"Look, who told you to go out of the window, pass by perfectly..." Eugeo thought to himself, stood up from the bench, quickly walked across the room and opened the door.

"Great, I'm taking..."

Having said that, Eugeo suddenly shut his mouth.Because what caught my eye was not the familiar red and tea-brown hair, but the light-brown hair blown by the wind.

A strange girl who was neither Ronye nor Tijie was standing in the corridor.Her short hair and gray junior trainee uniform were soaked by the rain, and her dripping cheeks were completely devoid of blood.Her big eyes, reminiscent of Xiaolu's, were stretched out due to anxiety, and her thin lips were trembling constantly.

"Um... is this Eugeo's senior swordsman-in-training...?"

The girl asked in a low voice.

"Ah... um, um. Are you...?"

"I... I'm a junior trainee Frenika. I'm really sorry for the sudden, presumptuous visit. But... I, I don't know what to do..."

"Are you Frenika..."

Eugeo looked at the petite junior trainee again.After seeing her slender body that is not suitable for being a swordsman, and her small hands that should be more suitable for weaving flower crowns, the anger at Humbert bullying this little girl once again surged in his heart.

But before Eugeo could speak, Frenica clasped her hands in front of her chest and made a trembling voice: "That... I sincerely thank Eugeo, Swordsman-in-training, for helping me and Humbert Jizek The dispute between the swordsmen. So... I think you already know the previous things, so I won't explain it anymore... But Senior Jizek ordered me to... perform an unspeakable service tonight ...

I, I thought to myself that if I want to continue to accept this kind of order, why... just leave this academy, so I told Tijie and Ronnie about this idea, and after hearing what I said, the two said that they would directly I beg Jezek-senpai to stop doing this and leave the dormitory..."

"What did you say!?"

Eugeo asked in a low voice with a hoarse voice.The blue rose in his right eye shone with ice crystal color brilliance.

"But I haven't seen the two of them come back after waiting for a long time, so, so I don't know what to do..."

"When did the two of them leave...?"

"I remember going out as soon as the bell rang at half past three."

It's been over an hour now.Eugeo held his breath and stared at the door across the corridor.That being said, Tiezhe and the others are also on the third floor of the swordsman-in-training dormitory.But protests and requests should not take so long.

Eugeo immediately turned his head to look at the window which was still under the storm, but there was no sign of Kirito coming back into the room.Under such a storm, it would take at least fifteen minutes to go to and from the junior trainee dormitories.After deciding that there was no way to wait any longer, Eugeo quickly told Frenica:

"I see. I'll go and see what happened. You wait in our room first. Then... If Kirito comes back, please help me invite him to come to Humbert's room."

Leaving Frenica nodding with an anxious expression, Eugeo immediately left the room.On the geometric patchwork floor of wood, walk quickly through the curved hallway to the east.He felt that with every step he took, more uneasy condensates appeared in his chest.

"From the very beginning, their target was not me, but Tijie and Ronnie? Damn it!"

The blue rose in the right eye shone with a faint blue light, and the surrounding temperature began to plummet.

There are almost no scruples about words between trainees or swordsmen with the same status.But it is another matter for junior trainees to protest against senior swordsmen.If you don't pay special attention to the choice of words, it will become a faux pas in the rules of the school.At that time, the swordsman-in-training had the "right to punish" that could be exercised instead of the instructor.Just like when Kirito splashed mud on Uolo's senior swordsman-in-training uniform in the past.

Eugeo desperately flipped through the pages of the school rules in his mind.

When the superior swordsman-in-training exercises the power of punishment, he can only choose one of the following three orders:

[-]. Clean up the college land (the area is recorded in other items).[-]. The practice of using wooden swords (the content is recorded in other items).[-]. The competition with the swordsman-in-training himself (the rules of the competition are recorded in other items).In addition, none of the punishments can override the higher-level regulations.

The higher-level regulations here refer to the Basic Law of the Empire and the Taboo Catalogue.That is to say, without a valid reason, the taboo that cannot reduce the destiny of others will take precedence over the right to punish.If Humbert ordered Tijie to compete with him, and the rule was not to end the point but to win first, then as long as the two of them refused to agree to this condition, their bodies would not be harmed.Therefore, even if Humbert exercised the right to punish, there should be no need to worry too much.

But the uneasiness that pierced deeply into his heart could not disappear for a long time.

After running for a while in the circular corridor on the third floor, I finally came to the closed door on the easternmost side.Eugeo, who stopped walking, couldn't wait to adjust his breathing, and violently knocked on the door with his right fist.

A few seconds later, Humbert's muffled voice came from inside.

"Oh my, why did you come here so late, senior swordsman-in-training Eugeo. Come on, come in quickly!"

The other party seemed to know that Eugeo would come, and the way he spoke like a good friend made his anxiety worse, so he opened the door in one breath.

The wicks of the high-grade oil lamps that were added had been turned tight, making the shared living room much darker than when Eugeo had come a few days ago.Moreover, the strong-smelling incense from the Eastern Region was burned inside, making a faint smoke waft in the room.Although Eugeo's face was tense due to the strong smell, his eyes quickly scanned the room. .

Laos and Humbert, who were wearing thin gowns, were sitting on the bench in the center.With his back to Eugeo, Laos still put his feet on the table at this moment, and still held a thin cup in his left hand.The little dark red liquid inside looks like wine.Although senior swordsmen-in-training can drink to a certain extent in the dormitory, drinking alcohol on non-rest days is not something to be admired.

Humbert, who was sitting across from him, seemed to have drunk some alcohol as well.A slack smile first appeared on his reddish face, and then he looked up at Eugeo.

365. Two people in a trap

"Don't stand there, why don't you come and sit down, Eugeo-san. We just opened a bottle of [-]-year-old red wine produced in the Western Empire. This is a delicious wine that ordinary people can't drink~"

Humbert shook the wine glass in his hand and asked with an evil smile.

"Thank you, but I don't drink alcohol. It's Jizek Swordsman-in-training..."

Immediately rejecting the other party's invitation, Eugeo felt relieved for the time being when Tiezhe and Ronye were not found, and then continued.

"Forgive me for asking, did my squire Tijie Shoutellini and Kirito's squire Ronnie Yarabel come to your room today?"

After speaking in a hoarse voice, it was not Humbert who answered Eugeo, but Laos who had been turning his back to him.He turned his head while raising the cup in his left hand, and looked at Eugeo with narrowed eyes.

"...Swordsman-in-training Eugeo, you don't look very well. How about it, how about a drink to cheer you up?"

"Don't bother. Could you please answer my question?"

"Hehe, that's such a pity. Is this really just my little thoughtful gesture to my friend?"

Laos continued to watch Eugeo as if he was serving the food, took a sip of the wine, and then put the glass back on the table.

"Hmm. Those two people... are Eugeo-san and Kirito-san's attendants?"

Laos continued with a strange smile on his face.

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