About three seconds later, the quiet atmosphere was broken by the excessive blue light emitted from the wooden sword.

The blue light covered the wooden sword, it looked like a divine sword polished with brilliant ice crystals!


The blue light flickered away, and the next moment, Eugeo had inserted the wooden sword back into his waist. .


The thick fir trunk slowly slid down a slanted line, and then fell heavily on the ground, splashing a burst of dust!

345. Brother Daoguang Arrives

"Clap clap clap..."

"You did it, Eugeo."

Long Cheng sat on the root of Gigas Cedar, clapped his hands, and congratulated Eugeo.

"It's thanks to Long Cheng's teaching." Eugeo scratched his head and said with a shy smile.

"Really, be more confident, this is all your masterpiece." Long Cheng patted Eugeo on the shoulder and said.


"In other words, you already understand what you lacked before."

"Yeah...it's [speed], right?"

"That's right! Speed ​​is the foundation of Incarnation Skills. You have strong emotions, but if you don't have enough speed, it's useless."

"Then, Longcheng, I've learned the Incarnation Technique, can I start cutting Gigas Cedar?" Eugeo said expectantly.

"Huh? I didn't say your training was done."


"What do you think mind skills are?"

"Eh... an explosion of strong emotions and extreme speed?"

"Well... that's correct, but the real core is not these two points.

You are only staying at the level of being able to use mind skills, but you have not understood the true power of mind skills, so..."


"The special training isn't over yet, Eugeo-kun~"

"Yes..." Eugeo's shoulders slumped all of a sudden, and he replied weakly.

"Okay, don't be depressed, after this special training is over, you can happily chop down trees." Long Cheng said and patted Eugeo's shoulder again.

"Really! That's great, just let the horse come over!"

"Hmm~ very good, that's the momentum!"

Long Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing a gloating...comfortable expression.

Pale golden light particles formed an arrogance and enveloped Longcheng, "System call: generatemetalicelement, formelement, pillarshape, immortalobject, renewableobject, discharge!"

After Long Cheng finished chanting the incantation, five black metal pillars with a diameter of about one meter and a height of three meters suddenly rose up on the sky, startling Eugeo beside him.

"Okay, this is your second stage of cultivation, cut off a pillar with one blow!

Oh, remember that you can only use wooden swords. By the way, I have added indestructible properties to these pillars. "

"Eh!? Indestructible! This level of sacred art has already surpassed the high-level priests in the central capital!

No, if it is indestructible, how should I complete the mission. "

The corners of Eugeo's eyes twitched, and he asked with a frantic expression.

"Since I assigned this task to you, it means that you will definitely be able to complete it!

Okay, that's it, I'm going back first, otherwise I won't have lunch.

I will only give you one hint for this mission, and that is..."

"That is?"

“You can do it, [believe in] yourself!”

"Hey! Mr. Long Cheng, please give me a little more hint~ What you said is totally unclear!"

"No, my time is very precious. It's already half past ten, and it will be too late." After finishing speaking, Long Cheng ignored the despairing Eugeo and walked towards Rulid Village.


"Before you know it, you've been here for eight months.

Thirteen years have passed since I left DXD, how time flies. "

[Yeah, time flies really fast. 】

"I really miss Rias and the others. I don't know how they are doing, although if we go back, it will only be a few months for them."

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