Cardinal decided to stay in Santoral Cassedral as the highest sacrificial organization against the army of the Dark Continent.

Long Cheng and the others decided to return to Lulid Village. As a village near the End Mountain Range, any invasion of the Dark Continent should be discovered soon.

When Long Cheng and the others returned to the ninety-ninth floor, Bercouli and the others were already under the hands of Fanatio with the four-spinning swords and the integrity knight Leinli Synthesis Synthesis Tewenty Simon who woke up later. And the Mandate of Heaven was restored with the help of Sieta Synthesis Telf.

Under the suppression of Longcheng's absolute strength and the explanations of Cardinal and Alice, everyone can be regarded as subduing the integrity knight. After all, the mission of the integrity knight is to protect the human world.

All awakened Integrity Knights unanimously decided that they would not recover their memories until the final stress test was over.

Unlike Alice, those who accepted the reverse integration will lose their current power, so... for the future of the human world, they choose not to restore their memories.


The news of everyone's return was quickly known by the people in the village.

The village head Cusfert Szymberke looked at the blond girl in front of him complicatedly.

"Is... Alice?"

"Yes, my lord."

"...Why did you come back? Have your sins been forgiven?"


Selka wanted to say something, but was stopped by her sister.

"Whether my sins have been forgiven... I can't answer this question."

Unlike everyone who broke the seal of the right eye, everyone in the human world regards the taboo list as absolute.

'If you speak your mind...maybe it's a sin for them...'

"Then...I can't let you come back like this...our...village...can't accept...sinners."

"I see, my father."

After speaking, Alice walked out of the village, accompanied by Eugeo.

Although she was not accepted by most people in the village, Alice did not feel lost or unlucky, at least her sister and her friends were by her side.


October of the year [-] in the human calendar

"Dong dong dong..."

After wiping the last plate that Selka handed over, there was a knock on the door.

"Eugeo, Alice, you guys are a little early today."

When the door of the church was opened, a young man with gray-brown hair and a girl with long blond hair met his eyes.The two stood outside the house, holding hands and smiling.

"The weather has started to cool down recently, and Eugeo and I sent some warm clothes to Kirito."

Eugeo shook the bag in the other hand, and led Alice into the church.

"Selka, this is for you."

Alice handed the bag in her other hand to her sister.

"Thank you, sister.

Let's go, let's go see Kirito-kun. "

After taking Alice's bag, Selka led the crowd towards the second floor inside the church.

Currently, Alice and Eugeo are living in a forest two thousand mel away from Rulid Village, which is one of the few things that the father, who is the village chief, can acquiesce to Alice.

It was the secret base of the three of Alice when they were young. After the two used artifact-level swords to cut down the surrounding trees, they used local materials to build a wooden house.

The old man Kalita in the village was also shocked by the strength of the two when he was about to come to help.

"I've never seen a child with such great strength." The words of the old man Kalita made Alice and Eugeo, who were carrying logs and building a wooden house, dumbfounded.

The unconscious Kirito was in the church, under the care of Sister Azalia and the children.

For half a year, Kirito showed no sign of waking up.After several inspections, Long Cheng finally understood that the reason for this was entirely because of Kirito's forbidden hand.

Originally, the Star Broken Sword was only half of the God Extinguisher and it was not complete. Kirito entered the forbidden hand under various coincidences, which made the Star Broken Sword begin to evolve. It is difficult to wake up before the evolution is completed, unless there is something that can stimulate Kirito's fluct light.

During the past six months, Alice and Eugeo went to the cave in the north from time to time to investigate the movement of the Dark Continent.

Although the cave has been demolished by the two together, there is no guarantee that the people from the Dark Continent will not dig another tunnel.

The money the two of them need to live is through helping the villagers to get some meager remuneration.But the two of them obviously didn't care about this at all, apart from being very worried about Kirito's situation, the two of them wore happy smiles all day long. .

Long Cheng returned to his normal daily life. He felt that in a month or two, Long Cheng would be able to complete the analysis of this world.

As for Kirito who had unplugged the network cable, Long Cheng reckoned that it would get better after Asuna entered the underworld.

381. Goblin Raids the Village

In the [-]th year of the human calendar, October [-]nd.

Before dawn today, Long Cheng had already woken up, to be precise, he was woken up.

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