-haired man stood there.

"Brother, brother, elder brother." Rias shouted in surprise.

That's right, the person who came was Rias' elder brother and the current Demon Lord of the Demon Industry, Sazex Lucifer.

"Asaker won't do what Kabile did before, but there will be pranks like this one. Speaking of which, the Governor-General came to Japan earlier than scheduled." Sazek As Si said so, Gurefia followed behind him.

Zhu Nai and others, as Rias' family members, will kneel down when they see Suzeks coming.

"Just take it easy. I'm here as an individual today." Suzeks smiled and stopped everyone from moving.

"Hey, Wagga is too much. After all, this room is really boring. Although there are many young girls, it is very problematic if the decoration is only a magic circle." Suzeks looked around and said with a wry smile.The decoration of the supernatural research department is indeed out of tune with the beautiful girls.

"Brother, you, why did you come here?"

Hearing this, Suzeks excitedly took out a flyer and said, "What are you talking about? Parents visit day is coming soon, isn't it? I think I should come to participate too. I really want to see my sister's diligent study up close. .Oh heh heh."

"Yes, Gurefia told my brother, right?" Rias, who was a little troubled, asked Gurefia.

Upon hearing this, Gurefia nodded and replied: "Yes. The report submitted by the academy will be handed over to me who is in charge of the itinerary of the Gremory family. Of course, I am also the "Queen" of His Majesty Suzeks, so it is natural if there is something to do. Will report to the master."

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