[Indeed, I miss the days of bickering with Ddraig and Albion over there. 】

"Hurry up to revive Orpheus, and then we'll go back soon..." Long Cheng said in a low voice after perceiving the [-]% recovered crystal next to the black hole in his dantian.

【Hmm... What a sleepy guy...】

Draig touched Orpheus's godhood, and whispered softly.


"Ah, Mr. Long Cheng is coming back now?" When Long Cheng returned to the church, it was almost time for dinner, Selka was holding two plates, and said to Long Cheng who was standing at the door.

"I just went over to have a look. How is the learning of sacred arts this morning?" Long Cheng took the plate and helped Selka prepare lunch.

"It's okay, I'm probably able to use intermediate sacred arts proficiently now."

"That's good, Selka, don't force yourself too much, proper relaxation is also necessary."

"I know." Selka waved his hand and replied indifferently.

Since Selka saw Long Cheng practicing last time, she would sometimes come to ask Long Cheng about sacred arts.

As for these English problems, Longcheng also helped Selka solve them very easily, after all... all these years of high school life were not in vain.


One month later

March of the year [-] in the human calendar

Kiritani Kazuto feels very bad now. He remembers that he was still discussing with his girlfriend before that the normal evolution of full stealth technology is [Brain Implant Chip] (Brain Implant Chip), and then invited her to study in the United States with him.

The chestnut-haired girl showed him a gentle smile, and then... the memory ended here.

Looking at the strange environment around him, as well as the perception of himself wearing strange clothes, just like the real world, Kiritani Kazuto couldn't help thinking whether he had time-traveled.

"Order... to log out."

Kiritani Kazuto made a habitual gesture, wanting to call out the system menu.

Unfortunately, the only responses to him were the chirping of insects from the forest and the sounds of small animals.

"System command..."


After some fruitless attempts, Tong Gu Kazuto gave up and continued to try. He looked at his palm, the palm prints on it, the spiral lines on the fingertips, and the wrinkles at the joints were all clearly visible. A sense of dread.

Kazuto Kiritani, who was still unable to determine what situation he was in after some attempts, decided to explore the world first.

"Inside Soul Translator...? This is Underworld...?

It doesn't matter, let's talk about it now after finding someone here. "

After finishing speaking, Kiritani Kazuto stood up and walked towards a direction where the sound of running water came.

After walking cautiously for fifteen minutes, a row of strong sunlight appeared in front of him, and the increasingly clear sound of water indicated that there should be a river.

The black-haired boy pursed his lips that were about to dry, and quickly walked under the sun.

After walking out of the shadow of the forest, there is a small river about two or three meters away. The clear liquid like the sea in the photo flows slowly.

The smoldering throat and anxious mood urged him to feel rehydrated.

Cupping the clear river water with both hands, seeing the polygonal structure in his hands that is different from the game, Kiritani Kazuto drank it after a brief disappointment.

Looking at the source of the river...a continuous white mountain range, for some reason a sense of sadness emerges from my heart.

The gentle breeze sent a wonderful voice into Kirito's ears. .

Hearing the sound, Kirito couldn't help being stunned, it was definitely not something that could be emitted by natural objects such as birds, beasts or wind and thunder.

It was the sound made by a hard object being struck by something harder than itself.

346. Meeting with Kirito

Kiritani Kazuto pricked up his ears, listening carefully to the sound brought by the breeze.

The wonderful knocking sound will sound once every thirty seconds.

The fluctuations that cannot be explained by physics hit Kirito's heart.

Kirito turned around and walked towards the direction of the sound, the knocking sound became more and more clear, but the strange feeling in his heart became heavier and heavier.

In a daze, he seemed to see a certain scene. On his right was the river with the sound of flowing water, on his left was a lush forest, and in front of him was an ever-extending road.

Three children lined up side by side walked on that road, a boy with black hair and a boy with gray brown hair, and a girl in a straw hat dangled her dazzling long golden hair.

The midsummer sun shone with dazzling golden light on the girl's hair.

"Is this... a memory?"

The sense of nostalgia in his heart told Kirito that it was his own memory, but his own reason denied all of this.

After walking for about half an hour, Kirito left the forest and came to a circular clearing.

In the center of the open space, a huge cedar tree with a diameter of five meters and no top can be seen attracted Kirito's attention.

"That... who are you? Where did you come from?"

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