Kirito said thoughtfully, originally it was impossible to resist the goblin leader with his strength, but after he turned into black swordsman Kirito, his strength and speed all reached the level of SAO , thus beheading the goblin leader in just tens of seconds.

"That's right, the Overwrite of Phenomena.

This is the only sentence that describes the essentials of the mind.

This is what happens when strong emotions are able to transcend the limitations of the world. "


"Well, since you have learned the second stage of mind, then I will not stop you from going to the central capital."


"Cut down Gigas Cedar, the demon tree!"

"Yes!" Eugeo and Kirito shouted happily.

"By the way, when you chop trees, don't use the dragon bone axe, use your wooden sword.

So, goodbye. "

Long Cheng pointed to the wooden sword on Eugeo's waist, and then walked out of the forest.


"Ah, Long Cheng, you're back."

As soon as he entered the village, Longcheng met Seluka. She was carrying a basket with some vegetables and meat in her hand. It seemed that she was buying ingredients for lunch.

"Yeah, those two guys have learned what I gave them, and my mission is finally completed."

Long Cheng took the basket and walked towards the church together with Selka.

"Really? Eugeo should be fine, right? After all, he was injured so badly at that time."

"Don't worry, that guy is fine."

"That's good."

"That's right, Selka."

"what happened?"

Selka turned her head and looked at Long Cheng.

"I...should be leaving here tomorrow."


Selka stopped and asked reluctantly.

After nine months of getting along, Selka has already regarded Long Cheng as his family, especially after experiencing the Goblin incident.

"I just want to go on a trip, maybe I can restore my memory?

Rest assured, I will be back. "

Sensing the other party's reluctance, Long Cheng patted Selka's head.

Back to the church, work and rest as usual, Long Cheng did not make any changes.

The next day, the morning sun had just risen. Long Cheng, who had finished training outside the church, let out a breath, then stood up and walked towards the distance.

"It's not okay to leave without saying a word."

A somewhat frivolous voice came from beside him.

"At this time... shouldn't you still be sleeping? Sleeper?"

Shaking his head, Long Cheng replied helplessly.

Kirito scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

"Really, Long Cheng, it's too much for you to leave without telling us.

Too bad we weren't prepared. "

"Didn't I say goodbye to you and Kirito yesterday?"

"Ghost knows, this is what you mean by goodbye!" Kirito and Eugeo shouted at Longcheng at the same time.

"Well, I hate parting, so I want to leave quietly."

"This is a farewell gift. Because of the rush of time, I can only prepare these."

Selka handed a basket to Long Cheng, and said apologetically.

"This is?"

"Breakfast. The pie was made by Selka, the bread was baked by me, and the ice cubes used to chill the Silalu water were brought by Eugeo from the cave in the north."

"...Really, you guys..."

Long Cheng took the basket, then sat on the grass and ate with everyone.

"Kirito, this bread is too hard, the pie made by Selka is delicious."

"This is my heart, just eat it obediently for me."

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