"That...that..." At this time Tosca also changed into a swimsuit and walked out of the dressing room, coming behind Kiba.

The three of them turned their heads, and Tosca looked very beautiful in white dead water with her silver hair.Sensing the eyes of the three, Tosca became a little shy, and said to Kiba while clutching the side of her swimsuit.

"Then... that... Isaiah, can... can you teach me to swim?" Tosca asked with a blushing face.

"Okay." Kiba looked at Tosca with gentle eyes, and replied softly.

Looking at the two teaching them how to swim in the pink atmosphere, Long Cheng and the others just showed a gratified smile, and then they also got out of the swimming pool to play with everyone.

Long Cheng held Orpheus with one hand and the kitten with the other, and taught them how to swim.

"Puha—Ah Cheng...I'm sorry, but I still need you to practice with us..."

"No no no, it's okay. It's also fun to practice swimming with you two cute girls. Oh, Kitten-chan and Orpheus-chan's swimsuits are so cute."

"Really? As long as senior likes it." Kitten said happily.

"Well, Kiryu is right. Longcheng will be very excited to see us dressed like this." Orpheus said calmly.

That's right, the dead reservoir water worn by Kitten, Orpheus, Aisha, and Tosca were all proposed by our [Dashi] Kiryu Lanhua.It seems that after singing karaoke last time, she became familiar with the three of them, and then she also made friends with Tosca through Aisha and Xenovia.

"Original... so it was Kiryu Lanhua's idea? This guy is really, what did he say to Orpheus!" Long Cheng was a little speechless.

"Don't you like it?" Orpheus asked.

"No, I like whatever Orpheus-chan wears." Long Cheng replied with a smile.

"Well, let's continue." Then, Orpheus and the kitten took Long Cheng's hand and continued to practice swimming.

"It's the end." Kitten and Orpheus couldn't stop in time after swimming for about [-] meters, and bumped into Long Cheng, as if rushing to hug Long Cheng .

Long Cheng was leaned against the wall of the swimming pool, and the three of them formed an ambiguous posture.Orpheus and the kitten looked at each other, they nodded at each other, and then put their faces together.

Sensing the fragrance from the two of them and the soft touch on his cheeks on both sides, Long Cheng's heart agitated. He hugged their waists, and then touched their lips.

Seeing the blushing faces of the two, Long Cheng just wanted to make a move——

"Wow!" A voice of someone jumping into the swimming pool broke the pink atmosphere of the three of them.It's a swimming competition between Rias and Junai.

After being disturbed by the two, they lost the impulse just now, and the three of them went ashore and sat by the pool, Long Cheng hugged them and watched the match between Lias and Zhu Nai.

Ise in the water transferred the power of Chiryuutei to his own eyes, allowing him to capture the benefits of any place.


about twenty minutes later

Kitty, Orpheus and Elsa fell asleep on the plastic mat by the pool.

Tosca and Kiba were playing in the swimming pool, Tosca smiled brightly, while Kiba showed a gratified smile.

Hyoudou Issei called Xenovia away with a mysterious face just now.

Zhu Nai didn't know where to go.

At this time, Rias came over, holding a bottle of something like lotion in her hand.

Lias beckoned to Long Cheng, blushing and said, "Well, Mr. Long Cheng, please apply sunscreen lotion on me."

'Nani!I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to receive such benefits. 'Long Cheng touched his feverish nose and said seriously: "Yes! Leave it to me!"

"This is a special beauty sunscreen. Can you help me wipe my back?" Lias handed the lotion to Long Cheng, and then said while lying on the plastic mat beside her.

"Hmm! Wow, gase!"

"Then, I'll get ready right away." Rias blushed and unbuttoned the top of her bikini swimsuit.Although there are plastic pads to resist, Longcheng can still see a perfect arc.

"Ahem, then I'm here." Long Cheng poured the lotion on his hands and rubbed it.

"Yeah." Lias responded softly, throwing her bright red hair, Long Cheng could see that her ears had turned pink.



"Sorry, are you okay?"

"Well, it's just a little cold, you can continue."

157. A sudden confession

Long Cheng's hands continued to walk on Lias's back, spreading the lotion evenly.

Following Long Cheng's movements, Lias' body began to tremble slightly, and her body temperature also rose a little.

"Mr. Long Cheng."

"What... what's wrong?"

"I..." Rias said, sitting up from the ground.

Long Cheng blushed and turned his head aside.

"That...you put on your clothes first."

"Plop!" Lias threw Long Cheng to the ground regardless of what he said.

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