"I see, it's the same secret as the secret skills of different schools, right?"

"Well, that's about it."

"Then, I understand. I'm sorry for disturbing Mr. Long Cheng." Selka bowed apologetically, then exited the room and returned to the study.

After being disturbed by Seluka, Long Cheng had no idea of ​​cultivation for the time being. It was too easy to be noticed by others when practicing during the day, so Long Cheng decided to practice at night in the future.


[Why, looking for me suddenly. 】

"By the way, don't you want to be resurrected? You can act independently tomorrow. If you are in the flesh, you can easily use the [Holy Grail of the Netherworld]."

[I don't have this idea yet. 】

"Eh? Why?"

[You actually asked me why! 】Draig's tone suddenly increased, as if very angry.

"What, what's the matter?" Long Cheng shrank his neck, a little at a loss, as his partner who had been with him for the longest time, Long Cheng still cared about Draig very much.

【You guy.How do you keep the AXA two lines balanced without my help?

Infinity, fantasy and holiness, you only control infinity and holiness now, if there is no my dream, you can't use AXA freely now, let alone the EXE above it. 】

"Yes... I'm sorry..."

In the spiritual world, Longcheng felt that Draig kept poking his head with his hands, and then his mental body became smaller and smaller.

【Hey~ So, don't think too much, don't put too much burden on yourself, and work hard to revive Orpheus first. 】

Draig sighed, then said softly.

"Orpheus, I will definitely bring her back to life. But... Ddraig, you too.

As an existence like a spirit, are you really willing and satisfied?

No way, just as an illusory spiritual body without a real body, how could it be satisfying. "

【Oh~ Really... When I see you playing with everyone, I also want to stand by your side.

When you are fighting the enemy, I also want to be the one who can protect your back.

But... No, as a Heavenly Dragon, my role in battle is not as great as assisting you in the artifact. 】

Draig hugged Long Cheng, and said excitedly, the effect of Tianlong-level combat power in fighting evil gods can be ignored at all.So even though she was envious and looking forward to it in her heart, she never proposed to let Long Cheng resurrect herself.Because Draig knew that as long as he spoke, Longcheng would never refuse.

"Draig..." Long Cheng hugged her and patted her on the back lightly, "I've decided, I will resurrect you..."

【Didn't you understand what I said! ? 】

"I will resurrect you, but not now!

When I finish comprehending the dream, I will revive you. "

【……I see.I really lost to you. Even though I have more important things to do, I still have to burden myself. 】

Draig said helplessly, but Long Cheng didn't see the beautiful smile on the other side.

On the opposite side of the black hole, Long Cheng and Draig sat cross-legged under the root godhead, and began to comprehend the information inside.

The moist feather color and bright golden light rose from Long Cheng's body. As a man with infinite godhood and the Godhead of the Bible, Long Cheng actually had the deepest understanding of these two.

Then strands of real red light spots sprinkled from the root godhead to Long Cheng.

On the side of Draig, a true red flame rose up, and then enveloped Long Cheng.

The laws comprehended by the two are jointly displayed in the hearts of the two, which enhances Long Cheng and Draig's comprehension of the laws.

"Mr. Long Cheng, dinner is ready. Don't be late, otherwise Sister Azalia will be terrifying." At around five o'clock in the evening, Selka knocked on the door of Long Cheng's room and shouted outside.

"I see." Long Cheng, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, slowly opened his eyes, and there was a real red light shining in the dark pupils.

When he walked out of the room and came to the dining room with Selka, everyone was already sitting in their seats.

After greeting Sister Azalia and the six little ones, Long Cheng and Selka immediately took their seats.

"Then, everyone, don't forget to pray to the gods before starting." Sister Azalia pushed her glasses and said solemnly to everyone.

Then everyone held hands and prayed to Stacia, the god of creation, Solus, the god of the sun, and Terraria, the god of the earth.

After the prayers, everyone ushered in a lively dinner time.

In the following days, Longcheng would wander around the village in the morning, helping the villagers with some small chores, and then return to the church in the afternoon to study the law with Draig.

Such peaceful days passed in the blink of an eye for more than three months.

February [-] in the human calendar

On this day, Long Cheng once again came to the forest where Gigas Cedar was located.

Just last night, Eugeo excitedly found Long Cheng and asked him to come here today.

After a few months, when I came back to the open space where Gigas Cedar was located, there were some changes. The area of ​​the open space increased a little, and the cedar trees around the edge had been cut down by Eugeo.

Under Long Cheng's gaze, Eugeo came to a cedar tree about half a meter in diameter with a rough wooden sword hanging from his waist.

Eugeo stood in a lunge, holding the wooden sword hanging from his waist with his right hand, and then slowly closed his eyes.

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