"That's it... that's good. Eugeo, let's go, let's support Zeke and the others."


Afterwards, Alice and Eugeo took Amayori and flew towards the direction where the flames were most intense.

Long Cheng used [Huang Tian Lei Prison] to make it rain heavily in Lulid Village and extinguish the burning houses.

Looking at the countless swords of light and the large expanse of freezing white air rising in the distance, Long Cheng returned to his room with peace of mind.

With regard to the development of this world, Long Cheng does not intend to interfere too much, and after the complete analysis of this world, Long Cheng will leave and will not stay too long.


Even Higa Takeru, who considers himself a top-notch genius, still couldn't predict the various things that happened in these two hours.

The RATH headquarters, which was guarded by the self-defense ship Asahi [-] hours a day, was attacked by mercenaries!

After sacrificing a large number of guards, Takeru Higa closed the pressure-resistant partition wall in the main control room that isolated the light quantum cube group where the fluctlight was stored.

Then Higa Takeru, Shindai Rinko and other researchers, Kikuoka Seijiro Second Class Lu Zuo, Akina Tsuki Second Class Lu Cao, Yuri Asuna, and a few guards successfully retreated to the sub-control room where Kirito was.

However, what he saw now was what surprised Higa Takeru the most among these facts.

A weak girl of eighteen or nineteen actually used her slender right hand to grab the collar of a man who was fifteen centimeters taller than her.The man's bright Hawaiian shirt was taut as if it was about to be torn, and the slippers were completely hanging in the air. .

"If Kirito-kun's consciousness cannot be recovered, I will not spare you."

There seemed to be twinkling stars in the eyes, and Asuna stared at the man in front of her with terrifying eyes.

382. Trends in Reality 1

Kikuoka's black-rimmed glasses reflected the light from the ceiling lighting, so he couldn't see his expression from Higa's position.

However, this cadre self-defense officer, who should be a black belt in judo and kendo, seemed to be shocked by Asuna's words.

He swallowed heavily and raised his hands to the sides of his face in surrender.

"I know, I will take responsibility, and I will definitely let Kirito-kun recover."

Finally, Asuna silently let go of her right hand.The liberated Kikuoka exhaled a long breath as if he was about to slump to the floor, and Asuna also took a few steps back feebly.Rinko hurriedly rushed over to support Asuna's back.

"Don't worry, it will be fine. Kirito-kun will definitely come back to you"

"...Well, I will. I'm sorry... I lost my sense for a while."

The sound of manually opening the automatic door made the air, which had finally been relieved, tense again.The one who rushed into the room was the first-class sea captain Nakanishi.

"Report! It has been confirmed that the first and second pressure-resistant partitions are completely sealed, and all non-combatants have retreated to the bow block!"

Kikuoka walked forward while straightening the collar of his Hawaiian shirt, then nodded, "Thank you.How long will the partition last? "


Although it depends on what equipment those guys bring, it is impossible to destroy the partition with light weapons.Cutting with tools such as a circular saw would take at least eight hours.Of course, there is also the possibility of using explosives to destroy...

But they probably won't.Because near the central partition..."

"There is a Light Cube Cluster (LightCubeCluster).

...Okay, let's sort things out.Lieutenant Nakanishi, report the casualties. "

"Yes. Three researchers from the private planning team were slightly injured and are currently receiving treatment in the infirmary at the bow. Two fighters from the Self-Defense Force were seriously injured and two were slightly injured. They are also receiving treatment, but they are not life-threatening. There are six people who are able to fight, including two who were slightly injured."

"Under such a powerful firepower attack, it can only be said that there were no deaths... Then, let's report the damage to the hull."

"The control room in the ship's dock is riddled with holes. It's impossible to shut it down from a distance.

The passage from the dock to the main control room is the same, but this should only be considered a minor damage.

Seriously, the main power supply cable was cut... Although the power itself is still supplied stably by the sub-cable, the propellers will not operate unless the control system is restarted. "

"Like a turtle with no fins and a shark bite on the belly?"

"Yes. All the blocks from No. [-] to No. [-] of the lower axis and the dock at the bottom of the ship are all occupied."

"Have the main control room, the first STL room, and the nuclear reactor all been taken? The best of luck is...those guys didn't aim to sabotage.

Now the question is... who are those guys... Higa, what's your opinion? "

The topic was suddenly thrown on him, and after Higa blinked several times, he managed to get his brain, which still had the aftertaste of the shock, to work again.

"Ah, this, um..."

Higa Takeru made a meaningless groan while turning to the console, and then operated the mouse with his right hand to call the video from the surveillance camera inside the ship to the large front screen.

Although the opened video window was dark and unclear, he adjusted the brightness and contrast after pausing at an appropriate place.As a result, several figures emerged, bending forward and moving through the passageway inside the ship.

They wear all-black combat uniforms, the upper half of their faces covered by helmets with multi-purpose goggles, and they carry menacing assault rifles in their hands.

"...as seen on the screen, neither the head nor the body has any flag or identifying marks etc.

The color and shape of the equipment are not like the regular army of any country.The rifle in his hand seems to be made by Steyr. This kind of mass-produced firearm is quite common...

The only thing I know is that, judging from the average physique, they should not be Asian.

One other thing for sure...these guys know about ProjectAlicization. "

Kikuoka nodded and said

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