"Why are there no flaws? Is this really an unearthed cultural relic from the era of [-] years ago?"

"This itself is just a conceptual treasure. As a material, it will of course weather. .

Not to mention the medium of summoning as a holy relic.This is a treasure in the field of magic. "

Irisviel respectfully took out the golden scabbard from the lined box and held it in her hand.

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"It is said that this scabbard can heal the owner's wounds just by wearing it on the body; it can stop aging. Of course, the premise is that its original owner provides magic power."

"In other words, as long as it is used by the summoned heroic spirit, this thing itself can also be used as a master's Noble Phantasm."

Kiritsugu was fascinated by the unique design and extraordinary beauty of the scabbard, but after a while, his thinking immediately shifted to the pragmatic direction of using it as a tool.Irisviel looked at Kiritsugu with a somewhat helpless smile.

"If you say that, even Servants are like this. No matter how famous a hero is, as long as he is summoned as a Servant, it is a tool for the Master. Guys with unrealistic fantasies are not willing to win this battle.

...If it was my original mentality to participate in the Holy Grail War, I would definitely think so. "

Emiya Kiritsugu's side face instantly became extremely cold, and then he relaxed with a wry smile.

"So, what are you thinking now?"

"While my views on the value of life haven't changed, there is a premise...that it doesn't involve people close to me.

But... Even if my style of life has changed, my affinity with that person also..."

Emiya Kiritsugu's expression showed a hint of helplessness, unlike Kiritsugu who could use everything in a pragmatic form, that servant was an upright knight king.

"To be honest, I want to exchange servants with you, Aili. At least Mr. Long Cheng should be able to understand my thoughts."

"Well...Although I can understand it, it doesn't mean you can cheat me.

But Kiritsugu's proposal is good, Irisviel and Saber will act together when the time comes. "

"It is indeed feasible. I usually act in secret, and Longcheng is best as a hole card. Aili and Saber acting together can provide a cover for me and Long Chengjun."

Emiya Kiritsugu analyzed seriously.


Next, Emiya Kiritsugu began to analyze the information of several Masters.

As expected, Emiya Kiritsugu and Father Mapo both became interested in each other.


Putting away the materials of the Masters, Kotomine Kirei left the basement workshop and returned to the first floor.In the hallway, I met a girl struggling with an oversized suitcase.

"Good afternoon, Rin."

She also didn't intend to please her, but after saying hello in a normal way, the girl dragged the box and stopped, staring directly at Kirei with big eyes.It's been three years since I met Rin in this room, but the suspicion in the girl's eyes on Kirei still hasn't disappeared.

"Good afternoon, Kirei."

Rin returned the greeting with a somewhat blunt voice, but still dignified and decent. Although she was very young, she was quite like her mother, and her every move showed the clues of a lady's demeanor.

"Are you going out? This luggage is really big enough."

"Yeah. From today onwards, Xiao Ying, my mother, and I will go to Chancheng's house to bother me for a while. To go to school, I will take the tram over there."

Since the Holy Grail War was about to start, Tokiomi decided to temporarily let his family live with his wife's natal family in the next town.

Although she understands that this is for the safety of her family, Rin, as a daughter, seems to be dissatisfied with it.Although she is still polite and thoughtful now, her cute little mouth is obviously pouted, and she is very unhappy at a glance.Although she is a lady, she is still a child anyway, so she can't be expected to do that thoroughly.

"Kirei, you stay by Father's side and fight with him, right?"

"Yes, this is what I should do as a disciple."

"Kirei, can I trust you? Will you protect Father until the end? Are you willing to make this promise with me?"

"That's impossible. If the war is stable enough for me to make this agreement with you, then there's no need for you and your wife to take refuge, right?"

Kirei didn't want to say empty words to comfort her, so he just stated the facts lightly.So Rin's eyes became more menacing, staring at the brazen senior brother.

"Sure enough, I still don't like you at all."

Kotomine Kirei showed a slight smile, and only when he said such awkward words appropriate to his age would Kirei have a good impression of this girl.

"Rin, don't say such impolite truths in front of others from now on. Otherwise, people will doubt the character of your father who raised you."

"It has nothing to do with Father! Listen carefully to Kirei! If Father is injured due to your mistake, I will never forgive you! I..."

"Sister... are you ready? We are leaving."

At this time, Sakura came down from the stairs, and beside her was a black unknown creature, which was biting a suitcase and quietly followed behind Sakura.

"I see, Sakura."

Rin Tohsaka glared at Kotomine Kirei, and then struggled to carry the luggage.

After Sakura saw it, she didn't see any movement, as if the shadows of the whole room were condensed, a black unknown creature appeared beside Tohsaka Rin, holding the luggage in its mouth.

"That, Mr. Kirei, Father will leave it to you."

Kotomine Kirei just nodded silently, and then stopped making any movements.

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