"I don't want it. If it was made by a beautiful girl, I would bite my teeth and eat it, and forget about yours."

"Eh~ that's too much.

Eugeo, what are you eating? "

"Bought at the bakery in the morning. You make harder bread than this.".

"It's abominable..."

Kirito looked at the bread in his hand, then... picked up the pie made by Selka and ate it.

352. Adomina Star

After finishing breakfast with the three of Eugeo, Long Cheng bid farewell to everyone and left alone.

He did not choose to go to the Central Capital, nor did he have the idea of ​​going to the Dark Continent. After finding a deserted place, a pair of wings of light appeared behind Long Cheng, with blue gems inlaid on the white skeleton.

Light blue light particles radiated from the light wings, and Long Cheng turned into a stream of light and flew towards the sky!

The things under his feet became smaller and smaller, the village of Rulid turned into a small point, and the end mountain range in the distance stretched infinitely, and he didn't know where it led.

In just a few seconds, Long Cheng had already surpassed the clouds, broke through the atmosphere, and came to the silent space.

The planet under his feet is generally green and half red and black, and the two areas are separated by a gray and white thin line.

The gray and white thin line is the End Mountain Range, which surrounds the two continents, and the outside is the unexplored land of this planet—Cardina Star, where strange beasts are rampant, and there are countless beasts of the same level.

Not observing Star Cardina, Long Cheng flew towards the direction of the sun Solus, his destination was the opposite of the sun, the planet opposite to Star Cardina - Adomina Star.

The purpose of this trip is to practice well for a period of time. It is too easy to be discovered when practicing on Cardina Star, and the content of sacred power in space is even lower, so Long Cheng set his goal on Adomina Star.

For Long Cheng now, crossing the distance between planets is not difficult at all. In just a few minutes, Long Cheng bypassed Solus and saw a blue planet.

Seeing that beautiful lower planet, before Long Cheng could express his emotions, several thick and long black tentacles attacked him.

"What the hell?"

A white-gold divine sword appeared in Long Cheng's hand, cutting off the tentacles, and purple-black blood sprayed out, floating in the cosmic space.

Turning around, Long Cheng saw a pitch-black nothingness floating like a ghost in his field of vision full of starlight.

Fear of the Abyss—a mythical cosmic beast that appeared in the original novel. Its spherical body has twelve huge tentacles, the longest of which can exceed two hundred meters.

The huge body is composed of high-density dark attribute sacred power, and it is almost immune to any attribute attacks.

But the most dangerous thing about it is not these, but this guy can't communicate at all.

When a strange beast reaches the level of a divine beast, it has wisdom no less than that of a human being and can communicate with humans.

But among the beasts, only the fear of the abyss is an exception. It seems to be composed of pure killing and destruction impulses.

"Although I know it rotates between the two planets at a certain speed and orbit, but I encountered it for the first time. This is too bad luck."

[Dragon is the cohesion of power, whether it is good or bad, all will come to you. 】

The light blue light emitted by the light wings flickered, and Ddraig's clear voice came from it.


Forget it, let's find a way to deal with this guy first. "

Shaking his head helplessly, he refocused his gaze on the fear of the abyss.

At the end of the opponent's twelve thick and long tentacles, blue-purple light clusters began to condense, which was a large amount of high-density dark attribute sacred power!

The next moment, the twelve tentacles of the fear of the abyss shot the blue-purple ball of light towards Long Cheng like throwing a ball.

Twelve blue-purple light spheres met halfway, and then merged into a huge light group with a diameter of [-] meters and crushed it!

Facing the huge ball of light, Long Cheng just slowly raised his right hand, lightly clenched his fist, and then struck out!

When the arm was fully straightened, Long Cheng's fist collided with the blue-purple light cluster.

[Reflect! ! ! 】

[Boost! ! ! 】

The blue-purple light ball turned into a bigger streamer in the next moment, and shot back towards the fear of the abyss!


Fear of the Abyss, who had no sense in itself, couldn't react at all after seeing his attack come back, so he forced his own big move.

Three of the twelve tentacles were broken, and pitted wounds appeared on the body of the player. Purple blood that was close to black sprayed out, floating in the void.


Although it is in space, Longcheng should not be able to hear any sound, but uw's space has divine power, so it can transmit sound.

The fear of the abyss screamed in pain, and the remaining tentacles kept swinging and twisting, looking very painful.

This time Long Cheng also knew that Fear of the Abyss must have been seriously injured.

The fear of the abyss kept waving its tentacles and fled into the distance.Although it has a tough head, it is not a fool, and it will still run away when its life is in danger.

Long Cheng didn't care about the fear of the abyss, and flew straight towards Adomina Star.

The purpose of this trip was just to find a quiet place to retreat, Long Cheng didn't want to cause trouble, and killing the fear of the abyss would not do any good.

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