At this time, it was neither Kirito nor Longcheng who answered Eugeo's question, but Ronye who had remained silent until now.She, who was usually quite quiet, suddenly had a strong light in her eyes and began to speak in a firm tone. Of course, this also surprised Eugeo a little.

"That... I kind of understand what Senior Kirito and Master Longcheng said. There is a certain spirit that is not recorded in the taboo catalog but really exists... that is the justice in my heart, right?

The law is not just for compliance, you must first use the justice in your heart to measure why there is this law... The senior means that you can't just follow it blindly, you have to go through your own careful consideration..."

"Well, you're right, Ronye. Thinking is the most powerful force of human beings. It's stronger than any famous sword or secret art."

"Because of having emotions and being able to think rationally, this is the secret of the strength of human beings."

"But Kirito, the St. August you just mentioned... who is it? Is it a member of the church?"

" can count it as a priest. But he should be dead, right, Mr. Long Cheng."



Watching Ronnie and Tijie, who held an empty rattan basket in one hand and walked back to the junior trainee dormitory while waving the other, left, Longcheng also bid farewell to Kirito and Eugeo.

Recently, when Eugeo broke the seal of his right eye, there might be unexpected results if he was there, so Long Cheng hid in Cardinal's library.

"I said... why are you here again..." At the table in the center of the library, Cardinal took a sip of black tea and looked at the sudden figure with a blank expression.

"Don't say that, after all, I don't have any place to live except here and Rulid Village.

And that time is coming, you have Charlotte as a surveillance, and I can also monitor their movements. "

Long Cheng walked to the table with a smile and sat down, picked up a cup of tea and drank it.Cardinal looked at the thick book in his hand and remained silent.


In the [-]th year of the human calendar, May [-]nd

Today ushered in the first bad weather since the beginning of spring.

Big raindrops slapped the windows violently along with the strong wind blowing from time to time.At this moment, Eugeo stopped wiping his sword, and began to look at the dark sky where Solus had gradually lost its light just after class.

Layers of connected black clouds squirm like creatures, and purple lightning can be seen piercing the sky through the gaps.When I was in Lulid Village, the villagers hated the spring storm for washing away the freshly sprinkled wheat seeds, so when Alice, who was still a child, successfully performed the divine spell of predicting the weather, the whole village almost followed suit. Just as excited as during the festival.However, the time to enjoy this kind of favor is only a short two years.


Eugeo let out his unrepentant thoughts with a sigh, and then fixed his eyes on the blue crystal blade in his hand.

Eugeo has not used this artifact once in the past two years, because of the pursuit of fairness, the academy rules stipulate that only wooden swords or iron swords given by the academy can be used during the exam.

Compared with the Blue Rose Sword, which belongs to the divine tool, the academy-made sword is quite light, and there is even a feeling of uneasiness that the blade is about to fly out when it is swung with all its strength.But even so, you can't casually use this artifact that can shatter cheap iron swords with a single blow.

That was probably the only one that could withstand a full blow from this sword, Eugeo thought and raised his head.The partner was sitting on the bench opposite at this time, and Eugeo's eyes were fixed on the long black sword he was polishing.

"I said, Kirito."


"Have you decided on the name of this sword?"

It was the fourth time Eugeo asked this question since the sword was completed, but Kirito still gave the same answer at this time:

"Hmm...not yet..."

"Hurry up and make up your mind. The sword is too pitiful for being called 'black guy' all the time."

"Hmm... I seem to think that the place where I used to live, Jianda has a name from the beginning..."

Just when Eugeo wanted to continue complaining to Kirito who was just making excuses, his partner suddenly raised his hand in front of his eyes, causing him to blink continuously.

"What, what's wrong?"

"Wait a minute, it's half-past four now."


After pricking up your ears, you can indeed hear intermittent bells mixed in with the strong wind.

"Really, is it so late already? You haven't heard the four o'clock bell yet."

Eugeo said this in a low voice after looking out of the window that lost the sunlight, but Kirito suddenly showed a serious expression and murmured, "Why haven't Ronye and the others come yet?"

Eugeo held his breath in surprise.After Tijie and Ronnie became their attendant trainees, they would definitely come here to clean the room before four o'clock struck.Suppressing the uneasiness slowly rising up in his throat, Eugeo shrugged lightly.

"The weather is not good now, and it's raining so hard. Maybe they are waiting for the rain to stop? Besides, there is no stipulated time for cleaning to start in the courtyard rules..."

"Will those two be late because of the heavy rain....

I have a bad feeling.I'd better go to the junior trainee dormitory.It might just happen to be missed, so Eugeo will wait here for them to come. "

Kirito put the well-maintained black sword back into its scabbard and put it on the table, then stood up.He put on a light raincoat, buttoned it with his left hand, and opened the window with his right hand.

364. Start

"Hey, Kirito, let's compare from the front..."

Eugeo, whose face was sullen due to the strong wind mixed with raindrops, was only halfway through speaking when his partner had already lightly jumped onto the branch next to the window, and then disappeared into the wind and rain with a rustling sound.

After sighing, Eugeo immediately closed the open window.

An unusually long few minutes passed - finally there was a slight knock on the door of the room.

Hearing the sound, Eugeo let out a long breath.

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