Kirei stood at the entrance and watched the three mother and daughter off.Not a taxi, but a private car, with Aoi holding the steering wheel.Not only the driver but all the servants have been fired since last week.

On the one hand, this is to avoid implicating the innocent, and on the other hand, it is also an extremely careful countermeasure against espionage.Tokiomi wasn't careful enough to be wary of his servants, this suggestion was put forward by Kirei, and half of it was almost forced Tokiomi to implement.

Before the car drove away, Rin hid her mother's eyes, stuck out her tongue at Kirei, and made a grimace, while Sakura covered her mouth and snickered when she looked at her sister.

Kirei smiled wryly and watched them go away, then returned to the empty mansion.


Matou family

It seems to be in a different dimension from the city that is almost changing with each passing day. In this courtyard that seems to never change, there are subtle insects constantly rising and falling.

"Hehehe, although it's just recycling waste, it's a good thing you can bear it, Tsuruno."

Looking at the white-haired son in front of him, who seemed to have countless earthworms crawling under his face, Matou Zouken just chuckled.

He was forced to be thrown into the worm warehouse for transformation, and by the third month, his hair had all turned white.The skin also showed scars everywhere it went, and the other places lost all blood, turning into a ghost-like earthy gray.The toxin called mana circulates in the veins, and it can be seen that they are expanding from under the almost transparent skin, and the whole body seems to be covered with blue-black cracks.

Just like that, the physical breakdown proceeded faster than imagined.In particular, the blow to the nerves of the left half of the body was severe, and the left wrist and left foot were even completely paralyzed at one point.Through temporary rehabilitation exercise, the function has been temporarily restored, but the response of the left hand is still slower than that of the right hand, and once he walks faster, the left foot will drag the floor.

Heart palpitations due to irregular pulses are commonplace.Eating can not eat solids, but replaced by glucose infusion.

Matou Zouyan doesn't care about it at all, as long as he is still there, the Matou family will not disappear, and his descendants are just his containers and materials.

"Three years ago, Tohsaka Tokiomi bluntly rejected the proposal to adopt his daughter, and that's why I had to sacrifice you.

If you want to blame it, it's strange that the Tohsaka family still has that Kariya who has long since given up Matou's identity. "


Matou Heye roared as if he was stimulated by something, blood flowed from his white left eye, and there seemed to be a thin snake swimming under his skin, making his scalp numb.

Hearing his father's screams, the harmless kelp head huddled under the blanket - Shinji Matou was trembling.

396. Night

From the conclusion, Matou Tsuruno has reached the limit both mentally and physically.

From the perspective of modern medicine, it is strange that Matou Tsuruno can still function as a living body.

Despite this, Tsuruno was able to stand and walk, ironically thanks to the bounty of his magic as a magician that he paid for with his life.

The engraved worms that have been eroding Tsuruno's body for a year have grown to the point where they can function as a simulated magic circuit.Now it is desperately trying to keep its dying master alive.

In terms of the number of magic circuits, Matou Tsuruno now possesses the magic power necessary for a magician.It seems that this progress has exceeded expectations for Matou Zouken. After all, he just wants to try it out, and he doesn't have any expectations.

As a result, there are now three traces of Command Seals on He Ye's right hand.The Holy Grail also seems to recognize him as the representative of the Matou family.

According to Zou Yan's estimation, He Ye probably only has one month left in his life, and it is already a miracle that he can survive for so long after he spends his days drinking and drinking.

But this is enough for Matou Zouken, anyway, his goal is not this Holy Grail War, as long as he kills one person, he can start his own plan.

"Hmph, Heye, how do you feel?"

Hearing Matou Zouken's disgusting voice, there was no movement in Tsuruno's gray eyes, he had long since lost the will to live.

During the transformation of the worm warehouse, he wanted to commit suicide countless times, but every time he was stopped by his father.

However, even though he physically successfully withstood the transformation of the crest worms, mentally he was on the verge of collapse.

"It's boring, Tsuruno, I found the best holy relic for you, with him you can definitely kill Tohsaka Tokiomi.

Oh~ By the way... Although I didn't expect it, if you can get the Holy Grail, your body will be able to recover, hehehe. "

From the old man's mouth came a voice that Matou Heye couldn't refuse.As the son of Matou Zouken, after witnessing the Matou family's magic, he couldn't raise his heart of rebellion against his father.

Later, after realizing that the next head of the family would be Matou Kariya, whose magic aptitude surpassed his own, Tsuruno led a depraved life.

As the saying goes, "It's better to die than to live." After hearing that he was able to recover, Matou Tsuruno's dead heart also became active.

"Tohsaka... Tokiomi!!! I must kill you!!!"


At night, the round moon hangs high.

In the corner of the deep mountain town in Fuyuki City, there is a clearing deep in the woods.

After confirming that there was no one around, Weber Velvet started to prepare for the summoning ceremony.

The chickens have been crowing all day today, making Weber's nerves high.Now to purify the mind and then start to guide.

While the dripping chicken blood is still warm, the pattern of the magic circle must be drawn on the ground.The program has been practiced many times.The four arrays of disappearing and annihilating in the middle of eliminating form the summoning array.

"Shut it up, shut it up, shut it up, shut it up, shut it up. Say it five times in a row. But overflow when it's full."

While singing the spell, Webb carefully sprinkled chicken blood on the ground.

In the same underground workshop of the Tohsaka mansion in the same deep mountain town, the same ritual preparations were also carried out at that time.

"The silver and iron of the prime. The contract of earth and stone. My ancestor and my teacher, Xiubin Aogu.

The surging wind is blocked by four walls.Close the gates of the four squares, and come out of the crown; linger at the forks that lead to the kingdom. "

Tohsaka Tokiomi and Kotomine Kirei each recited incantations aloud while drawing the magic circle, using not the blood of the sacrificial offering but molten gem solution.For the arrival of this day, Tohsaka used up all the gems filled with magic power in his savings.

Kotomine Risei was guarding at the side.

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