
Like the crisp sound of a hard fist hitting a wooden stake, a small pit about five centimeters deep appeared on the black bark of Gigas Cedar.

Eugeo's expression became dull as if he was stupid, he stared at the branch in Longcheng's hand and the small hole on Gigas Cedar, and remained silent for a long time.

"Want to take another look?" The red light dissipated, and Longcheng handed the branch to Eugeo again.

The other party stared blankly at the fruiting branches, and then watched them repeatedly.

'However, this is just a fragile branch. Could it be that this branch is actually a branch of Gigas Cedar? With that in mind, Eugeo grasped both ends of the branch, and then exerted light force.

"Crack!" The crisp sound reached Eugeo's ears, but it gave Eugeo even greater doubts.

"This is the power of the mind! Why can such a fragile branch bear my blow?

That's because 'it won't break!It can carry my strength! 'My heart firmly believes in this!A strong will makes this idea come true!

After all, the essence of mind skills can be summed up in just one word. "

"Then...what the hell is it?" Eugeo asked excitedly, "If you can quickly learn the Incarnation Technique, you will definitely... be able to see Alice again soon. '

"This, you need to find it yourself during training...

Even if I tell you now, it is useless without personal experience, and it might affect your cultivation. Looking at the expectant Eugeo, Long Cheng smiled mysteriously.

"I...I understand." Eugeo sighed without hearing an answer, and then regained his spirits.

342. Formal practice

"Then, let's officially start practicing." Long Cheng said with a smile as he looked at Eugeo who had regained his strength in front of him.

"Yes, I wish I could!"

"Before that, show me your wooden sword."

"Yes." Eugeo came to a tree root in Gigas Cedar, and took out a short wooden sword, which was stuck in a dark brown leather scabbard.

Taking the wooden sword, Long Cheng weighed it in his hand, and then pulled it out.

The wooden sword looked very ordinary, with some decorative patterns engraved on the scabbard, and some scratches on the hilt showing its age.

"Nice wooden sword, is this a gift from a friend? I can feel sincere blessings from this sword."

"Yes...this is Alice's birthday present to me...although it's three days late." A smile appeared on Eugeo's face, and he looked at the sun in the sky through the leaves above.

"Really, wouldn't it be used for pre-training?" Long Cheng complained slightly.

"Huh? I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter. Although it is useless in the early stage, it will play a greater role in the later stage. Generally speaking, it is not a loss."

Speaking of which, Long Cheng threw a wooden sword to Eugeo, which he did casually on the way here.

"Your task is to use this sword to chop down the trees in the surrounding forest."

"Eh!? Is it that simple?" Eugeo obviously didn't understand what Long Cheng meant.

"Oh~ Is it easy? I don't have any requirements for cutting trees, but you have memorized the qualifications.

A sword cut down a tree with a diameter of half a meter, and the wooden sword in his hand could not be damaged in any way.

There is no time limit, and if the wooden sword breaks, it will be made from the outermost tree in the forest. "

After finishing speaking, Long Cheng sat cross-legged under Gigas Cedar and began to practice.

And Eugeo's eyes twitched after hearing Longcheng's request.

The trees at the outermost edge of the forest are new trees with relatively soft materials, which cannot be compared with the hardness of the trees near Gigas Cedar.

But Eugeo also understood Longcheng's intentions, so he didn't complain, and directly found a tree closest to Gigas Cedar and cut it down.

Feeling the wooden sword in his hand, Eugeo closed his eyes and began to meditate in his heart.

'My sword will not be broken or damaged! 'Then Eugeo opened his eyes suddenly, and swung the wooden sword in his hand at the huge cedar tree.


The beige wooden sword blade slashed at the nearly black tree trunk at high speed, and then broke in two as expected.

"Sure enough...isn't it that easy?" As if he had expected it, Eugeo was not too disappointed, let out a light breath, and Eugeo ran out of the forest with the Dragon Bone Axe.

Long Cheng opened his closed eyes a little, watching Eugeo's running figure, a small sword mark on the fir tree trunk beside him revealed the gray-black wood inside the bark.

The mind is like an ore, and the process of practicing mind skills is like continuously forging and burning the ore to make it pure and tough.

This process is boring, but if you can endure it, when the ore is formed, you will get an extremely pure will!

About an hour later, Eugeo came back with a bundle of wooden swords on his back. After a rough count, there were at least twenty swords.

The appearance of wooden swords is relatively rough, and the shape is not consistent, but they all have one thing in common, that is, the blade is relatively thin, and this kind of sword is easier to break than the wooden knight sword that Longcheng handed over to Eugeo .

In this way, imagining, swinging the sword, breaking the sword, changing the sword... This process lasted the whole morning, during which Eugeo went to make another batch of wooden swords.

"Take a break for a while, Eugeo." Long Cheng gave the water bag man brought by Eugeo to Eugeo who was cutting down trees.

"It's okay, I can... ah." Eugeo caught the water bag, just about to say to practice for a while, but found that his wooden sword had all broken.

In one morning, Eugeo broke forty wooden swords, and a cut ten centimeters deep appeared in the cedar in front of him.

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