Eugeo took a sip of water, then walked to Long Cheng's side, picked up the bread and ate it.

After swinging the sword all morning, Eugeo's arm was almost dying of soreness.

Long Cheng picked up a piece of bread and gnawed on it. Although the bread was not delicious, he didn't need to eat.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Eugeo chopped down forty wooden swords again, and then returned to Rulid Village with Long Cheng exhausted.

Back in the village, Longcheng bid farewell to Eugeo and returned to the church.

"Mr. Long Cheng, you are back. I heard that you went to help Eugeo?" Sister Azalia asked after seeing Long Cheng come back.

"Yes, Sister Azalia, after all, I am too embarrassed to live and live here for free. Eugeo has helped me a lot, so I want to repay him." Long Cheng replied as sincerely as possible.

"So that's the case, then I won't stop you, but please remember the access control time when you go out." Sister Azalia nodded, then turned and walked towards the study.

At about six o'clock in the evening, everyone in the church prayed at the dinner table last night and started a lively dinner.The food is vegetable soup, bread, and potatoes. Although the style is relatively simple, the taste is much better than the stone-like bread at noon.

After clearing the dining table and taking a shower with the three boys, it was time to rest.

Long Cheng directly extinguished the oil lamp, then sat cross-legged on the bed and began to practice.

In uw at least there were no major incidents in the early stage, and Long Cheng's life was repeated day after day like the above.

This continued until the seventh day, when Eugeo felled the second cedar tree.

"If you want to ask anything, just say it now, and swing the sword for me starting at one o'clock in the afternoon."

Looking at Eugeo who wanted to speak but stopped Douluo, stopped talking and wanted to, with an extremely tangled expression, Long Cheng spoke.

"Well, Longcheng, why haven't I even had any effect in my practice? Even if it takes years to learn the moves, it won't have any effect at all, right?"

"Sure enough, can't you bear it?"

"Eh!? No, I didn't mean to blame you."

"I know, what I mean is that you are about to discover the problem." Long Cheng said indifferently, throwing the bread in his hand.


"Hey, Eugeo, what were you thinking when you swung your sword?"

"What were you thinking? Of course it was something like 'this sword will not break'." Eugeo replied as a matter of course.

"Well... From this point of view, there is indeed no problem, but these... do you really believe it from the bottom of your heart?"

"!!!" Eugeo's expression became surprised, and then he punched his palm with a sudden realization.

"Right, you don't believe what you say in your heart at all, so how do you activate your mind skill?"

"I, I understand." Eugeo nodded. .

"Understood? Then go to swing the sword, remember that confusion and distrust are the biggest obstacles to learning the mind.

Ask your heart, you learn mind skills... for what? "Long Cheng said in a deep voice to Eugeo.

343. Bottleneck

'I... the purpose of learning mind skills...'

Standing in front of the half-meter-thick cedar tree, Eugeo looked at the wooden sword in his hand and meditated quietly.

"That's right... I have only one purpose..."

Eugeo closed his eyes, 'Go back to that time!Alice...'

There seemed to be golden light spots bursting out in the darkness.

He saw, in the leisure time in the afternoon, three children sat on the root of a huge cedar tree and happily ate bento.

He saw that on the Sabbath, three children were sitting on the grass, having a picnic in the mild sunshine.

He saw that the three children went to explore the caves in the north without knowing the danger, looking for ice cubes that could keep the bento for a long time in summer.

In the end, he saw that the knight riding a flying dragon took away the blond-haired girl among the three children. His best friend with black hair stood up and resisted, but was ruthlessly subdued by the villagers, while he could only watch helplessly. Watching what happens together.

"I...this time...absolutely...protect!!!"

The azure blue excess light like ice crystals covered Eugeo's wooden sword, the light was not strong, but the firm belief like a rock made Long Cheng smile slightly.


The blue blade of light sliced ​​into the thick cedar tree trunk, barely stopping until it penetrated about five centimeters.

"Ha... ha... ha... just now that was..." Eugeo panted heavily, and he saw the blade in his hand gradually lose its light, and then changed back to the original wooden sword.

"Remember the feeling just now, and never forget it! Also, you'd better give your move a name, so that it can be easily performed."

"Yes! Do you want a name? It's called Ice Crystal Sword." Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Eugeo fell into the practice again.

Since Eugeo has just stepped into the gate of the Incarnation Technique, he is sometimes ineffective when using the Incarnation Technique.

However, after successfully performing an Incarnation Technique, Eugeo became more confident. In just one and a half months, he was able to use the Ice Crystal Sword at any time.

But after this step, a new problem came again.

Although Eugeo was able to protect his sword from being damaged when he slashed, he couldn't cut off a tree with one blow no matter what.

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