"That... that..." Long Cheng was about to say something, when a gust of fragrant wind came and blocked his mouth.

"Long Cheng, I...I like you!" Lias said, looking at Long Cheng seriously.


"Is it..." Facing Long Cheng's silence, Lias said in frustration, then stood up and was about to leave.

Seeing Lias's sad appearance, Long Cheng felt his heart was entangled together and felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

'Don't lie to your heart. For no reason, Long Cheng remembered what Suzeks said, he took Lias's hand, and held her in his arms: "I...I like you too."

"Really...?" Rias said with tears in her eyes, covering her mouth with her hand.

"Ah. It's true!"

"Papa papa!" After Long Cheng answered Rias seriously, a burst of warm applause suddenly broke out.

Long Cheng looked back suspiciously, and it turned out that Yicheng and Xenovia were missing, and Aisha was really asleep.Kitten and Orpheus both sat up and clapped their little hands, Junai who appeared suddenly looked at them with squinted eyes and a smile, and Kiba and Tosca faced Long Cheng in the swimming pool. People cast a blessing smile.

"What... what's the situation!" Long Cheng said with a confused face.

"Hehehe, these are actually Rias' plans. She has already told everyone except Yicheng about her confession plan." Zhu Nai explained with a smile.


"I didn't tell Ise-san because I was afraid that he would tell you. Although Longcheng-kun's reaction was different from the original plan, the result was good." At this time, Kiba came ashore and said.

"What about you? Even you keep it from me?" Long Cheng said to Orpheus and the kitten.

"Hey!" (.?ω?.) ノ? For Long Cheng's words, the two just bought a cute.

Long Cheng has nothing to do about it. Anyway, he made money, but he is a little speechless because of how they calculated him. Generally speaking, shouldn't the confession be done in secret?But without them, Long Cheng didn't know when he would fully accept Rias and the kitten.

"By the way, what about Yicheng?"

"Ah, the task we gave Genovia is just to let her hold Yicheng for a few minutes while Rias confessed. They should be nearby, why haven't they come back yet?"

After everyone woke up Aisha, under Aisha's intuition, everyone found the two.


"it hurts!"

"Hmph, perverted senior!"

"Can this be my fault? It was obviously Xenovia who pulled me into the equipment preparation room, and then suddenly said: Have a baby with me. I was also scared, okay! Damn, I haven't done anything yet, You came here."

"Woooooo, Yicheng belongs to me!"

"Aisha, I can't say anything. Yicheng is the Chiryuutei of this generation. It is basically certain that he will become a superior demon. It is only a matter of time. For a strong man like Yicheng, it is not very easy to have three wives and four concubines." Is it normal? Look, isn’t Mr. Long Cheng the same.”

"Well...that's what I said, but..."

"Besides, Aisha-chan, I'm not trying to snatch Yicheng away from you. As primitive believers, we should be more united, shouldn't we?" Xenovia sternly muttered.

"Hmm~ makes sense." Aisha was successfully persuaded by Xenovia.

"Hey, this is really a good school." When everyone walked out of the school, a voice came from the side.It was a beautiful boy in a black leather jacket with dark silver hair.

The young man opened a pair of breathtaking blue eyes, and said with an angelic smile: "Long time no see, well, it's not long, Long Cheng, Orpheus, and Chiryuutei, Hyoudou Issei .”

"En." Long Cheng and Orpheus nodded to Vali.

"Uh... yes." Yicheng responded with some fear.

"Hyoudou Issei, where do you think your strength ranks in this world?"

Hearing Vali's words, Yicheng shook his head in doubt.

"Based on your balance breaker state, your strength is probably in the four digits from top to bottom——between one thousand and one thousand two hundred. No, it's possible in terms of the ability of the host. Further back?"

Ise just expressed surprise at this.

"There are many strong men in this world. Even Sazex Lucifer, who is known as the 'crimson satan', cannot make it into the top ten with his demonstrated strength."

"Are there so many people stronger than His Majesty Suzeks? To be honest, I can't imagine now." Hyoudou Issei said.

At this moment, Valli raised a finger and said, "But the first place has been confirmed—unshakable."

"Who? Are you going to say that you are the strongest?"

Hearing this, Vali shook his head, "I'm not, I can't even defeat Lucifer now. Issei Hyoudou, the strongest in this world is among you."

"Could it be..." After hearing Vali's words, everyone couldn't help looking at Long Cheng and the other two.

"That's right. Ouroboros Dragon (Ouroboros Dragon) Orpheus, she is the undisputed strongest in the world, even if everyone except her gathers, she is far from her opponent.

The only one who can fight her is the great red Apocalypse Dragon who is always flying in the gap between dimensions.No, maybe Long Cheng can also reach that level, after all, he is the man chosen by Orpheus. "

"White Dragon Emperor, what is your purpose for coming here!" Rias said with a frown.

"I didn't come to fight today, I just wanted to take a look at the school I visited a few days ago. I came to Japan with Asachel, and I came here just to kill time--I won't be here with Houdou until the three-party talks are over. Yicheng is fighting. And - I also have a lot of things to do." Vali replied, he took a deep look at Longcheng, his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

"Then, I'm leaving. Goodbye, everyone." With that, Vali turned and left.

"Ah, really, why bother to come over one by one." Hyoudou Issei said while holding his forehead.Indeed, since Hyoudou Issei reincarnated as a demon, incidents have really happened continuously, and their influence has continued to increase.

"Okay, it's useless to think about it now, let's go back first." Long Cheng said, and then left with Orpheus, the kitten and Lias.

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