From the window, it was obvious that some houses in the village outside were on fire, and countless villagers screamed in fear one after another.

"Long Cheng, it's bad! Brother, goblins, goblins from the Dark Continent have invaded the village!"

Selka ran into Longcheng's room in a panic. Although her system operation authority had surpassed that of Sister Azalia, and her level of sacred arts could completely push down the goblin group back then, she was only fourteen years old. Still seemed a little overwhelmed.

"Don't be nervous, Selka. Go and gather the church members and Kirito right now, and we're going to evacuate along the southern road."

After finishing speaking, Long Cheng put on his coat and walked towards the church hall.

"...the people in the village... what should I do?"

"You have to ask the village chief about this. If they decide to stick to this place, then we will leave by ourselves."

Now the villagers are all gathered in the circular square in front of the church. In his own room, Long Cheng can also hear the noise outside.

They must have been waiting here under the orders of the head of the guard or the village head. If the village head hadn't spoken, Long Cheng estimated that no one would choose to follow him.


"What stupid things are you talking about, how can you give up your house... give up the village and run away!"

When Longcheng came to the square, Selka was already persuading the villagers.But obviously, the villagers did not agree with Selka's statement.

And Nigel Barbosa, a rich farmer in the village, was the first to scold Seluka.Nigel, who is as greedy as Humbert and Laos, has caused troubles for Eugeo and Alice on weekdays.

"The guards can't stop the goblins. If you go to evacuate now, you won't be chased by the goblins. Which one is more important, money or life!"

Selka, who was already disgusted with Nigel, spoke immediately.

"It was the head of the guard, Jike, who asked us to wait in the square to form a circular formation. In this situation, even if I am the village head, I have to obey his orders. This is the law of the empire."

The village chief, Cusfert, explained with a bitter expression.

Hearing that, Selka and the others also lost their voices, did not break the seal of the right eye, and they had no ability to resist.

"Those who agree with the retreat, raise your hands." Looking at the crowd, Long Cheng said slowly.

"You bastard, haven't you already said that this is an order from the Chief Guard of Jike!"

Nagel pointed at Long Cheng angrily, and the fat on his face trembled when he spoke.

Ignoring the other party, Long Cheng once again said to the villagers: "Those who agree to retreat, raise your hands. This is the last chance."

Long Cheng didn't say anything, quietly waiting for everyone's answer.

"I agree!"

"I agree too!"


Everyone in the church raised their hands first, and they chose to believe in Long Cheng as they got along day and night.

Afterwards, the villagers raised their hands in twos and threes, including the old man Kalita and the village chief Cusford.

"Even if most of us agree to retreat, we cannot violate the laws of the empire."

Village Chief Cusvert said bitterly, the law is absolute to everyone present.

Without opening his mouth to explain anything, Long Cheng raised his palm, and invisible fluctuations spread.

At the same time, all the villagers who agreed to retreat felt their heads cleared. The law, which was originally like a holy word, is not so important now.

'If the law will cost me my life, why should I obey it? ' These words rose in the hearts of the villagers.

This is the use of [Prince of the Machine World], this world is essentially a virtual world, its operation relies on programs, and [Prince of the Machine World] who can control electronics and metals wants to eliminate [CODE: 871] is not a piece of cake. a plate of.

Then white mist filled the entire square, and all the villagers who agreed to retreat disappeared in the next moment.

"W-Where did you send everyone!?"

Nagel pointed at Long Cheng with his thick fingers tremblingly.

"I, I got it! You must be an undercover agent from the Dark Continent, and you must have recruited the monsters here!"

Hearing Nigel's scream, the rest of the villagers also accused Long Cheng one after another.

"What a bunch of ignorant people, so stupid they want to make you laugh.

Right, Eugeo, Alice. "

Saying this to the sky, the next second there was a deep dragon chant.

The villagers all raised their heads, and a huge white flying dragon hovered in the sky, on which Eugeo and Alice were wearing blue, white and golden armors.

"My name is Alice, the city supervisor of Centoria, the third integrity knight of the Axiom Church, Alice Synthesis Satie!

Now, in the name of an integrity knight, I rescind the order of the head of the guard, Zeke!All flee to the south road! "

"Wh-what! T-t-t-t-tight, integrity knight!" Nigel's tone changed completely, and he fell back to the ground.

Then all the villagers retreated towards the south road, only Long Cheng remained.

"Longcheng, where did you send Selka and the others?"

The two controlled the flying dragon Yu Yuan to land in front of Long Cheng, and Alice immediately asked about her sister's whereabouts.

"Don't worry, I sent them to the southern road, Kirito and Selka are together, very safe."

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