Well, that's right, Lias also decided to live with Long Cheng.

158. The world's number one demon construction industry

"Hiss~ What's going on here? Could it be that we got lost?" Looking at the super mansion in front of him, Long Cheng couldn't help doubting his memory.

"It's here, the house on the opposite side hasn't changed." Orpheus said.

"I asked my brother to help me make this. After all, Kitty Sauce's home is not big, and it would be crowded with my words, so I asked my brother to help me remodel it. Of course, I got Kitty's consent. "Lias said with a smile.

"But... it's only been one morning! Hey~ The devil's construction industry is really terrifying. Speaking of such a big change, ordinary people will notice it."

Rias just smiled back.

Well, Longcheng instantly understood that he must have used hints or other powers. As for the other customers in the previous apartment, it was not easy to handle them under the cash power of the Gremory Consortium.In this regard, Long Cheng can only say that he can't afford to provoke him, he can't afford to provoke him.


Monday, Parent Visit Day

"This is impossible!"

"Damn it! That new transfer student... actually... actually..."

"So the rumors are true? Not just Kitten-chan and Orpheus-chan, but even Lady Rias..."


"Why are there more gasoline and torches in my hands?"

This was the wailing of all the boys when the four of Long Cheng walked all the way to Juwang Academy.

"Look, it's the beast Ise!"

"Damn it! Forget about the transfer students, why can the Beast Ise of the satyr trio have such a good fortune!"

"Have you heard? It is said that Xenovia, who is with Hyoudou, is also a Christian believer."

"What! Could it be that Hyoudou's bastard is only interested in nuns? And he succeeded? I'm envious... no, what a bastard."

"This one will also be burned to death!"

This is Hyoudou Issei bringing Aisha and Xenovia to the school.

"Good morning, master, and everyone. Ha~" Hyoudou Issei greeted everyone, and then yawned as if he lacked sleep.

"Good morning. Yicheng, did you not rest yesterday? Have you become an adult?"

"Hehe, hehehe, it would be great if that's the case. It's just that Xenovia slept too badly and kicked me out of bed." Hyoudou Issei said with a wry smile.

"You are really... miserable. But don't complain, Xenovia is a beautiful woman after all, but her personality is a bit out of character. Look at the jealous eyes of those boys towards us." Long Cheng patted him shoulder said.

"Haha, yes. I wouldn't have dared to think about this a year ago. Okay, let's go, today is the parent visit day." Everyone walked into the school as they said.

Separated from Lias and the others at the school gate, Long Cheng and the others went to teach.

As soon as the two of them took their seats, Matsuda and Motohama leaned over.

"Will Yicheng's parents come over?"

"Yes. It should be said that both parents came to see Aisha and Genovia."

"Ah, I understand. If Aisha and Genovia are my daughters, I would like to participate no matter what." Matsuda nodded.

"Hey, Mr. Long Cheng, what about you?"

"My family is not here."

"Hey~ By the way, does Mr. Long Cheng live alone? We haven't played at Mr. Long Cheng's house yet." Yuan Bin said.

"Uh, ha ha..." Regarding Yuan Bin's words, Long Cheng could only laugh dryly, and fooled it.If the two of them knew that they were living together with Orpheus, Kitten, and Rias shamelessly, Long Cheng would definitely have a lot of weird rumors.

"It's the first time I've experienced this kind of activity, and I'm looking forward to it." This is Aisha and the other girls walking over.

"Yicheng." Genovia said.

To be honest, Genovia is also very popular with boys because she is also a beautiful girl.Maybe it's because of her excellent physical ability, I heard that girls also like her very much.

"What's wrong, Xenovia?"

"I'm sorry, I said that to you suddenly last time. It seems that I was too impulsive and didn't consider your situation. I thought about it. It's really too difficult to do that kind of thing suddenly."

In response, Hyoudou Issei kept smiling. 'Well, I was really scared, and suddenly said that I would have a baby with me.No, being able to have sex with girls, I really want to do that too.If the object is Genovia, I'm super OK!But it still has to be done step by step. '

"Because of this—let's practice with this first." Saying this, Genovia took out a few small packages from her pocket—these were condoms!

Immediately, the thing in Xenovia's hand attracted the attention of the whole class.

"...You, you are an idiot—! I, you actually took out such a thing in front of so many people!" Hyoudou Issei said in shock.

There was an immediate chatter in the classroom.The two of Hyoudou Issei also became the center of attention of the whole class. After all, it was too exciting to show this thing at school.

"In the world I originally lived in, it was quite controversial whether or not to use this, but in terms of Japan's national conditions, I think it would be less of a problem to wear it."

'This kind of thing is fine!Deal with the current atmosphere first!Everyone in the class is looking at us with strange eyes! Hyoudou Issei crazily hinted at Xenovia with his eyeballs staring at 800 watts.

"If others think that I have that kind of relationship with you...I personally think it's good, but you should also consider the time and occasion—!" Seeing that Genovia didn't understand, Hyoudou Issei whispered to her .

However, Xenovia tilted her head, as if she didn't quite understand the situation.

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